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"It's too hot?" I asked lookin at her and the plate i put in front of her. She ain't respond she just stared at the plate with the fork in her hand. I was already slurping my shit up but she hasn't even touched it.

"You not doin this shit." I rolled my eyes remembering what she pulled last time.

"Im sorry.. I just.. cant." She let out. I snatched her fork and rolled the noodles up into it.

"Here." I forced. I put the fork close to her lips but she just looked at me then back at the food. My jaw tightened getting irritated.

"Eat it." I pressed. She hesitatingly opened her mouth and i quickly put the fork in her mouth before she had the chance of closing it again.

I watched her slowly chew her food and I shook my head. It's crazy how she live like this. So if I wasn't here would she just not have ate nothin the whole day?

I fed myself while giving her time to finish her slow bites. Eventually she ate the whole thing. I smiled lowkey proud of her.

"See that shit wasn't hard." I told her. She gave a tight lipped smile and nodded.

"I'm sorry about that. Let me help clean up." She rushed grabbing the plates and makin her way to the sink.

"Oh you was gonna do that anyways." I told her. No way she was gon sit there getting taken care of like that for free.

I stood up and leaned against the counter next to her as she washed the dishes. The questions was eatin up at me. I couldn't hold it no more.

"I know about Trey." I blurted out. She tensed for a second but she continued washin the dishes.

"Jenn know you got a nigga?" I asked tryna get under her skin. She didn't react.

"He's not anything to me." She told me.

"Really cause thats not what the fuck he told me." I replied. She continued focusing on the dishes but her eyes looked empty.

"That nigga.. he's crazy Kr. If you know him then you know this already." She said to me. She right. I know that nigga a lil off. But so is she.

"I also know who you are Erica." I replied again using her first name. Once again she didn't react the way i thought she would. She calmly finished washing the dishes and turned the water off.

"I don't know what Trey told you but that's not who I am anymore." She let out calmly. She dried her hands with some paper before turning to face me.

"Then who are you?" I asked.

"Angel." She answered. I frowned at the response but let her explain herself.

"Erica is the ho that let her boyfriend beat her so bad it made her lose consciousness for 3 days and wake up with her brain scrambled." She exposed. That information made me stand up a little straighter.

"Oh shit." I mumbled. I calculated and remembered that nigga always was a little aggressive but we all let that shit go cause he handled business for us when we was hustlin.

"Angel is you fuckin lyin?" I asked her seriously. She shook her head no.

"Word to my mother im not." She swore. If she lyin on her mom grave that's crazy.

"Trey started out nice and all but when we was alone he used to abuse me physically and mentally. He knew I wasn't the prettiest and made sure to remind me. He made me feel like I needed him." She explained further.

"I got a restraining order case pending right now because he found my place a couple days ago and trashed it." She sighed defeated. Oh shit i must've tipped the nigga off when i dm'd him.

I went silent for a moment thinking about all she said to me. She ushered me back to the chair and she went back to doin my hair.

"How'd you even find out about him." She asked curious.

"I went through your ig. We went to school together. The three of us." I told her truthfully.

"Im sorry you saw that part of me. I get flashes of that time.. i wasnt my best self." She apologized.

"Fuck Angel thats some heavy shit. What the fuck." I shook my head. All that shit i was talkin. Fuck Jenn mighta picked a real bitch.

"Jenn know bout this?" I asked her.

"Why she need to know about stuff like that. That day we met at the club i snuck my way back stage cause one of Trey friends spotted me and threatened to call him if I didn't give him some neck." She told me the story.

"Jenn managed to make me forget about the whole thing in 10 minutes." She smiled. She had dimples. I just noticed them right now.

"She makes me smile. I haven't done that in a while." She said thoughtfully.

"I know she's your friend. I'm sorry for takin her away from you sometimes." She apologized again. I swallowed down all the bad things i was sayin bout her down.

"Fuck.. you makin it hard for me to hate you." I chuckled.

"Then don't." She said giving me a smile and steppin back. She looked at her work and nodded in approval.

"You done?" I asked.

"Yeah go see if you like it." She shooed. I pulled out my phone and opened my camera. She did ha shit. My shit was looking clean not go lie.

Once i was done lookin at it i pulled out a stack in my pocket and gave her 5 hundreds.

"Here." I told her putting the money between my fingers for her to take. She shook her head and put her hands up.

"On the house." She told me. I shook my head and took out 5 more hundreds. I put the band in her bag and got up.

"I'll tell Jenn to hurry her ass up." I let her know. She nodded and smiled at me.

"Thank you Kr." I hear her say as I walked off into my room. I stood there for a moment still feelin like a fuckin dickhead for talkin all that shit.

She seem genuine. Youn see that too much in bitches now a days.

I pulled my phone out and called Jenn.

"Yo nigga what." She responded harshly after 3 rings.

"Angel waitin for you at the crib." I told her.

"You aint scare her off? Crazyy." She laughed. I cracked a smile and sat down on my bed. She dont even know the shit that happened today.

"Yeah yeah shut the fuck up."

I heard her speak to management in the back about when she could leave.

"I'll be there in 20." She revealed getting an answer.

"I'll fuck wit you. See you my heart." I said before hangin up.

4 chapters in one day?? Crazyyyy. (I was bored)

Well... she not leaving yet yall. 🤭

𝐓𝐖𝐈𝐍 𝐟𝐭.𝐉𝐄𝐍𝐍 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐱 𝐊𝐘𝐋𝐄 𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐇𝐇Where stories live. Discover now