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"I think it's time to let that thing go, dear."

I frown down at my purple dress in my hands. I've had it since college, having gotten it for my graduation dinner. I fell in love with it instantly and have kept it with me for those special occasions.

And now it has big ass splotches of red and yellow paint all across it. It's ruined.

I sigh deeply as I toss it off to the side for now. It is time to let go of it. I can still get it on, but it's definitely a little tight by now. Not to mention the new ugly splotches all across it. I just hate that I now have to get rid of it because I sure as hell won't wear it now.

"I need to go shopping." I grumble dreadfully as I move over to my next box. I've been busy unpacking Cameron's things and the rest of our necessities lately, mostly leaving my things alone for now. The first thing I'm starting with is going through my clothes again to make sure I caught everything that I won't wear and don't fit anymore. "I wonder if Aaliyah would go with me." I mutter to myself.

Noah said he told her and that she hasn't really wanted to speak to him, but she sure as hell has been responding to me every time I text. I guess he's the only one she's annoyed with. But even then, when I apologized to her and asked how she was doing, she said she was mostly just trying to grapple with the fact that she has a nephew from her brother. She told me he had said he might get in a relationship, but kids had always been up in the air with him.

"I don't know if I can watch Cameron for you anytime soon." Mom admits with an apologetic frown. I pause to look at her. "It's been hard to keep up with him." She adds on a sigh.

I frown back at her but nod. "I get it." I assure. "No, actually, Noah offered to take him for me when I go out." I breathe as I reach into the box to pull out a t-shirt.

"Did he?" Mom raises a brow at me. "You haven't told Cameron who he is yet, have you?"

I quickly look over at the doorway before I look back at her. "Mom," I whisper my warning. "No, we haven't told him." I shake my head quickly. "They're still getting used to each other."

"He has a right to know." Mom shrugs me off with her 'last' input on the situation.

I ignore that. "They both always seem excited when they find out they're going to be spending time together." I hum as I hold up the t-shirt to my chest.

"That one needs to go too." Mom decides. I shrug and toss it over to where my dress is. "How do you feel about him? How is he with Cam?" She pushes curiously.

I sigh deeply as I lean down for a pair of jeans this time. "He does surprisingly well with him." I nod. I absently look down as I hold the jeans up around my hips. "Yeah—It feels like he's done it before. Maybe with his sister. She's my age."

"Again with you and older men."

I huff at that. "First of all, it's not like we're together." I point out. "Second, it's only five years. It's not even that bad." I wave her off. "But anyway." I move on quick. "He does well with him, he knows how to handle his safety, and he checks in with me when there's even the smallest question of what I'd like to do." I explain. I shrug at her with a smile as I toss the jeans in my hands into a different pile. "They'll be perfectly fine for a few hours while I hang out with my friend."

Mom shrugs. "As long as you think so." She agrees. She's a little hot and cold about this whole Noah thing. Sometimes, she's upset with me for not taking her advice when I was pregnant with Cameron, other times she's completely wary of Noah the way I had been. She's worried about repeating history too, but she still thinks it was wrong of me to avoid the chance all together.

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