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Fuck this girl gon be the death of me. She was moaning my clit making me through my head back at the vibrations. She was good at eating pussy.

The clapping of her ass on Kr body rang throughout the room.

I was surprised that this shit was happening. But for some reason it dont piss me off as much as I thought it would. This the only girl I'll let Kr fuck without me beating his ass.

"Don't let her come Angel." Kr voice brought me back from my thoughts.

"Why the fuck-" i started to argue.

"I ain't forget about you shutting the door in my face." He told me. I smacked my lips at his reasoning. Angel looked up at me with my clit in her mouth. She was twirling her tongue round it.

"Kr please-" i moaned holding her head down. He ignored me and kept fuckin her. I felt her slow her tongue down and I frowned.

"Angel don't listen to that nigga. Keep doing what you doin." I groaned feeling myself getting closer and closer to coming.

"You let ha cum you gon take her punishment. And i know you close." Kr intimidated her. He pushed his hips forward deep in her making her completely come off me as she moaned.

"I'm sorry Jenn- i can't hold it no more." She whimpered.

"Good girl." Kr congratulated her. He held both of her wrists in one hand and started fucking her mad ruff.

"Mhm fuck.." She moaned. I watched tears come out her eyes and I felt myself get a little mad. Why the fuck he aint letting me cum.

"Cum." He bent over and whispered in her ear. She moaned loudly and did just that. He pulled out of her and rolled her to the side.

"Cmere Jenn." He beckoned. I gulped down my saliva and stayed exactly where i was. First because he was playin me. Second because ion think im ready for all that.

"You must want it to worse for you?" He frowned. He pulled me down the bed by my ankles. Oh shit..

"This my pussy you heard?" He huffed bending down getting close to my face. His hand cupped my pussy and shoved to three fingers inside.

My eyes rolled back and I grabbed his wrist. He ignored it and kept fingering the fuck outta me. I deadass couldn't even think straight.

He stroked himself a couple times before lining up with my greedy pussy. He slammed his hips forward and started fuckin me.

"Don't. Ever. Do. That. Shit. Again." He thrusted with every word. You already know the deal. Tears went flowing down my face and I put my hand on his chest tryna get him to slow down.

"You understand." He asked.

"Mhm i do-" i moaned. He smiled at me before waving over the exhausted girl beside us.

"Ion think she do Angel." He started. He leaned up a bit a put his thumb on my clit.

"Put your mouth right here for her." He instructed. Her eyes lit up and she looked at me a cheeky smile. She crawled over and replaced Kr's thumb with her mouth.

Between Kr destroying my pussy and Angels mouth on my clit I could feel the familiar pit in my stomach.

"T-too much-" i moaned tryna scoot back a bit. Angel grabbed my waist to keep me steady.

"No it ain't stop runnin." She mumbled on my skin. Oh shit i know i aint getting bitched out by her. She continued her eating and my body dead started shaking.

"Don't try to take my pussy away from you word to my deads I'll put a hole in you." Kr threatened. I shook my head and whined at the overwhelming pleasure i was getting.

I started pushing Kr harder but he grabbed both my wrist and held them on above my head.

"None of that." He said. He gave me a few final thrust before he gave me the words i was looking for. "Go head and cum baby." He let out.

I felt my body tense up before releasing all i had to give. Angel licked my clit a few more times before coming up and kissing me on my lips. Making me taste myself on her tongue.

Kr still hadn't came weirdly enough. But both me and Angel could tell he needed to badly.

Angel reach up and grabbed his dick with her delicate hands before kissing his tip and looking up at him. He glanced at me before gently putting his hand in her hair.

I pushed aside my tiredness and crawled over to him. His eyes followed me the whole way over. I kissed the other side of his tip before dragging my tongue up his length.

Angel put only his head in her mouth and started sucking. I kissed and licked along the sides watching his eyes start shutting. He fought it though and looked down at us wit needy eyes.

I locked eyes with Angel and she nudged her head towards me to take over. She slipped him outta her mouth and kissed me.

Once we disconnected i looked at his long hard dick and put it in my mouth. I took as much as I could in but I obviously couldn't fit all of it.

I started bobbing my head slowly while Angel felt all over my body whist kissing my neck.

"Oh shit-" Kr groaned. He put his hand in my dreads and started fucking my face to the pace that he wanted. His thrusts were ruff but manageable.

I let him do what he pleased and eventually he started getting whiny and breathy. He gave 3 final pumps before he spilled into my mouth.

I did my best to swallow everything but there was still some went down my chin. Angel cupped my face and licked everything that spilled like a good lil slut.

I chuckled a bit and kissed her. Kr on both our tongues.

"I liked that a lot." She told us once we pulled away. Me and Kr looked at each other with a small smile.

But a small part of my brain doubted that this relationship would work at all..

And i think we all know it.

Ik yall told me not to but i had too 😭 anywayss what yall think??

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