5. One Sibling Gone

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Few Hours Later

The others brought back her Horse's

Julia goes to the stables and grabs her saddle, and gets her horse Bandit.

Julia Saddles up Bandit

Bandit Lowers himself by bowing, Julia Gets om Him

"Come on, Boy, let's go running." Julia said to Bandit

Julia Taps on Bandit, and he starts running

Julia and Bandit go to the others where they are roping a Bull

"Arnt you supposed to be keeping weight of your leg?" A Familiar Voice Said

Julia looks over and smiles to See Kacey and a Little Boy

"Vet said I could ride just gotta be careful." Julia said

"Easy Tate!" A Female Voice yelled to a Little Biy who runs over to Kacey and Julia

The female runs over

"Wow!" The little boy said

"Can I pet your horse?" Little boy asked

"Sure, kid." Julia said

Bandit lowers his head to the kid

"What's its name?" The kid asked

"Bandit, He's 4 years old," Julia said

"I'm Tate," the boy said

"I'm Julia," Julia said

The Female gives her a Look
"Come on, Tate, I got to get you to school,"

"Just a few more minutes, please!" Tate asked

"Hey Julia, Want to come try?" Ryan asked

"Yeah, sure," Julia said

"Want to watch?" Julia asked Tate

"Yeah!" Tate said

"Tate, you have school," the female said

"Monica let Tate watch," Kacey said

"I'm not letting him," Monica said

"Let him have a day off." Kacey said

Monica scuffs and walks off

Tate looks at his dad

"Bandit," Julia said to her horse

Bandit bows for Tate to get on

"He trained?" Kacey asked

"Yeah, he was supposed to be a rescue horse, but they thought he was too big and Dangerous, but he's just a gentle giant." Julia said she moved on her left side on accident. She grunts in pain

"You okay?" Kacey asked

"Yeah, just moved a bit too far," Julia said

A Car Pulls Up

Julia looks over, confused

Kacey looks over to

"Who's he?" Julia asked

"My Dad's friend," Kacey said

The man walks over

The man looks at Julia, and he takes his glasses off

"Are you Julia Schneider?." the man said

"Yeah, that's me," Julia said and tapped on Bandit, Bandit bowed to let Julia off

Kacey helps her down

"Thanks," Julia said to Kacey, He nodded

"Your uhh Brother Oskar has Been Murderd," the man said

Everyone looks over

John walks over

Donnie looks over at John
"Sorry to come here, but Julia's brother was Murderd."

John looks at Julia

Julia Holds her tears in
"S-show me"

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