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☼ 1 week ago☼❦-August 2020-❦꥟❦꥟

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1 week ago
❦-August 2020-❦

FIVE MONTHS HAD GONE BY and life on the Island had remained pretty much the same, fast, chaotic, and boring. As for Kali and Rafe they were doing great adjusting to their new lifestyle as soon to be parents.

We're both of them still completely terrified and confused?.. 100% but they were figuring it out.

They met up for doctors appointments and went on dates and were constantly hanging out with one another whenever they could. Life was finally becoming simpler, maybe even better. The pregnancy was also getting much easier to bare as time went on.

As for her relationship with the pogues, it was still very much going strong. They weren't thrilled with her for remaining with Rafe but they understood the situation. They didn't care as long as he wasn't around them.

"What does it feel like?" Kali looked over her shoulder at the idiot next to her. "Excuse me." She stated furrowing a brow. "Like having a whole human inside of you!" JJ exclaimed. She laughed. "I only feel the baby when it moves or kicks but otherwise its just really heavy."

"Are you guys finding out what it is?" John B asked. "We could have a while ago, but we decided to wait to find out until we wanted to or until the baby was here." JJ looked up.  "So what do you want?" He asked. "Well I just want it to be healthy."

"Bullshit, what do you want?" JJ asked. "I think we both want a girl." They all nodded. "Bro imagine a little pogue princess, we could dress her in little dresses with surfers on them and stuff."

Pope turned his attention to JJ. "I don't understand half of the things that come out of your mouth man." JJ smiled. "Most don't."

"I seriously cant believe your gonna have a kid in just 3 months." She smiled. "I know it's absolutely insane. "Your not as fat as I thought you would be." JJ observed. "Well thanks." She said her expression turning blank. "No like you look good."

She giggled. "Thank you, I'm still in the cute pregnant stage and I am loving it." She said caressing her bump.

"Alright boys, I should probably go. Rafe and I have an appointment today." They all nodded. "See ya." John B told her embracing her.

"Bye." The other two boys said waving as she walked to her car.

She felt very lucky to have the friends she had, lifelong friends at that. She drove to her house waiting for Rafe to meet her there.

"Hey dad." He smiled. "Hey, how were the boys." She put her bags down. "They were good, they were asking a bunch of questions about the pregnancy." He chuckled. "By them, you mean JJ."

"Thats exactly what I mean." Suddenly there was a knock at the door. She walked over opening it up. "Hi." He smiled hugging her and placing his hand on her bump. "Jeez this kid is growing fast." She smiled. "I know."

He walked in for a moment. "Hello Mr. Derek." Derek smiled. "Hey son, how are you?" He asked shaking Rafes hand. "I'm good, my parents would like you over for dinner soon since Kali has been over so often." Derek nodded.

"I think we all still have trauma from the last dinner." She said her eyes expanding. Rafe laughed. "Yeah your probably right. You ready to go?" She smiled. "Yep. See you in a while dad." He nodded. "Alright, love you."

"Love you too dad!" She shouted as she was already walking down the steps.

Rafe opened the door for her before getting in himself and turning the radio up. Cruel summer by Taylor Swift began playing making her smile and burst out into song. "I am guessing you like this song." Rafe assumed.

"Please any song by Taylor Swift I like Rafe. You should know this by now." He laughed. "I do, I do, I just wish it would end a little." She smirked. "In your dreams."

"So what's this appointment for?" He asked. "Just our typical ultrasound and check its size. Are you still wanting to wait to find out what the baby is?" She asked him nervously. "Why do you not want to?"

"I asked you." She stated. "I mean I don't really care whatever makes you happy. What brought this up?" She shook her head.

"People have just been asking about it and I don't know." He shrugged. "I really don't care one way or the other but it would make planning easier." She nodded in agreeance. "I think I want to know so I can be prepared. He smiled. "I was hoping you would say that."

"So you do care?!" She pointed toward him. "I mean I wanted to know slightly but we both kinda played it off like it didn't matter so I didn't bring it up again." They both laughed.

"Okay we will find out today." He nodded. "Awesome."

"Kali Thornton?" The nurse called out. "Thats me." The nurse walked forward. "Right this way.

"Alrighty so today is just going to be a normal check up on baby correct?" She asked. "Actually my boyfriend and I were hoping to find out the sex. We were going to keep it a secret until it was born but we really want to know so we can prep." She nodded.

"Alright well that is definitely something we can do. I will put it in as a note for the OBGYN." She typed for a moment. "Alright she will be in with you shortly.

A couple of minutes went by of Rafe and Kali just catching up with casual conversation, they hadn't seen each other in about a week because he was busy helping his dad with a new investment when the doctor came in.

A few minutes went by of normal checking vitals and all and finally the ultrasound began. "Alrighty, so we are looking for babies sex today correct?" The OBGYN asked. "Yes." She nodded. "Alrighty, lets have a feel around. "Alright so are you guys wanting a sealed envelope for a more intimate or family filled gender reveal or do you want me to reveal it on the screen?" She asked them.

"Do you wanna get the envelope and just reveal it in your car?" She asked him. "We can drive to the beach and do it there if you want." She smiled. "Okay lets do that." He knew how much she loved sunsets and sitting the beach during sunset time so this important experience at that time would be perfect.

"Alright awesome. I will send it in for an envolope to be made and give it to you guys with your discharge papers before you leave. "So lastly, your baby is in perfect health and weight at this point it is measuring perfectly. Congratulations on finding out what your having!"

"Thank you." They both stated in utter excitement and joy.

They finally got to the beach with the envelope containing their special news and sat on the shore. "You ready?" She asked him. He nodded. "Do you want me to open it or do you want to?" She asked. "You do it, and read it to me." She nodded.

She quickly opened it and teared up as she read it:


She teared up as she read the bolder letters. "Oh my god!" She exclaimed. "What is it?" Rafe asked. "It's a girl!" He got up and shouted "Whoo! Yes! Yes!" She smiled as she watched how excited he got over having a baby girl and knew she was safe with him.

He then ran over and kissed her. "I am so happy." She smiled and giggled. "Me too."

"She's gonna be perfect. Just like her mom." They spent the rest of the day envisioning the future they held together.

LOVE IN THE DARK// r.cameron Where stories live. Discover now