Chapter 24: Color of The Supreme King

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Red swings the Blade of Destruction in a horizontal arc. Colliding with Kreel's lightsaber, the two blades spark as Kreel's futuristic work of technology collides against the pure magical power the Relic holds.

Red releases a blast of his semblance, which tears apart the ground around the two. The explosion forced Haschwalth back as he tumbled across the floor. Haschwalth may have had fortune on his side, but it was as though Red's semblance balanced it out.

As the wave of energy rolled through Kreel, he could feel the same overwhelming presence that tore apart of illusions. During his first experience facing it, he almost collapsed under the unexpected force, but now that he was prepared, he wasn't going to show weakness like before.

Red: "No illusion, huh? That's good. Glad to see you actually taking this seriously."

Kreel remained silent as he allowed himself to fall back upon his Inquisitor training. Using the Force, he blasted Red away as he activated the dual end of his hilt. Springing forth another red energy blade. To which he casually backspins, causing Haschwalth, who had closed in for an attack, to try and parry the blade.

The blonde swordsman is surprised as the red blade slices clean through his blade. The sound of seared metal echoes through the room. Luckily, he was far enough back not to take damage from the attack, as he most likely wouldn't have survived a strike from the blade. Kreel began to unleash a combo of slashes at Haschwalth. Haschwalth barely managed to dodge the attacks thrown at him.

As Red began to pick himself back up, he felt the hands of Kali helping him up.

Red: "What are you doing? You need to take Coco and Benn and get out of here. It's not safe for you here."

Kali: "I should say the same for you. You need to batten down yourself and dig deep. I know you can beat them. Someone just needed to tell you." Red couldn't help but smile as he got back to his feet.

Red: "Coco. Get you and Kali out of here. Benn, I trust you have a way off the island."

Benn: "Doubt there probably isn't a Bullhead that wasn't abandoned around here somewhere."

Red nods as he tightens his grip on the Relic of Destruction. Breathing a sigh of relief as, he saw the group safely leave the house through the hole Kreel had made when he arrived. Taking a deep breath, he expels the full force of his semblance, showering the room in an aura of pressure. It was almost as though everything he didn't want to be in the room suddenly was shunted out of his way, even the very refractions of light were dispersed as the room was devoid of color.

 It was almost as though everything he didn't want to be in the room suddenly was shunted out of his way, even the very refractions of light were dispersed as the room was devoid of color

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Moving with blinding speed, he immediately clashes against Kreel's lightsaber. Again, the opposing forms of energy crackle with power. Kreel, being a literal God, felt the overwhelming pressure being applied onto him. Feeling a moment of weakness from his for, Red releases a massive burst of pressure, which blasts Kreel away and out into the courtyard.

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