Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

It didn't take long for everyone to claim their bedrooms and I couldn't help but smile as I heard the pure joy that was coming from them all as they found something new. Debs soon came down and sat next to me on the couch in the living room.

"Is this really your house?" Debs asked as everyone slowly started trickling back into the living room and flopping down onto the couches, no one having to squeeze and able to sit comfortably.

"Its our house, Debs. Not just mine... now, I'm sure you all chose which one you want, so what do you say we go to IKEA, pick out how you want it to look like, and then go back to Frank's house and get anything that you want to bring back here. Then by tomorrow your rooms should be ready."

"You're serious about all of us living here?" Carl asked.

"Of course. I wouldn't have it any other way. Let's get going to IKEA."

Debs jumped up in excitement.

"Yes!" We all exited the house and began the walk to IKEA, I knew that all of their minds were racing with how they were going to decorate their rooms. This was a first for us Gallaghers, having our own rooms with no budget to decorate. It was a dream come true.

After IKEA, we went to Frank's house and it was almost dark out when we arrived.

"Are you staying the night?" Lip asked as we came tramping up the stairs into the front door.

"I don't think so, it's only 6. I have some other things to do." I reach into my bag and pull out three spare gate remotes and three spare keys to the front door. I handed one of each to Lip, Fiona, and Ian. "Here are spare key remotes for the gate and keys for the front door. I'll most likely be at the house when you get there tomorrow, but just in case I'm not, I didn't want you to be waiting around for me as it is your house too."

Ian surprisingly pulled me into a hug.

"Thank you, Thea." I smiled at him and surprising both of them I placed a kiss on his cheek. No one was very affectionate in this family but I think Sally Jackson had rubbed off on me a bit.

"You're welcome. Now, y'all get packed up and I'll see you tomorrow."

"Bye, Thea!" They all said as I left and walked down the street. I was heading to Mollys, the bar that the firehouse that my dad had belonged to owned.

I stood across the street from the bar seeing the first responders going in and out, I saw quite a few that I recognized from the 51st and even from the 21st district. I took a deep breath and drew my hood up over my head as I moved towards the door. I know its a bar but I figured they would make an exception just this once for me.

I entered the bar and saw it was packed like usual and I saw Hermann behind the bar, one of my dad's closest friends. I took another deep breath before heading towards him. I amazingly got all the way to the bar without anyone stopping me. Hermann's back was to me so looks like I was going to be surprising him a bit more.

"Hermann?" I called out, just loud enough for him to hear me over the crowd and music. He turns around, his eyes roaming the crowd for who called his name before our eyes locked. His wide smile froze on his face as his brain registered me.

"Kid?" He mouthed to himself.

I smiled shakily at him.

"I'm home." He placed whatever he had in his hands down and came around the bar over to me, ignoring the other two bartenders and the others in the crowd that were asking him what was going on. He came to a stop in front of me.

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