3 - Y/n's Healing Powers

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WARNINGS: Wound, bleeding, jumping off a high place (Jade Chamber)


Ningguang had gotten so caught up in her work that she never went to check up on her 'creator'

And only a few hours after she had been put to bed, y/n woke up.
Her slime friends weren't by her side, and that made her worried, so she set off to find them

She figured it wouldn't be that hard, the Jade Chamber wasn't huge, she knew her way around from the times she explored the place on her sister's Ipad

And after a bit of walking, she found the slimes inside a dusty room, it looked like it hadn't been used in years

The little enemies perked up when they saw their child friend walk inside and quickly jumped toward her

Y/n hugged each one of them and smiled

"I wanna explore again, but I don't know if Ningguang is busy, and I can't find the nice lady from yesterday, what should I do?"

The little blobs didn't know what to do, or how to answer y/n's question, so they just stared at her

Y/n hummed

"I guess I'll go out on my own" She made her decision and walked out of the room, quickly making her way to the outside of the Jade Chamber

The slimes hurried after her, afraid that she would get hurt

Once y/n reached the outside, she looked down at the Harbor

"How do I get down?" The girl couldn't seem to remember how the characters in the game got down without falling to their death...

She shrugged and stood at the edge

"I dunno how to get down the other way, so I'm gonna jump! Come with me" She looked at the slimes behind her

They were shaking slightly, afraid of the damage they would take if they fell off somewhere that high

"Don't worry! We can go together" The small child tried to reassure her non-human friends, but her words did nothing to comfort them

She sighed in frustration. "Fine, if you don't wanna come, stay here until I get back!" She ordered

The little enemies could only cower in fear of the kid (how ironic)

Y/n then turned around, took a step back...

And jumped off the edge.

The slimes watched as she fell, and the hydro slime began to cry (can they even cry?) and shake even more, it didn't want it's new friend to die, at least not so soon

While the little blobs shook and wept, little y/n landed on the ground and stood up as if nothing had happened, she had no wounds, there was not one scratch on her

Which was odd considering the fact she had gotten a cut on her hand only a few hours after getting transported to Teyvat

Maybe she was finally developing her godly powers? A fall that high would've killed her if she was as ordinary as she was before getting here

But y/n was a little too dumb (childish?) to realize that...

She got up and walked toward the Harbor, free of any worries, being the happy and carefree child she is

Y/n walked through the city, receiving a few subtle stares as she passed by

She had no idea people thought she was a God (maybe she is?), so whenever someone stared at her, she just assumed it was because she was walking alone

After a few minutes of walking, y/n saw a girl around her age, sitting on the dirty ground, crying her eyes out

People passing by just ignored her, as if she wasn't even there.
Y/n frowned and walked over to the girl

"Hey... Are you hurt? Why are you crying?" She asked

The girl looked up and sniffled "M-my dad- He hit me again! A-and my head hurts a lot..." She removed her hand from her forehead to show a big gash with blood spewing out

Y/n felt disgusted seeing a wound like that for the first time

"You're bleeding real bad!" She said as she pointed to the wound on the other girl's head

"I know... It hurts a lot- C-can you help me?"

Y/n hummed "I dunno... I don't have magic powers- Oh! My mom told me that if you kiss it, the pain stops! Can I kiss your forehead to see if it will stop?"

The other girl sniffled and shrugged "I-If you think it'll help..."

Y/n kissed her wound, and much to her surprise, the bleeding on the girl's forehead stopped and the gash closed

"It doesn't hurt anymore, thank you!" The other girl smiled and wiped her tears

Y/n, albeit surprised, smiled back "I didn't think it would work! But I guess I have healing powers now. What's your name?" She asked

"My name is Li Hua, what's yours?"


"I like you, let's be friends!"


And that was how y/n got herself a new friend

She and Li Hua ventured off to play, both of them seemed to be in a better mood now.
The two had never made any friends their age before, so this was new for them

They spent the whole day playing, feeding the dogs, throwing rocks at the sea, stealing a piece of bread from a mean old man, and many other things

But when the night came, both girls seemed to realize they needed to get home

"Uhm, I have to go, my dad will get mad... Y/n, promise you'll visit me tomorrow? The same spot you found me in, you promise?" Li Hua held out her pinky

Y/n linked her finger with Li Hua's and nodded

"I promise I'll visit you" She then let go and watched her friend run to her house

She looked around and walked, she walked until she couldn't anymore

She was... Lost.
She didn't know how to get back to the Jade Chamber, even when she played the game, it was hard to navigate through the city

It was quite frustrating for a child, but she wasn't going to start crying in the middle of the streets

Instead, she found a little spot for herself and sat down, quietly rethinking her choices

Maybe if she looked better, she would've found the lady from yesterday, and she wouldn't be lost right now...

Before she could think of anything else, hurried footsteps approached her.
She looked up and saw a very worried Ningguang

The woman quickly picked y/n up and sighed in relief

"I'm so glad I found you, when I was told you were missing, I almost fainted. How did you get down from the Jade Chamber?" She asked

"I jumped off!"


Y/n could tell Ningguang was shocked, only for a few seconds, she must've realized something

"Alright... I'm just relieved to see you safe, I'll take you back to the Jade Chamber, perhaps you could tell me all about the adventure you had on the way"

And that's what y/n did, she rambled away until she eventually tired herself out and fell asleep in Ningguang's arms.


A/N: Sorry it's such a short chapter, and sorry for dissappearing off the face of the earth for a good second, I promise I didn't forget about my stories, I'll try to update more

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28 ⏰

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