Chapter 15

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Three days later, under the soft caress of the morning sun, Cassius found himself driving towards Quincy and Sarai's place. His heart pounded with thrilling anticipation. In his hand, he held cards for them, an intimate gesture for his close friends. As he neared their house, the guards recognized him and automatically opened the gates. They handed him a code, informing him that he was on the automatic entry list. With a warm smile gracing his lips, he thanked the guards and proceeded towards the house.

Cassius initially headed downstairs, but finding no sign of Quincy and Sarai, he surmised they might still be upstairs in bed. With this thought, he made his way up, his memory serving as a guide through the familiar corridors. As he cautiously opened the door to Quincy's room, a wave of joy washed over him. He found Quincy and Sarai peacefully entwined in sleep. Their closeness was a heartwarming sight, a confirmation that his plan was indeed working.

With a light tread, Cassius approached their bed. He planted soft, lingering kisses on their necks, his touch as light as a feather. He nestled himself between them, their warmth enveloping him. Quincy stirred, his muscles stretching out in a languid dance.

Cassius, his tone teasing yet tender, greeted him, "Morning, handsome. You've got quite a delight sharing your bed."

Quincy's eyes fluttered open, a hint of surprise flickered in them. "'re here? And in our bed."

With a mischievous grin, Cassius playfully asked, "Does my presence in your bed upset you, handsome?" His tone held a flirtatious lilt, the twinkle in his eye daring Quincy to play along.

Quincy locked eyes with Cassius, his gaze intense and unwavering, holding Cassius in a trance. With a soft intensity in his voice, he admitted, "If I'm being honest, Cass, your presence here doesn't upset me. Not in the slightest. In fact, it sends a thrilling bolt of excitement through me, makes my heart pound with anticipation."

Cassius, trying to swallow down the rush of emotions Quincy's honesty had stirred within him, turned his gaze towards Sarai as a means of distraction. He mustered a playful smirk and said, "And good morning, beautiful. Seems like you two had quite the night."

Their shared laughter was a soft melody filling the room. Sarai, her cheeks flushing a delicate pink, responded, "Well, Cass, your surprise visit was certainly unexpected!"

Cassius chuckled, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Well, I had my own surprise in mind. But seeing the state of these sheets... it seems like you two beat me to it."

Sarai, adjusting her robe with a coy smile, joined in the banter, "And what time do you call this, Cass?"

His eyes smoldered with a playful intensity as he declared, "Without a doubt, my most tantalizing, electrifying moments are any I share with you two. So, how about you recount yesterday's escapades, and don't you dare skimp on the sultry details, of course?"

As Quincy and Sarai embarked on their recounting, their hands began to explore Cassius' body, their hands deftly turned Cassius over. Their touches, now on his bare back, their touches gentle yet deliberate. Their narrative took a turn for the explicit, their voices dropping lower, their words becoming more tantalizing.

Quincy's words painted a vivid picture, "Remember how you were sprawled on the bed, Sarai? How your body beckoned me like a siren's call?" His hand moved lower on Cassius' body, his fingers tracing the lines of his hipbones.

Sarai chimed in, her voice husky, "Oh, Quincy, how could I forget? The way your fingers traced fire on my skin... the way your mouth moved against me..." As she spoke, her fingers mimicked the actions on Cassius, her touch feather-light yet searingly hot.

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