white dress on the rooftop

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The first time Eren laid eyes on you was a day etched into his memory, a day he struggled to forget despite his best efforts.

Perched on a rooftop, he could still feel the sweet, cold wind brushing against his skin and vividly recall one of the most beautiful sunsets he had witnessed since that moment.

His friends had invited him to a seemingly small gathering on the rooftop, unaware of the multitude of unfamiliar faces that awaited him. Eren observed the crowd, analyzing their mannerisms, speech, and stance. Analyzing everything around him was an innate instinct, a way for him to anticipate their next move or decipher the essence of each person. Eren's keen observational skills were crucial for him to navigate life.

Prior to the gathering, Jean and Connie had spoken to him about you, highlighting your presence as the perfect opportunity for him to finally meet you.

He wasn't particularly excited or nervous about meeting you, not attaching much importance to the encounter. However, as he stepped into the rooftop gathering, you became the first person to capture his attention. The image of you lingered in his memory — you in a small white dress adorned with lace details, a perfect fit that accentuated your form.

You stood confidently at the edge of the barrier, unaffected by the height, gazing down the length of the building. The wind tousled your hair, creating a picturesque scene that left Eren captivated. In that moment, you resembled an angel, and he found himself contemplating whether he had stumbled upon Paradise, with you as the gatekeeper.

Perhaps it was a fleeting thought or sheer madness, but a vision struck him — you as the perfect bride. He pictured you adorned with a bouquet of flowers, envisioning the flawless image of you becoming his. A realization hit him: "I might be in trouble."

With just one look, he felt an undeniable certainty. You were the perfect girl, and in that instant, Eren knew he had found something extraordinary. Or he was just crazy.

In the enchanting glow of the rooftop scene, Eren found himself drawn to you like a moth to a flame, his heart beating in sync with the ethereal beauty that stood before him. Unaware of his friends' departure, he seized the moment to stand by your side, silently reveling in the warmth of your presence.

As he observed you discreetly, captivated by the radiance in your eyes, he yearned to unravel the mystery of the emotions they held. Your eyes possessed an enchanting power, capable of stirring a whirlwind of feelings within him. He couldn't help but feel that your gaze had the magic to make him willingly succumb to your every desire.

The rosy blush on your cheeks, mirroring the delicate hue of your lips, painted a picture of delicate vulnerability. Perhaps it was the cold air or the sheer enchantment of the moment that adorned you with this soft glow. Your lips, plump and inviting, held a constant pout that fueled Eren's desire to know the thoughts hidden behind that captivating expression.

Lost in this moment, Eren wondered how he had existed without crossing paths with you before. Your existence, like a secret garden, unfolded a realm of possibilities and emotions he hadn't dared explore. The prospect of encountering another woman who could invoke the same profound impact seemed distant, for his attention was solely fixated on you.

With every heartbeat, Eren silently hoped for your notice, yearning for the moment when your gaze would meet his, and a spark of recognition would kindle a shared connection. In the quiet symphony of the rooftop night, love's whisper echoed between the stolen glances and unspoken desires.

You remained entirely unaware of his presence, engrossed in observing the activity below you. The city moved like a living organism, people resembling tiny ants from your elevated vantage point.
As you contemplated the possibility of jumping, a morbid curiosity consumed your thoughts. Would it lead to death, or might there be a slim chance of survival? It wasn't a suicidal notion, but rather a recurring contemplation that crossed your mind. You wondered if death would unfold like a dream or a harrowing nightmare, and this uncertainty instilled a profound appreciation for life, mingled with the fear of what might lie beyond.
Despite having a wonderful boyfriend, great friends, beauty, and intelligence, you grappled with the question: Was it enough? The happiness you experienced made you try to believe that you were content, yet a lingering uncertainty persisted. You wondered if this happiness would endure, if it could last forever.

"Y/N!" Sasha's excited voice echoed from behind you as she jumped into your arms. "I missed you! How was the trip with Porco?" You shared details of your recent journey with her, downplaying any negative aspects and attempting to convey that it was enjoyable.
In reality, the trip made you question whether Porco was the right person for you, realizing that his greatness might be confined to a short period rather than lasting forever.
"You have to meet Eren! He came with Jean and Connie specifically to meet you," Sasha exclaimed, adding a new dimension to the reunion.

You had heard about Eren – whispers suggesting he was more interested in a good time than a long one. Though you were acquainted with his appearance through social media and friends, you couldn't deny he was good-looking, but he didn't align with your usual type.
Seducers weren't your preference, especially not this type. Despite your reservations, curiosity lingered. You found yourself wondering about the workings of his mind—was it driven by ego or an attempt to fill a void? The enigma surrounding Eren left you with questions that piqued your interest.

"Yo, Eren!" Sasha's enthusiastic shout redirected his attention, and in that split second, his eyes met yours. A jolt ran through him, his heart pausing as you locked eyes with him.
Your eyes met his in a way that made the atmosphere shift. The intensity in your gaze held a mix of familiarity and a hint of something unexplored.
"Hi I'm Y/n" your voice felt like a serenade that gently wrapped around his heart. Your words carried a melody of warmth and kindness, creating a symphony that resonated within him. It was as if each syllable held a tender invitation, inviting him into a world where your voice became a soothing embrace.

Connie's voice jolted him from his thoughts, urging him to shake off the momentary daze and engage in conversation. "Stop embarrassing yourself and talk," Connie teased, encouraging him to make a proper introduction. Taking a breath, he finally managed to say, "I heard about you," keeping it simple yet leaving an air of curiosity in his words.

"Only good things, I hope," you remarked, prompting a playful grin from him. "You can say that," he replied, genuinely curious as the conversation unfolded.

"I heard about you too," you continued. His interest piqued, he welcomed the engagement. "Really?" he asked eagerly.
"Yeah, I heard that you were a slut," your words hit him like a sudden chill, and his smile quickly faded. "It can't be that bad—" he started, attempting to salvage the situation, but you cut in with a more personal revelation.
"Oh, yes, it is. Remember my friend Jade? You crushed her heart," you revealed. His embarrassment was evident as he searched for the right words, desperately trying to reassure you and salvage the image you had of him.

"It's okay, I have nothing against you. I'm sure you're a great person," your words dripped with sarcasm, and he transitioned from embarrassment to annoyance with your attitude.
"Aren't you Porco's girl?" he inquired, observing the change in your expression. "What about it?" you replied, your smile vanishing.
"Nothing. If I'm a slut, you're as bad as me then," he teased, a mischievous smirk playing on his face. There was a hint of satisfaction in his eyes, as if he enjoyed turning the tables and making you uncomfortable, just as you had done to him earlier.

Since that day, you both engaged in a strange dynamic of provoking each other, a weird dance of mutual irritation that oddly satisfied both of you.

As time passed, Eren found himself reflecting on that initial look he had for you. He questioned what had transpired for him to view you through an entirely different lens now. Was the feeling he had during that first gaze still alive, or was it merely a fleeting emotion sparked by the circumstances of that particular moment? The enigma of his evolving perception left him contemplating the nature of that initial connection.

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