⚠️Disclaimer: This is a work of Fiction.The facts and events depicted here may not be historically accurate.
When the Earth had just risen, way above the clouds was a place teeming with peace and tranquility, famously known as 'Heaven'. All the divine citizens gathered around and waited eagerly for a new angel to be born, but not just any angel...
Heaven (13.7 billion years ago)
At the Palace of Caelum
(scene 1: A public gathering has taken place at the palace of Caelum, People are gathered to celebrate the birth of The supreme divine head's first child)
Citizen 1: ultra exhilaratus sum summum divinum caput nunc procedere foeminae sobolem!!
(Translation: I am beyond exhilarated that our supreme divine head will now proceed to have a female offspring.)
Citizen 2: Sed non satis frustretur ... prolem foeminam considerans. Quomodo in solio est suscepturus. Credo iam iens ut quisque displiceat...
(Translation: But isn't it quite disappointing...considering the fact that the offspring is a female. How is she going to take over the throne. I believe she's already going to be a dissatisfaction to everyone.)
( 20 minutes later...)
(Change scene to the main stage)
Head priest: Salve omnes, hodie hic convenimus hodie ad celebrandam et benedicendam nativitatem summi divini capitis filiae nostrae! Hoc momentum est in omnibus nobis contenti, an speramus nos omnes eam armis apertis, caelorum futurorum, recipient!
Progredientes ad hanc empyream scaenam, summum Ducem nostrum, vocare vellem!
(Hello everyone, today we are gathered here today to celebrate and bless the birth of Our supreme divine head's daughter!! This is a moment of contentment in all of us, an we hope that everyone welcomes her with open arms, the future of heaven! As we proceed I would like to call upon this empryrean stage, our supreme Leader!)
The room is filled with joviality, everyone starts applauding and cheering...
God(The supreme Leader): Bonum mane et salve, omnes hodie convenerunt, modo non exprimi potest quam iucundus sim. Hodie est dies spe et laetitia plenus, sicut futurum Caelum in rebus minutis tantum nascitur. Triste uxor non potuit hanc pompam iungere cum labore et dolore et spero te intelligere.Paenitet me paenitet subitam mutationem aeris et spiritus. Me et uxor mea mirati sunt de nomine filiae nostrae et voluimus aliquid quod erat singulare et potentissimum, sic et Seraphinam filiam nostram nominare decrevimus, angelos seraphim futuros custodem.
[Good morning and welcome, everyone gathered here today, I just can't express how joyous I feel.Today is a day filled with hope and happiness as the future of Heaven will be born in a matter of mere minutes. Sadly my wife was not able to join this procession as she is suffering with labour pain and I hope you understand. Sorry I apologize for the sudden shift in the atmosphere and spirit. Me and My wife have been wondering about our daughter's name and we wanted something which was unique and powerful, so We have decided to name our daughter Seraphina, future guardian of the seraphim angels!!!]
After That, Seraphina daughter of the supreme divine head was born.She was loved, respected and deserved everything she truly wanted.But This happiness died down pretty swiftly.As only a year later Seraphina's Mother (Aurora) was pregnant again with another child. Many Rumors were spreading stating that the new child maybe a male.Relying to these rumours, people were beyond ecstatic as they thought that they wouldn't have to be reliant on Seraphina to rule heaven.