Im happy on what you are

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they arrived almost nine o'clock at night, now Danielle is still carrying Haerin on her back, meanwhile Haerin is fast asleep, so Danielle put Haerin down on her bed and kiss her on the forehead, Danielle went straight to her room and at the same time lying holding her favorite book about gays, while she was focused on reading, her phone rang, Danielle was annoyed because of the disturbance, but she knew that there was nothing she could do because someone was calling, so she just answered the call, when she answered it, her frowning face suddenly turn to a smile when she knew it was her parents , so she immediately answered it

ow Dani, Baby how are you?

Danielle was annoyed because on what she was called, she knew she was older enough but she was still called by that,

Mom, stop calling me that I'm grown up,

how is Haerin,

Danielle was become more upset because they immediately change the conversation but she let it go,

She's fine, she replied

how is your study going?

It's fine, she said

good then,

When are you and Dad coming home?

Hmmmm maybe, on the second day



when Danielle found out about it, she was so happy that she was about to jump the bed, but she just smiled

Where is Haerin, they asked

She is sleeping now,

hmmm, and you, why you haven't slept yet, don't tell me you're reading about that book again

Ow yeah, sorry,

its ok, but don't stay up late


Ok, I'll put the phone down now, good night

good night to you too, and also tell good night to dad for me,

ok ok bye

the next day came and Haerin woke up early, but Danielle was still asleep in her room, so Haerin went to her sister's room, and when she got to her room, she saw her sleeping very soundly while next to her was her book, She was about to wake her up but she couldn't stop herself because her sister was so cute, so she stared at her face for a moment, and because she was staring at her for so long she didn't notice the her eyes open, that's why she suddenly stepped back while blushing, Danielle immediately asked her what happened, but she answered this

nothing, she stammered

but why do you stutter to speak, dani said

huh! my voice is fine, she laughed awkwardly

Ow Ok,

Haerin felt relieved that her sister didn't notice that she was staring at her earlier,

now the two went down, and prepared food, after they ate, they were started clicking on their own phone, Danielle remembered about their parents so she immediately informed Haerin about it

Haerin, Dad and Mom are going home tomorrow



haerin couldn't hold back the happiness so she ran to Danielle and hugged her

Unnie, I'm so happy

yes, it's obvious

I wonder what souvenir that they bring us tomorrow, she asked Dani

huh, don't tell me you're just waiting for the souvenir,

Unnie of course I'm also happy with their arrival, but

but what?, Dani said

it's even better if they have a souvenir for us, she giggled

yes, if you say so,

a few minutes passed, and the two were still busy on their phones, but moments later Danielle felt hungry so she checked the time on her phone and she realized it was time for their lunch, so she quickly went to the kitchen to prepare the food and when she finished on cooking she prepared it immediately on the table, she called Haerin to eat and she came immediately, they dig the food and then they washed it in the sink, after they washed it they put it in a container, now they thought of taking out their instrument and brought it to their favorite spot, because Danielle's drum set was at school she was only using her snare drum that was kept in the basement of their house, and because she also used it when she was young, she still knows how to play it, so it's not surprising that she still knows how to use it, now they practice their new song, and after that they got it a little they decided to stop for the moment but Danielle realized that it's not good enough she tell to Haerin that they need a little more practice for a few more hours and Haerin agreed, they practiced for a few more hours and finally they got it, now the only problem they need is who will sing it, but they just decided together that they will think about it later when the groups are together,

now they entered the house and put the instrument away, and since it was only 3 in the afternoon they thought of having fun together to pass the time, so they decided to do now is just to play a video game, now Haerin was shocked because her sister is so good about this, they already played a few games and she only just lost a few times on her, so now  she thought that she just gave up and accept defeat about it, now Danielle is happy because she won, while Haerin can't believe that her sister beat her, she know that her sister doesn't play the game apart from her but her sister still beat her, but she just let it go because she won't be surprised if she's good at it because she knows her sister really well and she knows she's good at everything, now Haerin just smiled at her sister and Danielle noticed it so she asked her what was so funny,

no Unnie, I just didn't think you could beat me in the game even though you didn't play the video games very often

ow! is that so?


why, you're good too, right?

but you are better than me

hmmm I know, but when I said you're good, you're really good, so I'm happy because that's what you are

thank you


Three hours passed, and now it's 6 o'clock in the evening, they ate and then they talked about random things about schools or even on what they experience, and after  some talking they realize that the time has passed immediately, and because of chatting on a long time they feel more tired about it so they just got up on the sofa go to there own room to sleep

good night Unnie

you too good night

but before that they made sure that the instruments were in order and when they made sure that they were in order they immediately went to their own room and sleep

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