life is beautiful, but you don't have a clue

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After spending three weeks practically attached at the hip with Eren, he dropped the news that he was headed out for the weekend to visit his older brother's new farm, a sudden interest he seemed to have developed. The realization hit you hard, a wave of disappointment washing over you as you processed the fact that he would be absent for the next three days, leaving you to navigate the weekend without his comforting presence by your side.

You assisted Eren in packing his suitcase for the weekend trip, urging him to include more than just two pairs of underwear. "I'm not packing five pairs," he protested, to which you retorted,
"That's disgusting ." He shot back, "fuck off, y/n." Irritated, you fell silent on the other side of the bed, observing him as he packed.

"What's with the smile?" he challenged, sensing your amusement. "I'm not smiling," you denied, unaware of your open mockery. His irritation grew. "Yes, you fucking are," he insisted. "Well, you can't wear those slutty shorts and joggers on the farm, Eren," you pointed out. "What do you mean? They're comfy and stylish," he argued. "They're not appropriate. Just pack some old jeans and boots," you advised. "Fine, farmer girl," he acquiesced with a smirk.

The thought of you in a classic farmer girl ensemble, with the knotted flannel, cropped just right, and the overalls, might stir something in him. "Don't even entertain that idea," you interjected, fully aware of where his mind was wandering. "Sure," he replied with a smirk, not bothering to deny it.

"I'll miss you," the words slipped effortlessly from your lips, as if your heart spoke before your mind could catch up. He paused in his packing, turning to gaze at you, nestled on the edge of his bed, wearing his T-shirt, only your tongue picking out, your eyes pleading with sincerity. He marveled at his fortune, to have you here, to have your care and concern. "I'll be back in just two days," he reassured softly. "I know. It's stupid. I shouldn't have said anything."

"It's not stupid . I'm grateful you'll miss me," he asserted, standing before you, his gaze piercing into your vulnerable expression. "Will you miss me?" you inquired, apprehensive about his response. "Yeah, I will. Especially when you're looking at me like that," he admitted, drawing closer to plant a kiss on your forehead before returning to his half-packed suitcase.

Over the past few weeks, you've sensed a deepening bond between you and Eren. However, the nature of this bond is primarily physical - a result of increased activity between the sheets. Despite this, your relationship hasn't undergone any significant changes. The dynamic remains unchanged, with the usual arguments over everything. Yet, amidst the bickering, you pondered how you could have overlooked him for so long.

You find yourself noticing the little things about Eren – his quirks, his mannerisms – and finding them oddly endearing. It's as though you're seeing him in a new light, one that highlights his strengths rather than his faults. And as you lie awake at night, contemplating the complexities of your evolving relationship, you can't help but wonder what the future holds for the two of you.

"Do you want to join me?" Eren inquired, glancing over at you. "At your brother's?" you clarified, already sensing where the conversation was heading.
"Yeah," he confirmed, a hint of hope in his voice. You shook your head adamantly. "Absolutely not, Eren."

He chuckled. "Okay, Y/n, you can try to hide your excitement." Rolling your eyes, you explained, "I'm not up for meeting your brother" "Why's that?" he prodded, genuinely curious. "Because it's gonna be awkward to me. There's too much pressure I can't" you joked, trying to ease the little tension that was growing between you two."Chill, It's not like we're in a relationship or something," he retorted, pointing out the obvious.

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