Chapter 21: The Dark Rises
As the battle outside the castle walls continued, Pidge studied the beast in front of him. He ran multiple scans desperately trying to find whatever the beast hid. No matter how many times the lions attacked, the robeast for some reason would not fight back. It's as if it doesn't want to hurt the lions for any reason. Why? Pidge asked himself.
"Pidge, anything?" Sven's voice shook in frustration.
"Nothing, Sven," Pidge answered with the same tone of frustration as he looked at the scans showing negative readings. The pilot continued searching for any special weaponry the beast hid; he found nothing. "This thing is not packing anything we should watch out for."
Sven thought deeply. The Drules were stalling them. What for? He didn't know. Then, a thought crossed his mind, but it was immediately sliced away by a sudden move from the robeast.
The monster turned, as if it was ordered to do so and began heading into the closest village by the castle.
"Fucking thing is heading to Anialis!" Hunk yelled out. "The orphanage is close by!"
"Follow it," Sven ordered.
"But, Sven…the castle," Allura countered. "What if they want him?"
"Coran," Sven switched the vidscreen and connected to castle control; the image of his beloved popped into view.
"Sven, Coran is running scans on the ships." Romelle told him.
"Romelle, has there been any attempts to infiltrate the castle?" Sven asked.
After checking all security points Romelle looked back at him, "No, love." She answered him, "Nothing."
He managed to wink at her, letting her know he was alright. She, in turn, gave him a small smile, "Be careful Sven."
He nodded before he turned his attention back to his group. "No attempts on the castle. Hunk, Pidge and I will follow this thing. Lance, Allura, protect the castle."
"Right!" Lance immediately answered.
The three lions veered off following the beast. Upon them leaving, the mother ship commenced attacks on the remaining lions. The ship targeted them, but never once did they hit them.
"Right behind you Lance!" She exclaimed as both lions began to strike back at the large ship.
"This is weird. We are hitting them, but they won't hit us." Lance stated studying the ship. "What the hell are they planning?"
Allura didn't answer, her heart continued pounding. Whatever the Drules planned, it included Keith and she wished she was at his side instead of in the skies.
Haggar honed in to Keith's room and within moments upon turning back into her form, she went toward his room. She opened the doors and found a nurse sitting by his side.
The nurse's instincts kicked in almost immediately. When Grace saw the witch, she stood and attempted to press the emergency button by the wall on top of headboard of the bed. Haggar, however, was too fast for Grace. She lifted her staff; aimed and fired a mist that hit the woman with such a shock that she plummeted to the floor with a hard thump.
The witch walked in toward the still figure on the bed. Haggar heard his labored breathing and knew he was in the final stages of the process; soon victory would be hers; she relished the moment.
Outside, the booming of the explosions and the lions flying around the castle, deep in battle, were felt around the castle walls. No one suspected she had infiltrated. She smiled at that victory.

The New Prince
FanfictionThere are some things in life you can't prevent, no matter how much you try. The magic, however, is rising to the challenge, meeting it, and overcoming all obstacles. A Keith and Allura focused story for Voltron: Defender of the Universe fanfiction...