Chapter 7: Final Battle

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There ain't no stopping us, stopping us
We ain't pressing rewind

The sky was the limit
Now, the stars where we livin'
It the wise when we're in it
It'll blow your mind

It's so perfect, perfect, perfect
Harmony so cold
Perfect, perfect, perfect
Let it go

As they held the last note, they started to float off from the floor/couch but John cut it off. "Stop, stop, time out." John said as everyone went back to their spots. "Let's do it again from the top. Spruce, I want some smolde in those eyes. Clay, you're being too stiff, we need some filler robot. Bitty B, maybe a smaller diaper." He said, "If this diaper was any smaller, I could taste it." Branch growled through his breath. "That's why I don't wear one of those. It's a hard fit to pull off." Tiny said, "Really great note, John Dory. Super helpful. Thanks. Thanks. Now I have a creative note for you: Stop being bossy!" Clay exclaimed,

"What? I'm not being bossy. I'm helping us be better." John said in defense. "No, no, dude, you're forcing us to be perfect, just like you always have, so we can hit the perfect family harmony." He said, "Yeah, for Floyd and KayKay." "Is it or is this all just so you can tell people what to do again?" Spruce questioned, "Wh-What?" "Guys, guys, this really isn't helpful right now. Let's all maybe take five, huh?" Poppy said, "This isn't gonna work if you keep on being the same old John Dory." Spruce said, "Yeah, we've all changed. Bruce settled down, Branch is slightly taller with zero glasses, and I'm a licensed CPA! Put some respect on my name, fool!" Clay shouted,

"Well, I'm not allowed to change. I'm the oldest. I had to be the leader." John argued, "You love bossing us around, just admit it. Why do you think I moved to the middle of nowhere? So, I didn't have to be in charge of anyone. Four little brothers is a lot of responsibility!" John exclaimed, "Why do you think I left? So, no one would treat me like you did." Spruce said, "You know what, Spruce-" "It's Bruce!" "Thank you, Clay!" "Guys, we can't forget about Floyd and KayKay." Branch said, "Look, Branch is right- We're here for them. Let's just get this done, and we go our separate ways." John said as they agreed.

"Wait, what?" "What? The mission's the mission. You didn't think we'd all live together when this was all over, did you? Singing songs and roasting marshmallows?" John said, "Oh, I'm sorry. Is that funny to you? That I might want us to actually be a family again?" Branch said as he pulled out a piece of paper. "Tiny Diamond, pull over now." He did what he said as everyone stumbled a bit. "Don't be a baby, Branch." Spruce said, making him stop in his tracks. "You're mad at him but you guys do the exact same thing to me like the baby of the family, but guess what? I stopped being a baby the day you guys walked out on me 'cause I had to. Then, Grandma got eaten, and there was no one else to take care of me. This time, I'm walking out on you." He said as he threw the paper towards them before leaving the bus.

Poppy went to the paper and kneeled down to pick up the paper, and opened it to reveal it to be the same old piece of paper that Branch had when he was a baby when his brother left. "This is Branch's bunker. He built this off you guys." She said, "I didn't know." John said, "I guess you never asked." She said as she went outside and went to catch up with Branch. "Wait...Grandma got eaten?" Clay said, ", I feel like the worst brother ever than before." Spruce said as he leaned on a basket but fell down to the floor that made the basket to open and some stuff to come out from it.

They noticed some stuff and the same book. "Well, I guess the techno troll wouldn't mind if we take a peak at this." John said as he picked up the book and opened it to reveal some pages that had some pictures of the trolls that are having the same condition like Floyd and her. "What the...This is the same thing that's happening to Floyd and her. She's been trying to find the solution to fix the problem." John said, "So, that's why she's been acting like that after all this time...of trying to find the solution all this time." Spruce said, "But...what happens if she and Floyd are gonna be like this much longer?" Clay questioned,

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