1. Annoy

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The sun rays hits on someone face make him groan in his sleep , he try to pull his blanket on his face but stopped when he heared someon's voice.

"Jimin master please wake up , its time for your collage" elederly women in her age of 40s try to wake jimin with her calm voice which make him smile in his sleep and wake up.

" okay mrs.wang I will wake up in 15 mintues you go and make something for my breakfast" he politely said in his sleepy voice make her chuckle at his cuteness , she hummed and leave from there.

" okay jimin its time to face another day of your cruel reality" he take his body inside the washroom forcefully and start taking shower with warm water. This water is the only thing which make his body warm. he take shower and came outside while towel wrap arround his body and water is drippin from his face make him more hot , he dressed up and wear his glasses and left downstarirs for brekfast.

He was going out from the house as he dont want to eat with his father but he hault as his place when his father called him to eat breakfast with him , he didnt said anything but sit in front of his father without uttering a word.

"Park jimin so what did you think about the marriage" jimin didnt say anything just chewing his food while looking down which make his father to loose his temper. His father dig the spoon in the food harshly and shout

"Why are you not listening me jimin , did you forgot you need to obey me. Say something now"his father is waited for him to say something.

"Whats your problem dad , when I say something you always shout on me and now I didnt say something you still shout me , is anything in the world when you didnt shout on me and about your so called son-in-law I dont want to know who it will be just bring him to the asile whenever you need" he finished his food and stand up from his place make his dad smirk

"Ohh... so you are finally ready to work according to me thats good , now go from your dont waste your time" jimin ignored him and went inside the house , he take car keys from his driver and left.

"I dont know why dad always want me to work according to him. Dont I have a life , didnt it bother him that I also have life to live why he always think about himself , why dont he care for his child. Did he care anything except about his company , I always try to make him feel proud but I didnt saw him smile. And now he want to marry me somone whom I dont know and from his choice , what if the person is also same like him what if he also make me his puppet don't I deserve love am I that bad to get anyone's love" he mumbled to himself and wipped his tears harshly and park his car inside the collage where he only find peace for sometimes.

He get out from the car and went inside the university only finding like always girls are drooling over him which make him more annoy. He ignored them and open his locker only finding those love letters.

He tear them apart and throw them in dustbin like always , he put his books inside the locker but he stopped doing his works when he feel hot breathe on his neck , he flinched and turned to face the person with annoyed look make the person smirk.

"What happened park jimin you look annoyed" jimin rolled his eyes at his words and cross his hands on his chest.

"Why you came here again to disturb me. Do you want to say something if not then please leave from here"he didnt waste anytime more , locked his locker and going to left from there but the person stopped him by pulling him from his bag.

"What... min yoongi why are you annoying me cant you see you are making me more annoy" he snatch his bag from him harshly

"This is the only fun I got park jimin to make you more annoy you dont know how much I love to annoy you and your this face make me do more" he came closer to jimin which make jimin nervous but he didnt say anything but only staring him with cold expression.

" okay now I'm going rn but we will meet soon" he winked at jimin and left from there make jimin sighed with relief and he also left for his class while ignoring people around him

He sat on his seat which is located on the last row and last seat ,jimin like to sit alone rather than with anyone cause he has allergy of fake people so he always sit there and attend all his lecturers but today his mind is focus on yoongi's word, what he meant by see you soon , yoongi never like this until he make the level of irritation of jimin high but now how he easyily left him today.


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Tell me how you find this chapter. Hope you all like this chapter , I try to post daily and this moodcompositon I made for you , hope yoh love this chapter❤️😭

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