2. Familiar face

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Jimin reached his home after his class and came inside in his room and throw his body on the bed feeling so restless after the hectic day. He was about to close his eyes but his phone rang make him groan and he accpet the call without looking at the name

"Hello" He said in his cold voice and closed his eyes and still laying on his bed.
"Jimin get ready till 6pm today , I will going to pick you up" his father voice make him wake up from his bed.

"Dad why , do we going somewhere" he asked annoyingly but keep his voice calm as he don't want to hear his father lecture.

"Dont ask questions from me jimin , just get ready we will going to meet to your soon to be husband today their family is coming today so be ready and if you dont fall my orders you know the consequences already" Jimin can feel the smirk through his phone which make him sigh in defeat as he know he need to follow his father's order
"Okay dad" he cut the call while saying only two words. He plugged his phone in charger and make his way downstairs to eat something as he is feeling hungry.

He came inside the kitchen and hugged mrs. Wang who is cooking in the kitchen. She give a warm smile to jimin which make him smile in back return. This is the only time he feel like smile when his dad is not home after his mother she is the only women who take care of him like mother and he love mrs.wang like his mother.
"Tell me son what you want to eat in lunch" Jimin didnt say anything but snuggling in her more feeling motherly love which make mrs.wang Chuckle.

"I will eat what you will make for me with love" he left her and stand in front of her.

"Okay you will wait outside and I will bring food for you" she started to find ingredients but jimin didn't move from here but he asked something from her which make her stop and face him

"Mrs. Wang do you know where is my mo-mother" he asked with hesitation which make her sadly smile and stare at him for a second and then speak.

"See son I know why are you came here to know about your mother and I will not going to say anything because she told me not to say anything but"

jimin eyes turned gloomy after know that his mother is alive he sigh and relief but he became curious when mrs.wang stop while speaking

"But" he asked again.

But your father know and I know he will tell you by himself when he wanted to and I will not allowed to say anything to you"

tear escaped from her eyes after seeing jimin face became dull. She wiped her tears and look at jimin with warm smile.

"Now stop taking stress about this thing and seat on your place to eat your lunch" she pat Jimin back to make him calm down whom his sobbing silently

"Son please stop crying like this and eat your food before you got late for the evening"

reality hit hard to jimin and he came out from his thought and wipped his tears with his sleaves and Turning to leave the kitchen but stopped at his place .

"Son I'm not allowed to say anything but trust me your mother is safe wherever she is"

Jimin face lighten up after listening this and he left the room but didnt forget to give her an asuring smile that he trust her.

Jimin sat on sofa and only thinking that his mother is safe but why she is not coming to meet him and why mrs.wang is not telling him anything he tried to understand the situation and shrugged off his thoughts when he inhale the heat of food which make him feel relax he eat fastly as he can as it os already a time to get ready for which programme his father told him to get ready , he dont want to make his father more angry he goes in his room and get ready.

He came after few mintues only encountering his father who is watching him with his unusual smile which make jimin frown. He didn't say anything but follow his father while giving him most hatest smile.

They reached at

Jimin and his dad went inside the restaurant

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Jimin and his dad went inside the restaurant. He asked his dad with whom they will going to meet but his dad didnt said anything and make jimin entered inside as he already warned him that he will not going to tell anything to jimin and jimin need to follow his dad like he always do.

He never accpeted from his father when he heared last time he saw how his father insulted his mother when she left them and leave jimin with this cruel person.

And he decided to stay as he dont have any other option to do so.

They came inside when jimin see a man of his father age is siting at the corner of the restaurant looking like kind of VIP section.

Jimin father lead him the way and showing his smile to the man who gestured jimin and his father to sit in front of him .

Jimin did as his father did but jimin frown when he see some documents in hands of that man. He is thinking that if his father need to sign some deals then why he bring him.

What will he going to do

Jimin came out of his thoughts when he heared the voice which he hated after his dad. He looked up and
his eyes met with him. Min Yoongi. Who wide his eyes but still manage to keep his cold face.

Both of their eyes met when they realised they know eachother. Jimin immediately get up from his place same as with yoongi who is standing at his place only.

Both of their world stopped. The peson whom hate eachother is standing with emotionless face

Only one word left from their mouth
"YOU" both of their father look at them and smiled at eachother.

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