Same Day Different People

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Takemichi woke up in his bed with a jolt. The first thing he noticed was that he was in his bed only it felt ten times bigger. 'Huh?' He thought. He looked at the calendar on his bedside and jumped out of bed with glee. "I WENT BACK!?" Takemichi was back in the past now a child again!

He ran to the door giving his mom a hug and kiss before taking off to the Sano Residence. 'I don't know how I'm back in the past,' he thought, 'but there's a slight chance-!' Bumping into someone, Takemichi fell to the floor and landed on his butt. "WHAT THE HELL MAN!?" The boy he bumped into yelled. But almost immediately, Takemichi recognized him: the boy he bumped into was his departed division leader, Baji Keisuke! "I-I'm sor--!" Takemichi was cut off before he could apologize properly. "Hm? Takemitchy?"

"Huh? M-Mikey-kun!?"

Manjiro's eyes widen upon realizing, "You mean. . . You're you-you?" Smiles immediately spread on their faces as they ran away to who-knows-where together leaving the others behind. They laughed and cried, but were filled with joy knowing they could change the future for the better.


"Big brother?" Y/n asked uncertainly, she looked at Mori hesitantly. Mori showed her an elegant dress that any girl her age would die for. . . but something didn't feel right. Osamu, fortunately, was there with her to look after her in this unfortunate place they get to call home. It's only been a day since Y/n reunited with Osamu but Mori seemed insistent that Y/n stay with him more so he could mentor her. However, Osamu made a point to stick with them most of the time.

Truth be told, Osamu tried his best to somehow get Mori to forget he ever had a sister. Sure, Y/n and him were the cut from the same cloth, but he had hoped that instead of being cut to fit the Port Mafia, her piece would have been made to fit something much more beautiful. Why else would he hint Izana to contact someone who would willingly save her from the orphanage before their exact arrival? What the hell is Izana doing!? Did he suddenly forget the favor he owed him?!

"C'mon, Dazai-chan," Mori called sweetly, "I know this f/c dress will suit you like a princess!" Y/n cringed at Mori's kindness, she didn't believe his intentions were pure. "That's quite alright, Mori," Osamu intervened, his faux kindness mocked Mori's own, "Kōyō-san and I took the liberty to get my little sister her clothes in advance!" Osamu smiled and if you were anyone, besides Y/n and Mori, you wouldn't notice the venom that seeped through every word. "I just couldn't wait to see her again! It would be a waste of money and effort if she doesn't get to wear it."

Sighing in defeat, Mori put the dress back into the closet. "I suppose you're correct," he muttered reluctantly. Kōyō was a woman Mori didn't want to make angry: considering the executive more of a business partner than an executive.

However, as Mori gave up his attempt to dress up Y/n, Osamu grabbed his sister and ran her out of his office. Even though Y/n ended up in the Mafia, Osamu was happy to have his sister back. "Kōyō-san's office isn't too far from here," Dazai smiled at his sister, "we can get your clothes from there!" Osamu continued to lead his sister to Kōyō's office while mentioning his time spent in the mafia, his failed attempts, and his friend Odasaku. Y/n allowed him to drag her, as she gave him her full attention because she missed her brother just as much as he missed her. Her dull eyes shined when she looked at Osamu but immediately turned to hallow when she gazed anywhere else. The same could be said with her brother.




On November 20, Takemichi and Mikey had finally been able to track down Kisaki and invited him to be in the gang. They befriended him and introduced the gang to Shinichiro who won the preteens' respect easily. (Cannon: Mikey and most of his friends were in their first year of junior high when they created their gang but have been friends since elementary school.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06 ⏰

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