Rex x OC (2)

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"Blast," I grunted, sighing. "This is dumb." I kicked the cell bars, rolling my eyes and sitting down on the bench inside my tiny cell. I couldn't reach far enough through to grab the keys. I had no idea where my lightsaber was, probably on Hondo's belt. I huffed and laid down, staring at the blank ceiling. I had no idea what was going to happen now, but I knew Hondo would ransom me off for money, either to the separatists or back to the Republic. Either way, it would be more than humiliating.

I closed my eyes, taking in a deep breath to calm my emotions, then letting it out slowly. I drifted off in meditation to my happy place. My fantasies of the dreams I would never be able to achieve. Specifically, love. As a Jedi Knight, or soon to be, it was forbidden for me to fall in love. I was still a padawan, young and stupid. I had just turned 18, but I couldn't help myself. That Captian... I only saw him when we had combined missions, but it was happening more often as the war dragged on. He and Cody were close friends, which brought me in by association. I had fun with the two of them, along with Ahsoka, but Rex was the one who weaseled into my heart. My emotions for him occupied my brain like a plague. I reminiced on the good times we had together, the four of us, but with highlights on Rex. He was tender, and gentle, especially when I got hurt once. My master had scolded me, but I didn't care, because Rex's gentle touch and soft, kind words made me feel deeper than anyone else could ever reach.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard keys clanging and doors opening. Three pirates, one being Hondo, walked into the room, Hondo smirking a bit. The cell doors were opened and another prisoner was thrown in with me, a man. I rushed to the doors, but was too late, as they closed them. I was seething, but just stared daggers in his direction. "So, what then? You going to sell me? Enslave me? What?"

Hondo smiled, as if it was amusing to him. "Oh, sweet youngling, I would never be so vile as to enslave you. I'll auction you off, and whoever wins you can enslave you!" He laughed and shook his head, walking out, as I scanned him for my lightsaber, which was on his belt, just as I had thought.

I huffed as he left just as quick as he came, then looked to the man below me, walking over and kneeling beside him. "Hey, are you hurt?" I looked him over, realizing it was a clone.

"Commander," he said softly. "No, I'm okay. Cody sent me, but the plan went wrong. As if those dirty pirates knew it the whole time."

I nodded. "What's your name, trooper?" I helped him to his feet. Hondo had stripped him of his armor and weapons.

"Splash," he said softly, sitting on the bench where I'd been laying earlier. He sighed. "I'm sorry, Commander."

"Don't worry about it," I replied, shaking my head and sitting beside him, smiling a little. "At least we know that they're out there, trying to get us back."

He matched my smile and gave a soft chuckle. "True."

I hummed and leaned against the wall, closing my eyes. "Just have to wait...Hm?'

"Sure, Commander. I'm just glad I found you."

I laughed a little, and nodded. "Me too."


After three days, Hondo returned to the cell, shaking his head. "Well, well, well, looks like the rescue effort failed and we scared your precious Republic away. Now, let's get you out to go to the auction." His men unlocked the cell, two of them grabbing me by my arms and handcuffing me, two more doing the same to Splash.

"You're just going to sell us off? That's it?"
 I huffed as I walked with them, though didn't resist too much. If it was true, and they had given up on us, we really were hopeless anyways.

"Yes," Hondo replied, shaking his head. "You're more trouble than you're worth, Jedi. And clones, they're programmed. So predictable. I don't need either of you here any longer."

I rolled my eyes, shaking my head as we were loaded into a speeder. I looked to Splash, and he looked to me, wondering if there was a plan. I shook my head slightly, and he looked down. I looked out on the horizon, sighing. The sun was setting, and it was beautiful. I hummed and nudged Splash. "Look at the sunset," I said softly, trying to get him to smile the way Rex would've tried to get me to if he was here.

Splash looked up, offered a small smile, but looked back down quickly. He was discouraged. I felt like a failure for not being a leader, but what was I to do? I didn't have any kind of plan, nor could I think of one that wouldn't end up with one or both of us killed. So, I sat, watching the sunset, until we arrived.

The auction block was ahead, and apparently, I was the main course for the night, along with Splash. I sighed heavily as they took us from the speeder and walked us into a building on the side. There were proabbly a hundred or more people there, just waiting for the auction to start. To buy slaves. People.

The whole thought disgusted me, but I was even further disgusted when I saw what the other slaves were wearing. I shook my head and tried not to stare, looking at my feet as these pirates dragged me around. We were the last ones on the agenda, but highly anticipated.

A few hours later, we were led onto the block. I looked up at the stars and over the crowd, which had dwindled. Splash and I were pushed to our knees, earning a grunt from us both. I looked out over the crowd. Hondo was up with us, advertising us, and even showing off my lightsaber. I looked to Splash. "I'm sorry," I said softly.

He shook his head. "It's alright, Commander. We clones are meant to die."

"That's not true," I protested, but I got knocked in the back of the head.

"Shut up," came a growl of one of the pirates behind me, and they did the same to Splash.

I huffed as the bidding started. It wasn't anything special. I'd lost track of the amount of credits they were bidding on, sighing and just waiting for it to be over. Just when I thought someone had bought the both of us and my saber, someone in the back hopped in. The bidding continued in a fierce battle, different than before. I glanced up to see this stranger was a cloaked figure. A hood hid his face, and I couldn't even make out his species. He won, after a long fight and an insane amount of credits. The rest of the crowd dispersed, except this hooded figure and a few others roaming around, probably drunk.

The pirates pulled us both to our feet, and we faced the man, who climbed onto the block. He handed a briefcase to Hondo, then took my lightsaber, making it disappear beneath his cloak. Another hooded figure came up, taking Splash and leaving for a speeder. The first one took me by the arm, dragging me out to a separate speeder. I resisted a bit. "Don't think just because you bought me that you own me. I'm nobody's property. You'd better be careful, too. If I ever get my saber back, you'll be sorry."

The man just tightened his grip, though not hard, and pulled me along. I huffed as he put me into the second seat of his speeder, then sat in the driver's seat. I heard Hondo yell from the auction block, something about thief. I looked back just as a shot came my way. I ducked, and the hooded figure held my head down into the seat. I wasn't going to complain. He drove away quickly, and after a few moments, he let me lift my head again. His hood had flown off due to the wind, and I could make out his features in the dark.

"Rex?!" I huffed, blinking. I couldn't believe it.

He smiled and looked to me. "I'm surprised you couldn't feel my presence or something," he said with a small chuckle, pulling out my saber and igniting it.

I cut my binders off, and took my saber, smiling. "You idiot."

"Hey, this idiot saved you," he replied. "How did you even get captured, anyways?"

I shrugged. "I told the truth."

"Well that was a stupid thing to do."

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