Chapter 21

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Standing outside the huge doors to the Headmistress' office at six o'clock Sunday made me start to feel nervous. What was she like? Somehow I pictured her to be middled aged with a few wisps of silver hair escaping her tightly but carefully pulled back bun.
I took a deep breath, lifted my hand and knocked twice. There was no response. As I attempted to knock again, one of the doors swung inwards on its own. I should have known.
I cautiously stepped inside and looked around. My eyes gazed at beautiful paintings full of swirls of colours. Marble sculptures adorned the entrance and a woven red carpet was rolled out, leading to a big desk. Sitting behind this desk was an unoccupied chair.
A warm flickering glow came from my right. I turned and met the fireplace, alit with a fire emitting a great orange hue. Slightly to the right stood a slender woman with her back to me.
"Welcome Rebecca Queen Elles." The woman finally turned to face me. "I am Gwen Cremlim, Headmistress of Cremlim Institute. It is a pleasure to meet you at last," she announced. She wasn't at all what I imagined. Instead of the strict demeanour I thought she would pose, she had a young, carefree appearance. Her slender figure was dressed in a long dress. She only looked like she was in her mid- twenties -late twenties at most- and had long blonde hair, half worn up in a bun. However, her eyes looked right through me, giving off an inhuman feel. It was a feeling I knew well. It was the same kind of overwhelming power my parents gave off.
I staggered back. "You're- Your eyes-" But something was different. She was more ethereal.
"My apologies. I did not mean to scare you. I just merely wanted to test your sensibility."
As the words left her mouth, the tension in the air slowly eased. I no longer felt oppressed by an invisible wall.
"You called me."
"I did. And I am glad you decided to turn up," she said.
"Did you think I was not going to come?" I asked.
"Not at all." She's not making any sense. "Please, take a seat." She gestured to the sitting area by the fire. I didn't dare let my guard down as I approached her.
Unlike, Ophilia who was someone you wouldn't mind having light conversation with, the woman before me seemed more then she was. I didn't know what it was exactly.
I sat down and tried to make myself appear comfortable and relaxed. She took the armchair to my left.
"So, what would you like to know." When I stayed silent, she continued, "You are here to seek answers are you not?" She smiled.
"How do you know about me?" Might as well take the plunge.
"Let us see. Your parents are quite the infamous couple. Believe it or not, they had attended here when they were your age. Of course, they started out much younger. To think what they have become now."
"What happened?"
"My father had founded this place centuries ago. He had the vision of creating a safe haven where young casters and fae could learn magic in peace. He believed that a supportive environment was key to success and when successful, one should be humble and use magic for good. I intend to carry on his dream.
"Year ago your parents were the top casters of Cremlim -each in their own field. The pride and joy of this school. Your father was an outstanding sorcerer. He was admired by everyone. Charismatic and talented, he was guaranteed a bright future." She had a faraway look as she recalled the past.
"And my mother?"
"Well Monique was quite the beauty. As the saying would go, 'Many either adored her or wanted to be her'. She was never short of admirers of either gender. Her gift with necromancy was splendid, however, it was also the element that kept most away. The students would only admire from afar; she was the being that was forbidden or sacred, depending on how you chose to perceive it, therefore untouchable. Because of this, your mother was forced to be alone.
"Nobody truly knew how things would have turned out if the two of them had not laid eyes on each other. After all, they were practically in two very different worlds. Until one day."


Everyday was the same. Attending classes, eating, bathing and sleeping. Over and over again. That was what Richard Elles thought has he walked through the halls after class during lunch with a bright smile pasted onto his face. Everyone greeted and waved for his attention. His best friend continued nonstop with the story of hooking up with this girl. Such a trivial matter. At times even he did not know why he became or stayed friends with the idiot beside him. After all, he was the most popular guy in the entire school and could have easily gotten anyone to do his bidding. Guess it was just for the sake of looks.
The world to him, was dead; in shades of monotone. How badly he wanted something to happen, to break free of this repeating cycle of a daily routine, for his life to finally start. Richard was bored out of his mind. He was already the most powerful, smartest, popular and good looking. What else was there for him to achieve.
"Sorry, I've got somewhere else I have to be. Catch you later," he notified the guy next to him. With that Richard ditched his friend and made his way to his secret spot. Somewhere he could hide and wouldn't be bothered.

"Look, look, it's her." "She's beautiful." "Too bad she's, you know." "I know." Whispers of the student body regarding her reached Monique Garmion's ears. She wished they would all just shut up and mind their own business. Monique had always thought it fine that others wanted to keep their distance but couldn't they also keep their own thoughts and opinions to themselves. She didn't care for the compliments or react to judgement. How ironic as they all watch her but daren't get close, fearing for their own safety. She was a blood-red rose decorated with deadly thorns. That was exactly what she was. They all knew yet couldn't help it. Monique quickened her steps to get away from this loud and annoying crowd. It was flee or be gawked at.

Richard reached the enclosed space at the back of the Aster garden. The heavy scent of the blooms had washed over him as he past by the abundant flowers. Nobody knew about this place, was what he believed. Other students, as far as Richard was concerned, were incapable of finding this place.
He laid down under the summer sky. It was clear and blue with the exception of a few puffs of white clouds floating along, lazily. The green grass on his back was cool and soft making him drowsy. Putting earphones in, Richard let the music carry him and dozed off. It didn't matter if he missed a couple of lessons. The teachers didn't mind as long as he kept his grades up and appeared respectful. He was the top student.

Her feet moved of their own accord. She became oblivious to her surroundings. Classes had supposedly started up again but as long as she was far away from other people she didn't mind. A lot of the time, Monique wondered why she was born into this dull world full of nothing but empty feelings and lies. She took a disliking to even her own family, as being the youngest, she was often overlooked and treated coldly, not doted on like what the stereotypes suggested.
Before long, she had stumbled into the deserted garden of Asters. She had been here a few times though each time her impression of the place was the same. Flowers never had any kind of effect on her. Their shape or colour did not spark an interest. She simply felt no need to be associated with 'pretty' things when everybody already described her as 'beautiful'.
Monique wandered deeper into the garden. She soon spotted a pair of polished shoes sticking out from behind a hedge. She had never noticed the hidden area even when she was very observant most of the time. She crept closer for a better look. Around the corner of leaves, lying on a carpet of green was a boy. Monique could tell that he was asleep.
She crouched down next to him and gazed at his face. Sandy brown hair tumbled around his head onto the lush lawn and thick lashes lined his closed eyes. He had a square jaw and straight nose that completed his handsome features. It was the first time Monique felt intrigue, nonetheless caused by a boy.

Feeling the presence of someone else next to him, Richard's eyes snapped open. What he saw was not what he had prepared for. A girl's face in the shape of a heart was above his. Her long black hair fell around his face, curtaining off the sun's light. This close, he could smell the scent of roses on her, making her stand out among the fragrance of the Asters. Her eyes were the sweet colour of dark chocolate as they snared him. And just like dark chocolate, he could distinguish a bitter note in this mysterious girl. Suddenly, Richard felt the colours of the world fading in.
But neither of them knew, this was the beginning of possibly the very end as they introduced themselves to each other.
"Hi I'm Richard."
"Monique Garmion."

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