Dean L/N

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~~~4 months ago~~~The breeze is nice today you think as you lean your head back against the tree

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~~~4 months ago~~~
The breeze is nice today you think as you lean your head back against the tree. Your face is red and sticky from the tears drying on your face . You look down at the book on your lap and start sobbing again. I can't believe he's gone and it's all my fault you start sobbing uncontrollably as you cover your face with your hands.

~~~2 months (before 4 months ago ) ~~~

Your little brother Dean, 11 years old, and you were in a car crash and dean didn't make it . You were driving listening to you and deans favorite song while the roads were wet from the rain . The car skid and rolled over multiple times instantly killing your little brother . You leaned against the tree remembering the day. How dean was so bright and cheerful that morning. How he planned to bake cookies for everyone that day . Dean was such a good baker. At 11 years old he planned to be the best baker in the world. Your sobs got louder as you remembered waking up in the hospital, watching your mom on her knees crying uncontrollably with your dad trying to console her . Armin was holding your hand holding back his tears. "Armin?" You managed to say, your throat burning "why is everyone crying ? Where's dean ? Is he okay?" Armin looked at you tears slowly falling from his eyes "y/n, I'm sorry .. dean is .. Dean is de-" he was interrupted by your mothers screaming. "YOU BITCH . YOU FUCKEN BITCH ! YOU KILLED MY BABY. ITS ALL YOUR FAULT."

"Wh- wh- what...?" You asked. "He's gone ? ..NO!" As your dad dragged your mom outta of the room, Armin grabbed you in a hug and tried to calm you down as you broke down in his arms. "Shhhhh y/n you need to calm down it's gonna be okay. I'm here y/n I'm here I'll always be here honey. It's not your fault i promise it's not " he said with a quivering voice. You didn't believe him. It's you who should've died. It's all your fault you believed. Then the world went dark as you fainted in armins arms.

~~~ back to the tree ~~~
You leaned against the tree trying to shake the thoughts of Dean and your mother .. you parents barely even spoke to you . They sent you off with Armin saying he's the only one who will accept you now . If it hadn't been for Armin you would've ended up dead. You closed your eyes and tried to stop your sobbing. Soon only tears quietly fell from your eyes . This tree was the tree you and Dean used to picnic under . You visit it ever weekend since the incident. Wanting to keep the memory of him alive. You start to feel calming picturing Dean right next to you unpacking the picnic basket full of lemon tarts he just learned to bake . The smell of sweet lemons make you smile . You feel a sudden warmth as a sweater gets placed on your lap . As you open your eyes you see a boy running back to his car in a hurry across the park . Hmmm? Who's that ? Who's that boy? You think . You eventually get up to leave taking the sweater and saying good bye to the tree. Saying goodbye to Dean. You'll be off to college but you promise to visit the tree .

~~~ present day ~~~
"E-e-eren? Why why do you have a drawing of me crying ?" You look at him. He looks back almost embarrassed. "One day i was walking at the park and saw a beautiful girl by a tree, she was sobbing hysterically. She sounded in pain and i was captivated by the raw emotion. I drew her .. emotions have always been a hard thing for me to display so when i saw her, um i mean you , i couldn't help but want to capture the moment. Emotions are beautiful it's shows that we feel so greatly for things, for people , it shows we were once so happy. Im sorry y/n i wanted to tell you i knew who you were but i didn't know how you would take it." You stood there, sketch book in your hand not knowing what to say. You handed it back and smiled ready to change the subject. "It's fine jaeger, i always knew one day i would meet my stalker , I'm just glad it's you." You didn't know if you meant what you said. You didn't know how you felt .

The whole day felt like years. You anxiously waited for school to end so you can go back to your dorm with Armin .. your safe space with the only person that felt like home . Once the bell rung you jumped outta your seat and practically ran to the student parking lot ignoring Eren calling out for you to wait . I'm sorry eren not now .. i need to think please you thought. As you got near Armins car you spotted him . You ran as fast you could basically crashing into him. The moment you felt your face on his chest your knees gave out and you started sobbing . Armin kissed the top of your head and embraced you knowing you had been struggling with thoughts of your brother lately. "Come on y/n ... let's go home." He walked you to the passenger seat and buckled you in . You hadn't driven since the accident so Armin took you everywhere. Once at the dorm Armin helped you to the dorm . He made you some warm tea and gave you one of his hoodies to wear. "Come y/n let's watch a movie... " Armin never begged you to tell him what was wrong . He knew when you were ready you would talk . He held you and played with your hair while the movie played

"Armin ?" You said "i thought of Dean today .. i thought of how he's gone because of me .. and did you know eren has a drawing of me crying at the tree ? He saw me 4 months ago .. " Armin slightly frowned . "Does he ? That's weird .. and sweetheart it's not your fault ... the road was way to slippery you couldn't have done anything .. i promise it's not your fault " he trailed his fingers on your cheek wiping your tears as the fell . Ugh i could stay here forever with you armin .. i love you.. you thought . You leaned foward and kissed armins cheek softly. "Thank you armin ... for everything... i love you " you smiled at him . He returned the smile "y/n I'll always be here ALWAYS i love you too silly now let's cheer up a bit okay ? " you agreed.

The rest of night was spend watching movies and playing games. You had calmed down a whole lot thanks to your best friend when it was time to say goodnight Armin kissed your cheek and went to his room . When you finally layed in bed there was only one thing on your mind . Eren. You felt like you knew him somehow .. not from the drawing ... not from the park .. from before .. from your childhood... nonsense you kept thinking . And with that you fell asleep never shaking the thought of Eren Jaeger .

Ahhh okay ch 2! Done let me know what y'all think ? I promise the chapters will get longer I'm just new to this lol ! This story is gonna get crazy!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2023 ⏰

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