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Kiara has this really bad habit. I don't know how to help her fix it or how to even encourage her to, but it's gotta be fixed one way or another.

What's her terrible habit? Well. It's nothing huge. It's just the way she leaves before I have a chance to fucking wake up.

At least she left a note this time. That's something, right? I mean, it's progress. Plus, it's not like she's gone forever. I'll see her again soon this time.

She still leaves me alone in her apartment though. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little hurt by it. It's not even like I slept in this morning—it's eight forty-five. Even still, the place feels like it's been empty for hours.

She had time to shower though. That much is clear when I walk into the bathroom to see a familiar pair of blue panties on the floor along with my t-shirt that she must've swiped from the bedroom floor before she went off to start her day. Also had time to make breakfast. A small plate of waffles sits out on the counter, covered with a sheet of foil to preserve its warmth. That's where I find her note.

She casually declares she has some errands to run today—doesn't specifically say what kind. But she does say that sometime in the afternoon she wants to see if Aaliyah wants to get her nails done with her and maybe get herself a haircut. She asks me to pick Cam up from her mom's, and tells me I can either take him to mine or back here. She just wants me to text her and tell her where I'm taking him once I decide.

So, basically, she left early this morning and I probably won't see her until around dinner time, maybe. Great.

I decide I'm going to take Cameron here out of spite. That way she has to interact with me a little more since Cameron never wants me to go when I'm over here. He never wants to leave when he's at my place either, but we have an easier time coaxing him away when we remind him about all his stuff back at his mom's.

That reminds me though. I've been meaning to fix the guest room in my apartment specifically for him. It'll have to be done sooner or later, so why not today? It'll help that he'll be with me too. He can pick up what he wants in his room, and when we're done we can come back here to wait for his mom.

Okay...So, this kind of works out great then. Still hurt she decided to leave before I woke up though.


I've been out with my kid before. Out with a kid too. Usually, it's a pretty easy thing. Just take their hand and don't let go of it under any circumstances, are you're golden.

This system worked with all of my cousins, my sister, and a friend's kids. I thought it worked fine with my kid, but no. He decided he just had to be different than all of the other kids.

I lost him. I don't know how. Honestly, I don't even want to talk about it. I just want to find him so I can throw him over my shoulder and keep him there for the rest of our trip.

"Cameron!" I call out loudly, uncaring of the other people in the store. It's not big. There's no way he went far. "Cameron Stone! Come on, man. Not funny." I glance into each aisle, ignoring the looks of disapproval I get from other parents.

His mom will kill me when he inevitably snitches on me.

I mean, it's gonna happen. Whether he means to or not. the kid is going to tell on me to his mom. And then she's going to get pissed at me and declare that she's absolutely never ever going out with me since I can't take up the simple task that she gave me today.

A Missed OpportunityWhere stories live. Discover now