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"Hello, my name is Han Taesan."

"Oh my, another hottie." nayeon whispers to her friends while giggling.

"You can find an open seat, taesan." the teacher says to him.

I looked out the window, hoping he wouldn't choose the seat next to mine.

"Taesan! There's an open seat next to me." nayeon whisper shouts to him before winking.

"Sorry, but I already chose a seat." he apologized before sitting down next to me.

I groaned mentally before I noticed he had turned to me "Hey, my names taesan, whats your name?"

"Ayun." I replied, avoiding eye contact.

"Do you mind if I sit with you during lunch?" he asks.

I turned to him, eyebrows raised "You sure? I usually just sit alone."

He nodded before giving me a smile. I gave him a small smile before turning back, not knowing there was a pair of eyes full of resent watching the entire time.

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