Nightmares mean Nothing

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Magnus was sitting with Aay on the floor of Aays room rolling his eyes. "I don't care it's just annoying. Dreams are nothing more than jumbled memories." "Jumbled memories?" "Yes. You cant seriosuly think that when you're asleep you're brain is just making everything up. Your brain is showing a bunch of mixed up memories but also with your brain in a way autocorrecting them to make sense of them so your body doesn't have a total meltdown caused by nonsense. Your brain autocorrecting things is part of the reason why the whole "can you spot THE THE mistake" trick works." "Oh." "Yeah. So like if it's all stuff you've seen before with NO SIGNIFICANCE why do you keep seeing it?" "I have no imagination and barely pay attention to anything the idiots around me like to do" "not true. I bet you could accurately guess how many flies have been in and out of my room in the past week by using your detective skills and interrogation." "Interrogation?" "Yes you will interrogate the flies" magnus laughed quietly. "How's your boyfriend." "he- boyfriend?" Aay smirked "did you almost answer? Who? I'm your friend right?" "No you just make me food and rant about not being able to get a girlfriend yet. You know why you can't?" "Why" "because you're gay. Admit it now or forever be lying to yourself" "I-" "say it" "I'm-" "say it." "I'm honestly shocked I still keep you around your so annoying."

 "Wanna see a magic trick?" "Sure" "go to the window I promise it'll be cool" " 'kay" "open the window. "Okay?" "Jump." "MAGNUS THE HELL KIND OF MAGIC TRICK IT THAT" "I call it the disappearing act" "but people will see me" "I never said you were the one disappearing" "so you would just leave me there" "no I would laugh first get pictures and videos then go to a store to get popcorn THEN I would leave and when I'm done running I would eat the popcorn and watch the videos and pictures." Aay picks up magnus and brings him to a Beautiful lake with lovely leaves falling perfectly on the surface. This didn't last long as a screaming magnus was tossed in the water. He would remember this.

Later magnus somehow found himself sitting in studio d explaining his strange dream about seeing himself tied like a puppet. "I don't know I just see myself all bruised sick and tired looking with a bunch of puppet strings on me. The weird part is though, it's obvious that when I'm moving I'm doing it on my own the strings aren't pulling me or anything I'm just tied up while I'm able to walk around and do whatever." "Was anyone controlling the strings could you see there face" "no" magnus chose not to mention that the people holding the strings were each people magnus knew and trusted at some point. "What happens in the dream" shun asked. "Uh..well this is kind of normal for most of my dreams if I have any were it's just pitch black then I see myself but I'm usually in very poor condition, I look sick tired and definitely injured sometimes I can feel it too then I see the strings but I'm still able to move seemingly however I want and this would go on for a bit and then the dream just ends. "Weird" Dan says. "I guess." "I mean I put glowy stars on the ceiling of my room so I don't get nightmares" Dan says aw magnus thought. "So are you like scared of the dark or something?" Magnus asked "more of what could be hiding in it. I mean just the thought of knowing that literally anything could be there and you would never know because 'well I'm safe here' but if you don't know what's there how can you be sure youre safe. You could be in the safest place in the world and there's still the possibility something is hiding in the dark waiting for the one moment you are vulnerable and-" "Dan- thats enough" Lia interupted. 

Magnus went pale. He knew exactly the feeling Dan was talking about but not just with darkness. He felt this way about people. One second they are taking you in and helping you and the next they are hurting you mentally and physically and throwing you back were you started leaving you with nothing but the feeling of betrayal and the feeling of the tears freezing on your face and the snow in you hair while you try desperately to keep your last family member warm. "DAMNIT MAGNUS" Magnus is startled and jumps back a bit. "You zoned out just wanted to make sure you were okay" "uh yeah" 

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