a covenless vampire yet not alone

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the fight scenes are cringe since idk how to write them.

(Give me name suggestions please-)

Drugging via potion

Wilbur stalked the streets, looking for his next unsuspecting victim, his eyes glowing red from hunger being a dead giveaway to anyone actually paying attention.

"Stupid glowing eyes," he muttered to himself as he continued to search for his next meal, unaware of the small hunting party creeping up behind him until it was too late.

An arrow raced by him, grazing his neck slightly but not enough to kill him. He was about to make some snarky remarks when he realized what that arrow was for. It wasn't meant to kill him. It was meant to weaken him.

Wilburs eyes darted around looking for an escape route. He knew he wouldn't win this battle, especially since he was already swaying slightly.

"Not so tough now, are you, vampire?" He heard a gruff voice say in a clearly mocking tone.

"Fuck you, you bastard. You literally need sedatives and five other people to take me, a newly turned, down" he slurred to who he assumed was the boss. Wilbur watched as the man clenched his fists and grit his teeth at his words, that would've made the vampire laugh in any other situation.

Suddenly, the man threw himself at Wilbur, luckily the vampire was just barely able to dodge the attack despite the drugs already taking effect.

"What are you fools doing?! Kill him!" The boss yelled, narrowly dodging the left hook the other threw at him. Wilbur watched as they surrounded him, leaving no chance for escape, not without knocking one or two out at least.

Wilbur was never a good fighter so obviously going against six highly trained fighters could only end badly, he was a poet before he was turned, not a soldier.

Suddenly there was a clatter to his left, his head quickly snapped over to see one of the hunters dropped one of there many knives. Wilbur immediately grabbed the dagger before one of the others could realize and dug it straight into the first person that he saw.

He smirked as he watched the blood drip down the others face, that was when he realized it was the boss, the one in charge of his fate when they inevitably caught him. His smirk was immediately wiped off his face as he mentally cursed himself out.

One of the soldiers seemed to realize that he got distracted by the blood, she took the opportunity to pull out one of her potions and throw it right onto the unsuspecting vampire.

Wilbur felt his wounds burn as the potion touched them, black dots danced around his vision shortly after she threw whatever weakness or poison potion at him. He clenched his fists and grit his teeth as he tried to keep himself conscious until he was able to find a safe place to hide till the potion wore off.

The soldiers seemed to relax after they got the potion on him, wilbur glanced over to the youngest of them, he was clearly still in training or a beginner.

The vampire decided to take his chances with him, he immediately ran past the much younger boy, who surprisingly didn't seem to keen on stopping him unlike the rest of his hunting party, who were already shouting.

He wasn't sure what they were shouting, the running only made more black spots crowd his vision as well as making his ears ring to the point he could barely hear anything other than the annoyingly, no painfully, loud ringing.

He grabbed onto a tree before he hit the ground, everything was spinning and he desperately wanted to just sit down for a while, but he knew he had to get deeper into the forest. The humans wouldn't go there, not with the fae, there were too many disappearances lately for them to even think about going in there.

With a sigh he pushed himself up right and made his way deeper into the woods as fast as he could manage to go, which honestly wasn't that fast.

Once he had gotten away from the immediate danger zone he started to slow down, not because he wanted to, he'd much rather keep running, he'd also rather be with his (ex) coven instead of outside while injured.

The brunette leaned on a tree for support, before stumbling till he made it to the next one. That became sort of a routine.

He thought of how he had failed his past coven, he thought of all the ways he could have been better. He was too distracted by his thoughts to pay any mind to his surroundings, his unawareness only causing him to get deeper and deeper without noticing.

That was until the potions effects became too strong to handle

Suddenly his vision was filled with black dots that were quickly taking over his vision. This caused him to stumble and before he could even attempt to try and regain his balance he tripped and fell face first into some mushrooms.

As the world faded the man could only hope that he got far enough away from the village to be safe from the hunters.

(Subconsciously he knew while he was safe from hunters there were much MUCH worse beings lurking in the forest)

if some parts of this story don't make sense it's because I started it 3 months ago, forgot about it, and randomly remembered it today and decided to finish it}

"What idiot dares to destroy MY ring-" the fae said angrily. Quackity had just been minding his own business when he felt someone, or something, destroy some of the mushrooms that made up his ring. He was not expecting that someone to be what looked like a half dead vampire.

[ kinda ironic now that I think about it-]

After getting over his initial shock the fae stepped forward and gently nudged the man with his foot, but he got no response. "Hellooo?' he said as he shook the man more, yet there was still no answer, not even a twitch.

Quackity stared at the unconscious stranger as he contemplated what to do with him. On one hand he could just leave him there to die like he would do to any other who dared to destroy his ring. On the other hand, the castle tended to get quite lonely, even with the pesky shadows bugging him whenever they so pleased.

"This is going to be.... Interesting" the fae mumbled to himself as he picked the unconscious man up before vanishing, theonly trace of the two being the splotches of black blood that stained the grass.

Just a few things I'd like to say! First off this was slightly inspired by some of Flamedraco's works.

I haven't actually done any research on fae despite this being my second project involving them.

I don't have a set upload schedule since I have so much going on, so I'll just post when I finish it.

And lastly this wasn't proofread, so if you see any mistakes feel free to correct them in the comments so I can fix them.

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