7. Meeting 2 more duttons

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Julia is on Bandit Riding around

Julia Stops Bandit and Looks at the Sunset

Julia hears Hoofs running over

Julia looks over and sees Kacey and Tate

"Hey," Kacey said

"Hey." Julia said

"Dad, look," Tate said and pointed to Coyotes

"Yeah, I see them," Kacey said

"Can I ride with you?" Tate asked Julia

Julia looks over
"If that's okay with Kacey.

"Yeah, it's fine," Kacey said

Kacey lifts Tate up and helps him up in Bandit

"Wow," Tate said and looked down from Bandit

"He's tall," Tate said

"Yeah, he is," Kacey said

"I also have two more, but I can't get them," Julia said

"What are there, Names?" Tate asked

"One is Black and White her name is Meadow." Julia said

"The other is Silky Gold. His name is Starlight." Julia said

"Wow, I love those names," Tate said

Julia hears Cars pulling up, Julia looks over at the Barns

"We should go," Kacey said

"Wanna Race?" Julia asked

"Come on, Dad!" Tate yelled

Kacey Chuckles

Kacey runs off

"Oh, he's on," Julia said

"Go, Bandit," Julia said

Bandit started running

Julia Catches up

"Your slow dad!" Tate said

Julia Smiles

They get to the others

A Male looks over, and so does the female

Julia Stops Bandit is close to Ryan

Ryan lifts up a carrot for Bandit, Bandit takes it and eats it, Ryan pets Bandit

"Who are you?" The Male asked

"Julia," Julia said

"That horse looks expensive." The Male said

"Nah, he isn't," Julia said

"How'd you pay for him?" The Male asked

"Rodeoing," Julia said

"That's for men," the Male said

"What's Your name?" Julia asked the Male

"Jamie," He said

"Hmm Jaime, that's a Wuss's Name, you a wuss?" Julis asked

"Jaime, shut up, and stop talking," the female said

"I like her." Julia said

"Thanks," the female said

"You working for My Dad?" She asked

"Yes Ma'am" Julia said and tilted her hat

The female sees the scars on Julia

Julia Notices
"I was Jumped"

"By who" The female asked

"My Ex and His Buddies." Julia said

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2024 ⏰

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