Startled by the sound of the cockpit doors open, Maryann breathed a sigh of relief when she heard a familiar voice.
"Don't worry, it's me!" Pidge immediately told her. "Nice job pulling Green back up." He told her as he came closer to her.
Relieved, she stood up from the chair to give him access to the controls. "So, what now? Are we ready to leave this godforsaken place?"
"Almost, but the princess will need you in Black. Keith's in seriously bad shape and Allura can't fly and take care of him at the same time."
By the look on her face, Pidge could tell she dreaded going back out, but she nodded with determination. "Ok." She told him as she walked over to the exit doors.
"Don't worry." The young man stopped her. "You won't have to go out. I'll take you as close as possible to Black."
Hunk laid Keith down on the floor behind the pilot's chair. He heard Keith moan in pain, but when the big man looked down on his commander, he found him still unconscious.
He sighed with worry, listening to Keith's raspy breathing, "We better hurry." Hunk told Allura as he quickly walked to the door to exit the machine.
Noting that the Drules had tried to pry the storage compartment open, Allura prayed that the key would still be inside. Punching in the codes, the compartment struggled to open. When it finally did, she found the key, "Thank the gods!" She sighed in relief. Turning, she told her companion, "Hunk, there's too much commotion down there, exit through Black's mouth. I'll take you directly to Yellow."
"You don't have to." She heard a voice coming from the lion's vidscreen. It was Pidge. "I'm bringing Maryann there. She can help Keith while you fly, Princess. I'll take Hunk back to Yellow."
Allura didn't understand who Maryann was, but there would be time later to find out. Right now, I need to get Keith home, she thought as she looked at him lying prone on the floor. "Alright, let's get this done."
Inside her lab, Haggar pondered. What would be better? Zarkon lay on her lab table, eyes still wide open in surprise, the fool never expected a hit like the one he took, she thought as she glared at him.
Lotor grunted in pain. "Silence!" she yelled as she turned to face to the prince, who was on the floor, holding a hand to his wound. "You owe me greatly Lotor!"
Lotor opened his eyes; the pain begged him to close them back, "What do you….mean by that…Witch?"
She laughed a hearty laugh, "What? You don't know?" She sounded surprised. "Even you must admit that you made it back to the castle fairly easy."
Lotor's eyes widened, "I made it…by my…own…strength!" He blurted out in hate. "…my own…intelligence."
"Oh please," she waved her hand as she walked and kneeled over him, "You thought making it here from the pits would be that easy? Without the slaves ripping you to shreds? Zarkon was right; you don't have any useful talent. If you would have been smart, you would have known it was me who helped you back. Do you really think a slave would help you?"
Lotor's eyes widened, "Danner?"
"A figment of your imagination." She dismissed uncaringly. "Well, a small spell I conjured up to make you see what wasn't there."
"And no one saw me?"
"I placed a barrier around you so that no one would see you either. Magic is such a powerful thing."

The New Prince
FanfictionThere are some things in life you can't prevent, no matter how much you try. The magic, however, is rising to the challenge, meeting it, and overcoming all obstacles. A Keith and Allura focused story for Voltron: Defender of the Universe fanfiction...