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Zayn Malik, a 23 year old who avoids falling in love at all costs, just to make girls another toy of his own.

"So is this what you do? Pretend to care for a woman then when we have sex after you suddenly want them to leave?" She hisses, while putting back her pants. She roughly grabs her purse and pauses at the door. "Why did you have to lie to me? Is it that hard for you to realize that love is not a joke?"

Zayn rolls his eyes and runs a hand through his hair. "Darling, love IS a joke. It's not real. It's complete bullshit."

"Do you know how much time I wasted on you? Yeah, a lot. And you don't give an absolute fu-"

He gritted his teeth and frustrated, he says "Get out."

"Hey, I'm not done talk-"

"Get out!" He yells, leaving the girl with pure shock. She gives Zayn a death glare.

"You're absolutely disgusting." She points out.

Zayn chuckles, folding his arms against his chest. "So I've been told, yet I don't give a shit. Now leave."

She's standing out of the door, with a disgusting face that made Zayn want to slap her senseless. "You'll regret doing this, Zayn. I bet you you will. No one will ever love a monster like you-" And with that, Zayn slams the door, ignoring her and everything she said.

He laughs, thinking why the girl ever fell for him so easily. What a fool to think that Zayn can actually love someone. It's absolutely hilarious. He's a ladies' man, he doesn't like any woman trying to get in his way of what he likes. He's not the one to fall in love so easily, or ever. Because after so many years, who would of thought that Zayn Malik actually loved someone? That's right, nobody. He didn't like the thought of opening that subject to anyone because it makes him vulnerable. He doesn't like being controlled. He likes being IN control.

No one will ever understand the reasons behind his dreadful deeds, and he likes the way he is now, better than any Zayn Malik he's ever been.


Victoria Sanders, a 17 year old who has high hopes for anything she gives into, willing to make every second a moment,

not a regret.

"That's great, Cal," Tori says, holding the phone with her shoulder while mincing some carrots. 

A few months ago, Callie had a tough time going through a breakup with her ex-boyfriend. She wasn't exactly on track with everything and she barely made it through a day without having to cry. Tori and her friends tried their best not to bring up any topics about Daniel so they instead distracted her with better things. Since it was her senior year, they decided to make the best out of it. A few weeks later, she was getting better, and she was back to her normal, healthy self. Tori would never know how it felt for a boyfriend to break up with her just for another girl, but she could tell Callie was extremely hurt to be told, "you weren't enough."

She was happy during the time of their relationship, but now, she's even happier. She found Louis.

"I know! It's been a long time know..." Callie trails off, her voice slowly fading. Tori could tell she's reminiscing the past and right now wasn't the time.

"Hey," Tori cuts her thoughts off. "As long as you're happy, I'm happy. Don't let anything get in the way of your happiness," She reassures her.

She hasn't seen Callie this happy with someone and that made her glad to know that one of her best friends are finally okay.

She put the minced carrots in the pot, "Cal? Are you there?" Tori asked.

"Yeah, I'm here. I'm just so grateful to have a friend like you in my life. Without you, I don't know where I would end up. I mean it, Tori. I love you," she says confidently.

Tori lightly chuckles, and with no hesitation she replies, "I love you too."

And from the other end, Tori can feel that she's smiling at her reply. "Well, looks like I gotta go. But I'll meet you tomorrow before school?" She asks.

"Of course, but you should stop by though, I'm making my famous carrot soup." Tori playfully says, as she mixes the soup, adding some spices.

"Nice try, Sanders. But sadly I can't, I still have some errands to run. Next time?" She says, with a hint of guilt in her voice.

Tori heavily sighs, "okay then. Bye."

"Bye-bye," she replied. Then she pressed End Call.

She wonders what it's like to fall in love with someone. How bad can it get? I don't see anything that can possibly go wrong with falling in love. People just over exaggerate.

And part of her brain tells her that maybe, just maybe,

she'll know what falling in love feels like.



okay im sorry the prologue is crappy and long, but i promise you it will get better :) x


-Kat xx

P.S :

Underage was inspired by the great lousmoment ily but this aint kik no more this is real lyfe so plz take it serious guys omigosh ;)

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