Paving the cracks (and having each others backs)

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Not my best title work but I rlly wanted to post this tonight. I feel like the whole plot of SSR would've made the whole living situation in Alaska very awkward for Erica and Zoe, and  I hope that they re-built up a little bit of trust between them through little moments like this. And possibly became friends??? Anyways this is set pre-sspx but you gotta read at least the first bit to understand what's going on. Hope you enjoy and let me know what you think!

         "What are you doing?" Erica's voice broke through the silence that had been persistent in the girls' cabin throughout their time in Alaska.

          "What do you mean 'what am i doing'?" Zoe said shaking her head, "Do you not know what braiding hair is?"

          " I'm not an idiot. I know what braiding is" Erica said rolling her eyes, "I mean why, you aren't going anywhere so what's the point."

          "I dunno," Zoe replied with a shrug "It's not like I have my phone for entertainment so I may as well braid my hair, besides it's nice to feel pretty." With that she turned back to her hair, brushing the knots out of the other side before starting her second braid.

          "Teach me." Erica said, having suddenly appearing behind her. She just stared at Erica in disbelief. "Please teach me how to braid hair." Erica sighed, fighting the urge to roll her eyes. 

"You don't know how to braid hair?" Zoe asked, eyes wide in disbelief.

         "Why do you sound so surprised, just a minute ago you were asking me if i knew what braiding is were you not?"

"I did but I wasn't 100% serious, did your mom not teach you"

        "She probably tried, I was just preoccupied with more interesting things" Erica shrugged,

"Why do you wanna learn now?"

        Erica rolled her eyes already seeming to regret saying anything, "Again you said it yourself, there isn't anything better to do."

         Zoe realized this made sense and like she said didn't have anything better to do, so she grabbed a hairbrush to start brushing out Erica's hair.

          "I'll demonstrate on your hair because it's longer and straighter so it'll be easier." Erica sat down on the makeshift stool that Zoe had been sitting on and let the other girl brush through her hair.

         "Ok," Zoe said when she was done, "So first you're gonna start with three sections of hair," Grabbing three sections of her own hair to demonstrate. "uh- smaller sections," She said when she saw that Erica had grabbed three big chunks of hair. "Now we're gonna swap the rightmost section with the middle section. Then the leftmost section with the new middle section. And then repeat the whole process about like ten times and you're done!" Zoe exclaimed finishing her braid. It took Erica another minute or two to finish hers, and it definitely wasn't the prettiest braid in the world. But it was still a braid, and as always she was determined to do it right.

         Half an hour later and both the girls were smiling and talking, which was quite the difference from the silence of earlier. They were both sat on Zoe's bed and Erica was braiding Zoe's hair into two thick french braids. Erica's head was littered with at least a dozen small braids, each one better than the last directly correlating to her learning curve. The pair were far from best friends, they might never get that close, but in that moment the two girls were able to be more than mutuals and have something that resembled a somewhat normal friendship. 

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