Chapter 4

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As Sarai made her way back to the table, attempting to be sneaky and discreet, her heart raced in her chest. All eyes were fixed on the grand staircase, where the Cartier family was making their grand entrance. The tension in the room was palpable. However, as Sarai sat down, her mother's gaze suddenly turned towards her, filled with anger and disappointment. It was clear that Sarai's absence had not gone unnoticed, despite her efforts to go unnoticed.

Her mother's voice sliced through the air like a whip, laced with a mix of frustration and concern. "Sarai, where the hell have you been?" Each word was emphasized, a dagger to Sarai's guilty conscience. She felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment as all eyes turned to her.

Sarai took a deep breath and mustered her voice, her words a fragile thread in the stormy atmosphere. "I'm sorry, mom. I had to attend to a stubborn stain on my dress." Her voice wavered, betraying a hint of vulnerability.

A mixture of relief and exasperation washed over her mother's face. The storm in her eyes momentarily subsided as she let out a long sigh. "Oh my goodness," she muttered, her voice tinged with frustration. "You stained the beautiful dress I bought you. I don't see anything. Are you lying, trying to get out of being around this event?"

"No, Mom. I got it out clearly. It's as good as new, so we're all good," Sarai replied, trying to convince her mother of the truth.

Sarai, burdened by the weight of her mother's disappointment. Yet, she couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope that this night will be over soon. She desperately needed to shift the focus away from her mistake. "But what did I miss?" she asked, hoping to salvage whatever is left.

A sense of urgency tinged her mother's voice as she quickly replied, "The Cartier parents just made their grand entrance. You were on the brink of missing the exciting moment when the boys were about to emerge."

A sense of urgency tinged her mother's voice as she quickly replied, "The Cartier parents just made their grand entrance. You were on the brink of missing the exciting moment when the boys were about to emerge." The words hung in the air, a reminder of the fleeting nature of time and the missed opportunity that now lay in the past.

With an air of anticipation, the room fell into a hushed silence as the Cartier family made their grand entrance. Manu and Quincy, the two dashing sons of the Cartier lineage, descended the grand staircase with an air of confidence and sophistication. Every step they took seemed to command attention, as if they were born to be the center of attention.

Manu, the younger brother, exuded an effortless charm that drew people in. His smile could light up the room, and his charisma was infectious. Dressed in a sleek black suit, he exuded a sense of modern elegance that turned heads wherever he went. Quincy, the elder brother, had an air of quiet confidence. His presence commanded respect, and his tailored navy suit accentuated his strong physique.

As they gracefully made their way through the crowd, the room seemed to come alive with whispers and murmurs. Guests eagerly craned their necks for a glimpse of the Cartier brothers, their eyes sparkling with curiosity and intrigue. Manu and Quincy, well-versed in the art of socializing, effortlessly engaged in conversations with each person they encountered. Their words flowed like silk, leaving a lasting impression on everyone they met.

After making their rounds, Quincy's parents approached him with proud smiles on their faces. His mother, her eyes filled with maternal adoration, gently placed a hand on his arm. "Quincy, my son, we are ready to meet the women we've been hearing so much about?" she asked, her voice filled with a mix of excitement and anticipation.

"Yes, son, and the daughters we've told you about, meet them and their families. They are here and ready," Dad says, smiling while drinking his whiskey and looking at the time.

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