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I wake up and rush out of bed grabbing my shoes off the floor. Ian and Lip wake up, Carl's still asleep though.
Ria: Shit i fell asleep, my moms going to kill me.
Lip: I'll come with you.
Ria: No i don't want to get in even more trouble but thanks anyway.
Ian: See you later.
Ria: Bye bye.
I mess up lips hair and then kiss Ian's forehead and run out. I go home quietly so my mom doesn't wake up off the couch. I walk downstairs pretending i've been there all night.
Ria: Morning Mom, Coffee?
Mom: Yes.
I pour her coffee and then hand it to her.
Ria: I got a job for the summer, i'm going to do that so i can help with the bills.
Mom: Good girl.
I get dressed into my denim shorts and black stop with sparkles on it, i put my converse on and walk over to the Gallaghers. I walk through the door to see them all sat there. Ian is sat on the comfy chair.
Ria: Heyy, your sat in the comfy chair.
Ian: Sorry.
I then huff and sit on Ian wrapping my arms around his neck, He laughs and i just stay there. I know Lip knows he's gay, but i can see the jealousy on his face.

Lip: I gotta get going, see ya later everyone.
Fiona: Hey, Hey Come back here. Where are you going?
Lip: to help Karen study.
Ian: More like fuck.
Lip: Fuck off Ian.
I feel jealousy, i don't want to but i can't help it. I like Lip but knowing he's fucking another girl. I hate it.
Ria: I'm gonna uh- go to the bathroom.
I walk upstairs and forget to close the door, i put my hands on the sink and look down. Breathing slowly.
Ian: Hey, what's up?
Ria: Nothing, i'm fine. Just go back downstairs Ian.
Ian: Come on.
He grabs my arm and takes me to his room, we sit on his bed.
Ria: Fine, i'm just kinda jealous.
Ian: Of Lip and Karen?
Ria: Yeah, i think i'm getting feelings for him.
Ian: Its okay, you'll find someone new. Just forget about him.
Then all of a sudden Fiona shouts up to us.
Fiona: Dads missing!
Me and Ian both run downstairs, confused looks on our faces.
Ria: What??
Fiona: His disability bill came in today and he never misses it and he's gone. No one knows where he is.

We all call people trying to find out where he has been, none of us can find him. Then the door knocks, Fiona opens it looking stressed.
Fiona: Oh hey Tony, we're kind of in the middle of something now.
Tony: I know where your dad is. I'll come in and explain.
He then walks in and we all sit around him.
Tony: Frank is in Canada, they think he's a drug dealer so they've put him in prison. They want him off Canadian soil as soon as possible.
Kev: Tony can you like...
Then Tony covers his ears, i let out a small giggle.
Kev: I can't take my car because of everything.
Steve: I have an idea.
He tells us the plan and we all nod. Then me and Lip go up to his room to talk.
Ria: what do you want Lip? We're kind of in the middle of something.
Lip: Why are you mad at me?
Ria: I'm not mad Lip, i just-

We stare into each others eyes, seconds later our faces are smashing together. He throws me on the bed making out passionately with me. He then have the dirtiest sex ever. We then go back down stairs like nothing happened.
Ian: Hey guys- Your lipstick.
I get out my phone and check that it's smudged and then Lip checks his face on my phone and his lips are pink. He rubs them quickly and walks away, Ian sits next to me on the couch with his jaw dropped.
Ian: You had sex.
Ria: Keep your voice down Ian Gallagher. But yeah, we did. Shit i'm such a bad person, he has a girlfriend. Anyway let's find Frank.

Ria Jenners x Lip Gallagher Where stories live. Discover now