Chapter 1: 20 years ago

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"Hi! Yes, it's me, KayKay! It's been so long since we've seen each other since the world tour and we're back by popular demand and since there's another brand-new movie, Trolls: Band Together! Let me recap on what happened before: I was sent into the Real World when I was a young trolling...who hasn't hatched yet from their egg and grew up in the Real World. Besides making a name for myself as a Megastar Celebrity, the trolls have found me and brought me back to my real home. Also, spoilers ahead if you guys haven't seen the movie! Let's get this started!"

20 years ago

Inside of a pod, there's a few posters around with 4 trolls boys with the same blue skin but different hair colors; a purple one was doing sit-ups without a shirt, hot pink one was stretching, yellowish green one was checking themselves in the mirror wearing sparkling underwear, teal one was writing/checking something on some paper. A stage worker checked off something from their checkerboard. "One minute till showtime!" They said as they walked but a baby trolling with dark blue looked through the leaf curtains to see a large crowd of trolls chatting their group name: Brozone.

"Alright, guys. We're gonna open with Girl Baby Baby and close with Baby Baby Girl- Wait, no, that doesn't sound right. Oh! I got it, Open with Baby Baby Girl, close with Baby Baby Girl Woman!" John Dory exclaimed as he threw his crayon down. "Yes! We're gonna make boy band history tonight." Then, he turned to his brother, Spruce, still doing sit ups. "510, 511.." "Love it, brother! I need to see a hundred more of those by showtime tonight, Spruce! Those abs need to be popping, baby!" He exclaimed,

"Oh, come on!" Spruce shouted as he struggled a bit. "God, I wanna boil an egg on those abs." "John Dory, do I really have to keep wearing these things?" Clay questioned, looking at his shiny underwear with a lightning symbol on it. "Yes, you do, Clay! They're thunder drawers; they're underwear with 76% more fun." He said, "Now let's see those dance moves, brother!"

"Fine...Rusty Robot into Wiggle Worm and Kelly DJ Puppy, yeah." Clay said, sticking his tongue out. "Bro, you looked stressed. Breathe." Floyd said as he took a deep breath. "Well, of course, I'm stressed, Floyd..It's the first show of the tour! We have to hit the perfect family harmony!" John Dory exclaimed,

"We promised the fans!" "Okay, calm down. You're making Baby Branch nervous." He said, looking at his baby brother who was still staring out the curtains while the crowd was still changing their name. "What? Nervous? No, no, no, no, no! He's not allowed to be nervous, he gotta be perfect."

"Cut him some slack, John Dory. It's his first show." Floyd said as he walked to Baby Branch. "ARGH! Come on, abs!" Spruce exclaimed, "Hey, Branch..How you feeling?" Floyd asked, "I feel like I'm gonna barf and pass out and-" "Pee your pants all at once?" "How did you know?" Branch asked,

"You got the pre-show jitters. Completely normal, everyone gets them. Do you know what I do when I get them?" Floyd questioned, "Barf, pass out and pee your pants?" Branch said, "I remember that I'm with my brothers and when we come together, there is nothing that we can't do." He said,

"But no one ever hit the perfect family harmony before. Is it true that it could shatter diamonds?" Branch asked with his eyes sparkled. "Yeah, it's that powerful." "Alright, boys. Just remember: Whatever you do, follow my lead." John Dory said, "Or maybe, let's go out there and have fun together." Floyd said,

"It's much pressure." Clay whimpered a bit. "10 seconds!" "And what happens if we can't hit it?" Spruce asked, "Oh, that's not an option. If we can't hit the perfect family harmony, we're not perfect and if we're not perfect, we're nothing!" John Dory exclaimed as Branch was bouncing with excitement while the rest of his brothers stared at John Dory with deadpanned looks, then at each other. "Just follow my lead and harmony will happen. Let's bro!"

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