Day 2: Frozen Lake (Rimlaine)

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Day 2, Prompt 2: Frozen Lake || Cold hands, scarves, and snow

The sharp, cold wind blew throughout the cold, white city of Yokohama, as the pure, white snow gently fell down from the grey clouds huddled together in the sky.

The frozen lake sparkled from the sunlight, almost like a large diamond in the middle of the snowy forest, as the sound of ice skates sliding and spinning around on the glassy lake was heard. And somewhere, in the midst of the crowds, was a ginger haired male dressed in a red scarf, gliding along the ice in a beautiful dance, almost as if he belonged there, and nowhere else.

Verlaine watched with pride, as he recalled the hours before, when Chuuya had told his elder brother he would be gone for a few hours, skating with his friends who called themselves the Flags, but Verlaine, being the overprotective sibling he was, refused to let Chuuya go alone, even though the boy was sixteen.

And so, dragging Rimbaud along since Verlaine refused to go alone (and because he missed his boyfriend), they went to the frozen lake beside their neighbourhood, and watched as Chuuya put on his skates and skated over to his group of, as Verlaine put it, suspicious, friends.

As the wind continued to howl, Verlaine pulling his navy scarf tighter around his neck to block the freezing wind, his blonde hair - which was pulled back in an elegant ponytail, with a braided section along the hairline, all tied together in a red ribbon, with slightly wavy bangs over his right eye - fluttering gently in the breeze.

However, his attention from his younger brother, Chuuya, was taken away, when a tug on his left sleeve was felt. He turned his gaze over to his boyfriend, Arthur Rimbaud, who, even though was dressed head to toe in fluffy earmuffs, a red, wool scarf, mittens, and a tan winter coat, was shivering, with his breath coming out in small puffs (although his winter attire varied no differently from his usual attire).

"P-Paul, i-it's s-s-so c-cold," Rimbaud said, shivering, with his hands gripped tightly around the blonde's hands, trying to preserve whatever warmth he could.

Verlaine gave a pitiful smile, as he planted a kiss on Rimbaud's shoulder length, ebony black hair. "I'm sorry, mon chérie," he told the cold male, squeezing their hands together, before reaching up to untie his scarf. "Here, let me give you my scarf."

But Rimbaud shook his head in protest. "Th-then you'll b-be c-cold t-too," he stuttered, teeth chattering, pulling his arms closer to his chest, unlinking his hands from Verlaine's, wanting to preserve his body heat.

"It will be alright. You need it more than I do," Verlaine told him, his smile radiating on his face. And to Rimbaud, nothing was more beautiful than seeing his boyfriend smile.

But still, Rimbaud continued to shake his head. "N-no, I-I don't w-want you t-to be c-cold too."

"Hey, are you and Earmuffs arguing?" Chuuya's sharp voice suddenly interrupted, as the blue-eyed male skated up to the edge of the lake, where Verlaine and Rimbaud were standing.

"Oh, Chuuya," Verlaine said, squeezing Rimbaud's hand in an attempt to convey the message: We are not done. "Are you finished skating already?"

But the ginger shook his head, as he took off his skates. "Albatross hit his head on the ice, and so Pianoman's forcing us to not skate for, I dunno, five minutes? Doc thinks he can patch up Albatross in three, but," Chuuya sighed. "Anyway, what're you and Earmuffs talkin' about?"

"Nothing you need to concern yourself with," Verlaine said quickly, reaching out his hands to adjust Chuuya's scarf. "This is too loose. You're going to catch a cold if you don't keep it on tighter."

"Alright, alright, jeez!" Chuuya scowled, swiping his brother's hands away, and tying his scarf on tighter himself. "Well, whatever you two are talking about, resolve it soon. Your boyfriend has the best cooking for you to let him go."

"Aaaand, it looks like the five minutes are up." Verlaine glanced at his watch, pushing Chuuya back towards the rink, as the ginger furiously managed to attach on his skates while hobbling on one foot. "Have fun!"

"Bastard!" Chuuya shouted, as Verlaine gave him a push towards the ice, watching him glide away.

As Verlaine walked back to Rimbaud, with his hands shoved into his pockets, the raven-black haired man gave him a look of sympathy.

"Ch-Chuuya b-being a handful a-as always?" Rimbaud asked, as Verlaine walked back up beside him, nodding exhaustedly.

"You have no idea," he muttered. "And don't think we're done about the scarf."

"P-Paul, p-please. It w-will be worse i-if you c-catch a c-cold because o-of m-me," Rimbaud protested, although his shivering said otherwise, when suddenly, an idea struck the blonde.

"Wait one second," Verlaine said, unwrapping his scarf, despite Rimbaud's objections. He skillfully wrapped one half of the scarf around Rimbaud's neck, tucking it into his first one, then moved closer to Rimbaud, as he wrapped the second half around his own neck. With a smile, Verlaine asked, "How does this work?"

"It's warm," Rimbaud's muffled voice came in through the scarf. "Thank you."

"Of course, mon amour," Verlaine said, as he wrapped his hand around Rimbaud's. "I love you."

Rimbaud's hand squeezed Verlaine's, as he replied, "I love you too, Paul." 

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