Eren Jaeger

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"Y/n.... Y/n .. Y/N!" You jolted awake as you heard the voice yell your name. As your eyes opened they landed on a pair of beautiful blue eyes paired with wavy blonde hair . Armin Arlet you thought , he was your best friend since diapers, your roommate and the secret love of your life. You would never confess due to his 4 years relationship with Annie. You stared at him until he broke the silence "Y/N," he said "although i love staring into each others eyes, class starts in about an hour, and you take absolutely forever to get ready." You blush and smirk "well Armin," you reply as you lean just a little closer " I'll take extra long this morning just for you ." And with that you jump outta bed laughing to yourself and you head into the shower .
          ~~~ 30 mins later ~~~
As your putting the finishing touches on your make up you think about the perfect first day of school outfit. Cute and modest you think . You walk over to your closet and pick the perfect outfit.

(This is one of your styles )

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(This is one of your styles )

As you walk outta your room Armin eyes you up and down " looking good L/N " he says with a smirk. You blush and flip him off . You walk outta your dorm and walk with Armin to the car. " hey y/n ? I forgot to tell you but an old friend of mine is moving schools today and i promised i would pick him up. It's just for today ! He has his own car but i want to show him the route and make sure he gets there on time" Armin says suddenly . New boy ? Armin has other friends ? Werid thought . " yeah that's fine,but i still call front seat " you both laugh and make your ways to this mysterious boys house .

You pull up to this huge house and read the sign Jaeger Residence . As you pull up to the door Armin jumps outta the car and meets the boy . He's tall maybe 6 foot. He has beautiful dark brown hair, half of its pinned up into a bun . He's physique is amazing as you study his muscular body and you finally meet his beautiful teal eyes. Oh my gosh you think. This man is absolutely gorgeous. All of a sudden the passenger side opens and Armin is talking "Eren i want you to meet y/n l/n.!! She is my best friend and roommate ! " still shocked by Erens God like appearance you don't say a damn thing. " y/n!" Armin nudges you "stop fucken drooling and say hi " you snap outta your thoughts and get outta the car and extend your hand "it's so nice to meet you Eren."

(Just an idea)ERENS POV "It's so nice to meet you Eren " says y/n

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(Just an idea)
"It's so nice to meet you Eren " says y/n. Wow this girl is beautiful how is Armin friends with her  you think before smiling at her and returning the handshake "hi I'm Eren jaeger" you see her blush and smile. GOD her smile is so mesmerizing  you shake your thoughts and look at Armin " we should get going dude class starts in 10 mins " and with that all of you hop in the car and make your way to school . You and y/n secretly glances at each other though the rear view mirror.

You arrive at school and are met with your friends annie, Jean , Connie and Sasha. They all hug you like if they haven't seen you in decades "y/n!" Says Jean "how's my favorite girl ?" You smile at him . Jean has always been so sweet " I'm great of course and how's my favorite horse boy ?" that remark earns the laughs of your friends including eren. You look over to annie and Armin hugging each other sharing kisses and it makes your stomach turn. Oh Armin ... if only you knew how much i loved you  you thought. "Hey um y/n?" Eren interrupted your thoughts. "Think you can show me to my class ?" You turn to smile at the beautiful boy . "Of course i can " you grab his hand and start leading him the way. And from the corner of your eyes you say Armin look at you and Eren .. he looked .. jealous ??

Once in class you realized you and Eren shared Almost every single class together except art . He took art while you were in your varsity choir team . Eren raised an eyebrow as you told him you had choir "oh?, " he questioned "choir ? I didn't think you could sing." You looked over at him "of course i can sing but tell me can you really draw or are you just someone who picked it to look aesthetic?" You eyed him waiting for a response. he laughed and pulled out a sketch book. You eagerly took it outta his hands and went through it as you flipped through the pages he tried to stop you but you ran off to the other side of the class room . When you got to the end you realized why he tried to stop you . You stumbled upon a drawing of you sitting at a tree. The drawing was dated 4 months before you met Eren.

AHHHH okay so this my first story and first chapter ! What do we think so far ?

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