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Ok.. this part is a little steamy!! 😳

As sematary awoke he felt a Hard sensation in his pants. 😳He knew who could fix this. His lover, Vaniessa. She didn't remember him but right now he didn't care . He needed her.

Sematary dashed to his Hotel Inn Cottagecore mushroom phone and dialed Vanisssa Digits up.




Hello? Who is this? sayed Vaniessa

Sematary groaned and palmed his BONER through the truey jeans

"F-Fuck This is Sematary I am hard baby please help." sayed Sematary

"Ok On my way!" said Vaniessa


Vani was taking wayyy too long for Sematary.

He decided to go and find her.

As he arrived at Vani's house, he was pleased to see that her parents weren't home. He walked up the steps in the home and heard the sound of running water.

Vani flinched, goosebumps forming on her skin as the cold water splashed down. She took a step back, almost falling, but familiar arms wrapped around her waist that kept her steady. She felt a hard twitch against the curve of her ass.

"Sematary." Vani clutched onto his hands, fingers weaving. "I didn't hear you come in."

Sematary buried his head in her neck and nibbled on her flesh. "Mind if I join you?"

Vani tilted her head back, catching Sematary's lips. She slid her tongue against his, scraping the roof of his mouth.

Sematary pushed her into the shower, flushing her back against the cold tile and hoisting her legs around his waist. Fuck, he was so strong.

The water was finally warm, but Sematary's tongue licked across her chest, making her shiver with delight. She clung onto his shoulders, her fingernails digging deep into his neck. Sematary lowered her, bringing one leg down to keep her standing, and the other draped on his shoulder as he kissed his way down into a kneel. She was drenched, clit aching to be relieved as Sematary's face hovered near her entrance.

Vani looked down on him with half-lidded eyes. She caught his gaze, wide with anticipation, and tongue out, teasing the hell out of her. She cradled his head, deft fingers pulling at strands. She fluttered her eyes closed and gently pushed Sematary's head where she needed him most.

Sematary chuckled against her slick folds, tongue lapping her up clean. He loved it when she took control, never asking permission to please her the way she wanted. He swirled his tongue inside, earning loud moans and tight tugs to his hair. He shifted his body, turning his face away from the shower and letting the water hit his back instead.

"I want you now, please," Vani begged. His tongue worked wonders—a muscle as strong as any other parts of him. But Vani needed to be filled.

Sematary pulled away and stood up. He cupped Vani's ass, and she wrapped her legs around his hips, clinging tightly. He pressed his back against the wall, right underneath the shower head. He lowered Vani onto his throbbing cock, watching her head tilt back and the water splashing against her exposed chest.

Vani planted her feet against the wall, trapping Sematary with her thighs. Her left hand braced against the wall next to her while her right hand clutched onto Sematary's bulging bicep.

She bounced up and down, Sematary's cock going in and out with ease. Her walls trembled, and Sematary twitched inside as she squeezed. They were both close.

Sematary grunted, thudding his head hard and cracking a tile or two on the wall. Vani's toes curled, whimpering as she tightened her walls around his cock. "Sematary!"

They came at the same time, warm liquid dripping down Sematary's thighs as he lifted Vani off him.

"Shit, we made a mess," Vani complained, grabbing a wash rag to wipe down the excess of their combined juices off her legs.

Sematary grabbed the soap and lathered it on Vani's chest, fingers grazing her nipples. "Sematary!" Vani giggled, pushing his hands away from her breasts.

They sleep in the House together the end.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2023 ⏰

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