October 15th

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Remember how you started sleepin' downstairs for a while? You told me you got too tired to go upstairs and that you couldn't go upstairs without having to carry the breathing tank because it was too heavy or it carrying it made you tired. Of course, you stopped sleeping downstairs when you asked me to take you upstairs so you could sleep in your bed.

When I brought you upstairs to your room, you never really would leave, you'd just stay in bed. Remember how you asked me to make paper cranes with you? I do and we made a bunch of them before you got tired. You wanted to make them blue, so we made a lot of blue ones, each a different kind of blue. It was like a rainbow but with blues.

Remembered how the next day you wanted different colored ones, too? I do and I asked ya' what color and you told me whatever colors outside. The leaves were all kinds of orange, reds, and yellows and I told you that, so you asked me to go out and get some paper like that. We made a lot of those ones, too, and then you asked me to get some pink ones and whatevers. We made a lot them, too, and then we hung them up the wall.

You're welcome, Sats.

- 纏 流子

Paper CranesWhere stories live. Discover now