Austin Part 5

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After waking up In a aliens arms and being placed in a sort of cage/box thingy I took time to take in my situation. on the physical side It seemed my hip was healing finally, perhaps due to some sort of treatment while I was out, my scraps of clothing were gone replaced by a thin elastic skinsuit of sorts that had short sleeves and went down to my knees, it didn't seem to have a way in and out of it, but at least the wrap that pinned my arms was removed when I was put in here.  The skinsuit didn't provide much warmth but I was surrounded by soft furry blankets. on the situational side of things I was now was at the mercy of this alien, trapped in his vehicle, and had no idea what he was planning.  The vehicle decelerated coming to a stop, The door next to the cage thingy I was in opened, another alien approached the vehicle and started loading packages into the vehicle. soon the vehicle was moving again the next stop the first alien got out and took all the packages. when it returned he started moving my cage thing out of the vehicle, I had seen the aliens hover technology but it felt weird to ride it, a kind of floaty sensation. Clear of the vehicle I could see the surroundings. We travelled up a path surrounded by lush foliage towards a massive structure, massive even for aliens who were twice our size. Upon entering the structure I was whisked down a hallway of what must be a dwelling from the glimpses I caught. At the end of the hall I was brought into a room with fluffy grey carpet and the cage was lowered to the ground the alien spent a few moments bustling around around a corner of the room before leaving. a few moments later there was a click and the door to the cage sprung open. venturing out the first thing I did was check the doorway that I entered in there was definitely no way to get out through it. going back around the corner I didn't find any other escape routes, seems I'm stuck here. in the back of the room there was a large water vessel with a tube of some sort coming from it. there was a round bed thingy on the floor that was covered in fur and had blankets piled on it. near the bed I found a stuffed animal, I didn't recognize the animal but it looked fake-ish, cartoonish the elders would say. when I touched it the eyes started to glow softly. putting the animal aside I found a seat with a hole in the middle and some sort of gravel in the bottom, it seemed similar to what the elders called a toilet on earth.   Hearing the door open I bolted to it to try to get out but was blocked by the alien who nudged me into the room before closing the door again. backing away to the far side of the room I observed the alien on top of his outfit he now wore a slung bag and he carried a dish and cup that he set in front of me.  The dish had some form of dry cereal in it and the cup held a thick creamy brown liquid. I decided to leave the cup alone incase there was something in it, but I sampled the cereal. the cereal tasted bland but had a sweet and fruity undertone, so I ate about half the bowl until I was full. When I stepped back the alien slowly approached and handed me a fluffy grey robe. I immediately put the robe on as it was cold out from the blankets.  The alien stepped back and patted his leg looking at me intently, this confused me, was he trying to tell me something?   The alien pulled out a dark brown orb from his bag and waved it around. A sweet savory smell hit my nose and I realized this must be chocolate, I only ever had chocolate once when I was very young and a elder found some discarded.  The alien didn't move to give me the candy rather it patted its leg again, it dawned on me that that it wanted me to come get the chocolate. I warily approached it   receiving a smile and the jackpot. It was so good! the candy melted in my mouth and had a berry flavored undertone. The alien laughed at my expression then held my arm when I tried to retreat.  I yanked at my arm for a moment trying to get free but quickly settled as it was no use.  the alien smiled when I calmed down and gave me another candy which I happily devoured. Click! well I was distracted by the candy the alien put a collar around my neck. Shit! I backed away feeling around the collar trying to remove it but it was no use it was locked in place. I had heard stories about the aliens keeping us as pets, but I never imagined it happening to me.  Suddenly it was all to much and tears started to flow, first the trap then being handled by aliens and taken from my life and now this? it was a devastating feeling and the tears started to flow more as i went into a breakdown sobbing at the change of fortune.  at some point I became aware of the aliens hand softly stroking my back. slowly I fell into a fitful sleep.

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