Pg2 Chapter 1

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The strange woman sighed, rubbing her temple, "Listen, human, I know how you curious bastards work. So I'll tell you, but you better listen and not do anything stupid got it?"

Yoel nodded, "Understood mam...Kaiju mam? What's your name?" The woman shrugged, "Name's Biolante, now where do I start...Long ago, before humanity. Kaijugirls populated the world, I believe you humans refer to this period as the Cretaceous period. Anyways, essentially what happened is that a kaiju from unknown origins had somehow connected the blood of two rival alphas and threatened to destroy the world and all of life. So all the kaiju girls united to defeat her. Of course, it's never that easy, as a large portion of our kind were wiped out. And it took an entire species of divine moths to seal away the kaiju. With most of them dying during the sealing process so if she ever broke out of the seal. We couldn't just trap her again."

Yoel was in deep thought, "So are you like a jailer then?" Biolante nodded. "That's basically what I do, yes." Yoel looked around as the silence started to become awkward. "So...Does any of that have to do with why kaiju girls are appearing now?"

Biolante shrugged, "Don't know." Yoel looked at her puzzled, "You don't know? Well, do you at least know why my girlfriend is starting to hear voices about this temple?" Biolante's calm expression shifted as she stared sternly at Yoel. "What did the voices tell her."

Yoel averted eye contact as he responded. "They told her not to come here with the medallion..." Biolante sighed, "So that's how it is huh? You humans are told not to do something and do it anyway. And for what? Curiosity." Yoel looked down as he felt crushed. Her words were true and he knew that.

Biolante laughed, "I suppose that's what makes mankind so special, ya'll's drive for knowledge made for some pretty amazing achievements. And honestly, I don't blame you for failing to heed a warning. The voices your girlfriend is hearing, they're reverse psychology."

Yoel was taken aback. "What? Reverse psychology?" Biolante nodded, "Yeah, I mean you humans are pretty predictable most of the time, so clearly the kaiju we do not speak of, was manipulating y'all."

Yoel sighed as he had been unconsciously holding his breath. "So you not, like mad?" Biolante shook her head, "No, but still. Now that you know the truth, don't fuck around and get out." She pointed her hand at the exit. Yoel stumbled towards the exit. He turned around before he stepped out of the temple, "So...Do you care if I tell other people about this?"

Biolante blinked, "Oh...Good point, I didn't consider that." Yoel felt several vines wrap around him and drag him back to her. "Well since I can't let you out. I should just kill you."

Yoel was about to retort when Biolante suddenly yelped. She dropped him to the ground as Mark had used a taser on her. She snarled as she looked back to see the group. "Great, now there are more of them"

Mark was astonished to see a kaiju girl, but at the same time, it was pretty obvious with the sudden burst of flora. "And what are you supposed to be you bloody wanker?!"Biolante was not impressed, she smacked Mark away, sending him crashing into a wall. The sound of bones cracking echoed loudly.

Biolante seemed rather annoyed "I am not in the mood." The sound of gunfire echoed throughout the temple as the generic man who was a part of the team brought a pistol and fired it at Biolante. Biolante didn't even give a reaction as she sent a vine that pierced the man. His body dangling on the large vine which was now soaked in blood.

Yoel's eyes widened as he couldn't move, his body refused to budge as he just watched two people who were alive and well just a moment ago, were now dead.

Biolante looked at the two women who hadn't done anything yet. She grinned, "Well, I appreciate y'all making this easy." Lily's legs trembled as she fell flat on the ground, screaming as Biolante struck the two with a vine the size of a tree trunk.

However to both Lily and Biolante's surprise. The woman whom Yoel had barely interacted with, had stopped the vine with her bare hands. Biolante stared at the woman, her eyes changing expression as she came to a realization. "It's you..."

The woman nodded, "It is me, and I don't see the value in mindless murder." Biolante scoffed, "You think I'm mindlessly murdering these humans? YOU of all kaiju girls know why I'm doing this, Goji."

The woman sighed, "Well besides all that. Why are you messing with the flora here?" Biolante raised an eyebrow. "What? I never did anything to the environment, I've only ever existed in this temple." Goji rolled her eyes, "Right because there's another kaiju girl out here that can mess with plants."

"There is."

Both Goji and Biolante looked at the shadowy corner as a woman walked out of it. "Hello, my queen. And you biolante" Goji and Biiolante looked at each other and back to her. Goji was the first to speak. "And who are you?"

She grinned, "Name's Gusani" Biolante looked around and noticed Yoel and Lily were still alive. "Oh yeah, forgot about you two." She charged up a beam of acid but got her hair pulled back by Goji. "OW, OW, OW!"

Gasani laughed hysterically. Goji snarled at her, "What's so funny?" Gasani grinned even wider. "While you two were busy fucking with each other, I inserted the medallion inside the carving!"

Goji and Biolante both went wide-eyed as they looked back at the center of the temple to see that Gasani had used her vines to place the medallion in the carved spot. Biolante screamed. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!"

Gasani laughed hysterically. "what's wrong with ME? There are many things wrong with ME! I USED TO BE A WORM"

The three kaiju girls stared at the medallion on the ground, waiting for something to happen. Goji and Biolante turned to Gasani as she began to sweat profusely. "Just give it a moment."

A bright light shined upon the temple as a woman descended from the collapsed roof. Unlike everyone else who was amazed by the spectacle, Goji remained unphased. Mothra unveiled her wings as she landed softly on the ground. "Nothing is happening because that carving on the ground is a fake."

Gasani froze as she heard those words. "Well, shit- A blast of radiation smacked her face as Goji released her atomic breath. the intense heat shriveled Gasani. making her short and scrawny. "GAH, how did you know intense heat was my weakness?" Goji shrugged, "I didn't, I'm just trying to kill you."

Mothra coughed, catching everyone's attention. "Now that I have all of your attention, let me make something very clear. Gasani, you shriveled tiny insignificant worm. My species died for this seal to work, yet you try and undo it. You are not going to see the light of day, ever again."

Gasani started to tear up as Mothra approached her, placing her hand on her shoulder. She felt the moth's grip start to tighten. "Just kidding! now you may leave."Mothra's smile didn't budge as Gasani rushed out of the temple without looking back at all. Goji scoffed, "Why did you let her go."

Mothra giggled, "Because, I don't like harming others, and I believe I intimidated her enough that she won't consider doing it again." Goji rolled her eyes, "And if she does?"

Mothra's smile slowly faded. "Well, it would certainly be a mess wouldn't it?" Goji sighed, "Is that so." Mothra then glared at Biolante. "You know I'm not gonna ignore the rotting corpses right."

Biolante looked at her confused. "What do you mean? No one died." Mothra pointed at Mark and the generic guy. Biolante rubbed the back of her head. "Oh yeah, they're just humans, no biggie."

Mothra laughed, "Right, of course! I'll just rip your limbs off then, no biggie!" Biolante frowned, "How can you say that? You compare my precious body to the lives of two mere humans?" Mothra sighed, "When are you going to understand that all forms of sentient life matter?"

Biolante turned her head. "When are you going to accept that we are gods to them!"

"You aren't a god to me."

The three kaiju girls turned their attention to a pissed Yoel. His eyes perfectly reflected his anger.

"You ain't shit to me."

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