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Chan's POV:

I sat at the breakfast table with Minho and Jisung, while they were painfully quiet. I was used to it though.

"We have a trip coming up, don't we?" Jisung suddenly questioned.

"We do?" Minho seemed rather shocked.

"Oh, yeah, I overheard a bit about it when I went to hand in my Pol. Science assignment, in the staff room." I added. "Our homeroom teacher will discuss all the details by tomorrow."

"I'm excited!" Jisung expressed. "But only if we four get a room of our own. Otherwise, it's no fun."

"I just hope the location is decent." Minho stated.

"It is," Changbin appeared and sat next to me with his tray. "We're going to a campsite and will stay in tent-houses, two in each. I am in the organizing committee."

"Ah. That's why you said you had a meeting early in the morning." Minho thought out loud.

"That's awesome! Can't wait for the announcement of the date." I replied.

"Woah. Can we choose our roommates there?" Jisung asked.

"The teachers will. The rooms have two individual beds, shouldn't be a problem." Changbin's words made Jisung visibly pout.

"I see." Jisung said in a low voice. "You all continue, I need to grab something from my locker before class."

The three of us bid him our goodbyes and agreed to meet again at lunch.

"Chan hyung." Changbin called out. "Why did you leave without me, Lix, and Jeongin that day?"

"That day? Which day?- Oh!" I chuckled on getting reminded of that day. "I had some fun."

"What? You were fast asleep when I returned to the dorm, though. Or were you pretending?" He interrogated.

"I drank too much, I guess. I danced with Jeongin, and then-" I paused. "I left."

"I think you owe him an explanation, he was visibly flustered." He pointed towards the table at the other end of the room, with his head.

I glanced and saw Jeongin's back facing us, he was sitting with Felix and the others. I kept quiet at that.

Minho was silent the whole time. He finally opened his mouth to ask, "You like Jeongin?"

I snapped my head towards his direction. "How could you think so! He's clearly uninterested."

"I wasn't asking about him but alright, I get it." For a split second, I looked at him and saw his softened gaze while he looked over at the other table. This wasn't the first time I saw the same expression in his eyes. I was indeed curious about it, but I never asked him. I believed that he would tell me whenever he was ready, I trusted my mates.


Felix's POV:

"Are you both okay?" I asked Innie and Jinnie. One seemed lost in thoughts, while the other kept gritting his teeth.

"Lix, you just finish your food and get to class. They don't look like they are going to speak up any soon." Minnie adviced.

"But..." I hesitated. I quickly looked around for some topic to continue the conversation when I noticed Binnie's friend, Minho hyung, with his eyes fixated on... Jinnie. "He's staring at you."

"Who-!" Jinnie's expression worsened when he glanced over at the other table, then he looked down, aggressively chewing on his food.

"You remind me of the female leads from K-dramas, when the male lead won't stop staring at them." Minnie cracked a joke.

Jinnie glared at him in a way that gave us chills. "Okay, okay, my mistake. I'm gonna fetch my books for class now, bye." Minnie left the table, leaving me alone with the two troubled others.

"Oh! By the way," I initiated the conversation again. "Binnie told me that we're going to a campsite for our school trip. I'm excited!!"

"Really?!" Innie finally spoke up. I knew there was some way or the other to get him out of his thoughts. "I cannot wait!"

"Yes, now tell me, what's wrong with you, all of a sudden?" I inquired of him.

"Chan hyung..." He started. "Do you have any idea if Chan hyung's into me? Nah, I think he's just playing."

"Me too," Jinnie added. "I've never heard of him getting an actual partner before."

"Oh, c'mon! If he's never had one in the past, doesn't mean he'll not have one in the future. Right, Innie?" I waited for him to respond.

"He wouldn't have ignored me then." He spoke, lowly.

"Aww, my little Innie, does it make you sad?" Jinnie teased.

"Hell no, leave me alone." He defended himself. "I'm going to class."

After I bid him goodbye, I looked at Jinnie who was still picking on his food. "Now what's up with you and Minho hyu-"

"Stop! Don't talk." He pointed his plastic fork right at me.

I threw my hands in the air and laughed. "Damn. Okay. My mouth is shut now, completely shut."

"Good." He went back to chewing on his last piece of apple.

So much to endure, just to help your friends out with their issues. Too bad for me though, I love them a lot, no matter how frustrating they are.

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