Chapter 23: Aquakinesis

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"No matter how prepared you are, there is still someone that will drive you to stutter, moreover spill a coffee to yourself"



"Good? You mean goofy?"  I groused. He shook his head a few times, expressing everything with his face to really disagree with it.

And then realization hit—he likes me...or so at least I know 'cause of the hints from my delusional assumptions, and from Sage who I now really despise because what he said wasn't true. But, if it isn't true, then why am I believing it is true that he likes me. And if it's true what would I do? I mean it looks very true, he's all that and he got very shy a second ago—or if you can call it shy—or he's just that with everyone? 

I looked at him, and his jade eyes was the first thing my eyes focused on. I quickly stowed my face away. Out of impulsivity, "I'll take the coffee, I'm just gonna take a walk outside." I walked swiftly outside and grabbed the cup on his hand.

"Wait, Helio, that's mi-" The door closed before him.

I took a sip and continued walking through the porch. My mind was clouded with such things that are out of my thinking capacity. For instance, my bag which I think by now is thriving on an estuary where it's being used by seals to play volleyball. Next is Sage, self-explanatory. Then Rijo—why would I worry about him? Erase, erase. Lastly, this whole trip in Baguio—my social battery runs out quickly here than in school, and thinking about school makes me depressed of the school works I'll miss each hour that passes.

From the wooden patio to the bermuda grass, my steps became silent. I was about to take another sip but my vision went dark because of a shirt that was thrown off to my head. I flinched and quickly pulled the shirt from my head. I looked to the surroundings to catch the perpetrator but my glasses where deranged. After fixing it, only the silence of the forest I saw. I looked up from my back and saw Sage from the balcony. My brows met and my grip from his shirt tightened.

"Wear it," he shouted from above.

"Sage!?" I've piqued and marched like stallions on the way up. 

He greeted me with, "Milktea?" while his hands were flooded by it. 

I raised his shirt where it was emphasized. My irritation overflowed and my eyebrows knitted together were clear even with my glasses on.

"Whose t-shirt is that?" He asked after seeing what I am wearing.

"What's your problem?" I confronted.

"What? I don't have any problems." He half-smiled, behind it I believe is a sarcastic thought.

"Well, I have." Even though I can't reach his height, I can always reach his pride. "I've been silent of your actions, Sage, because I know you don't mean any of it. But, I'm starting to think otherwise."

"What?" Laughs between his words. I placed the coffee down on the flat wooden railings, taking a quick breath.

"You've been very rude to Rijo since the beginning. You'll go around treating him like an outsider. You shoot your irritation at him every time you had a chance. You even make him the bad guy. Remember when you fetched me like a kid outside his curfew when he and a friend went for a drink? You said that he's not bright and all that he's been into relationships before and none of it lasted. What's wrong with not lasting? He did have a relationship, but guess what, it's a healthy break-up." I tried wiping away the salty expression in my face. 

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