Episode 2

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Shang Qinghua stormed out of the conference room, his heart pounding and his mind a whirlwind of emotions.

He couldn't believe he had finally let all his frustrations and grievances spill out so volatilely. The weight of the world seemed to press down on him, suffocating him with a sense of despair and isolation. And even after he said all that, still, no one seemed to care about him.

Neither his supposed sect brothers nor his "friend" Shen Yuan and to be honest, to this point he was really tired.

As he walked through the halls of Cang Qiong Sect, he couldn't shake off the feeling of betrayal that lingered in the air. His outburst exposed the deep-rooted issues and prejudices he faced within the sect. The slander, the mistreatment, and the lack of respect had taken their toll on him, eroding his spirit bit by bit. The only difference was that he had finally reached his breaking point.

Finally reaching his quarters he started packing some robes and money in his qiankun pouch while he started writing a note to Mobei Jun explaining he'll be gone for a while, but whether he returns or not, only time will say. Because there aren't many reasons to return anywhere to be honest, since he returned with his king, all the palace affairs were well managed and there wasn't any more to check as well.

He knew Can Qiong wouldn't be able to run smoothly, not without him but they needed to know just how valuable he was to the sect, and even if they went asking and begging for forgiveness he might not even come back then, because they all gave him the cold shoulder, since he was a disciple so why would he care about anyone else.

After he grabbed all he needed he left his note for his king on his desk under his brush holder, making sure the wind wouldn't make it fly away. After giving a final look at the room he held so many memories in, he left his peak lord headpiece in the middle of the desk, and with that he walked away from all he knew, not knowing if he was ever going back.

Soon after he left the sect he started wandering for a while, Shang Qinghua's footsteps led him to a familiar place—a secluded garden hidden away from prying eyes. It was here that he often sought solace and refuge, a sanctuary of tranquility amidst the chaos of his life. He sank onto a stone bench, his hands trembling as he tried to steady his breathing.
The gentle rustling of leaves and the soothing scent of flowers offered a momentary respite, allowing Shang Qinghua to gather his thoughts.

The weight of his decision hung in the air—leaving the cultivation world behind. It was a choice born out of desperation and a longing for a life where he could be free from the constant burden of expectation and scorn.

While he was a skilled cultivator, even if other people said otherwise, he could defend himself from mid and low-ranking beasts thank you very much. Even though he was self-sufficient, he could see how maybe they wouldn't even notice him gone.

So, after drinking some water and eating some melon seeds, he was ready to get back on his feet and keep wandering.
He reflected on his journey in the cultivation world with a heavy heart. The sacrifices he had made, the dreams he had chased, and the relentless pursuit of acceptance and recognition. But now, it all felt futile.

The realization hit him hard—perhaps he had been chasing an unattainable mirage all along. Maybe not even his king would miss him, at least Shen Yuan certainly wouldn't since he wouldn't have Shang Qinghua bothering him endlessly now, and his mind started wandering towards his king, what would Mobei Jun think about all of this?
As he gazed into the distance, his mind wandered to Mobei-Jun, his enigmatic king.

Their relationship was complex, fraught with challenges and misunderstandings. Yet, amidst it all, there was a genuine connection that Shang Qinghua cherished. It was a bittersweet bond, one that offered solace and belonging but could never fully quench the thirst for love and acceptance he craved.

Their interactions were often filled with sharp words and tense exchanges, born out of misunderstandings and the weight of their respective roles. Shang Qinghua yearned for the love and acceptance he knew deep down he would never fully receive from Mobei-Jun.

He had grown accustomed to the verbal and physical abuse, and in its absence, a void of longing remained.
Yet, there were moments—fleeting and precious—where the barriers between them cracked, revealing an undeniable connection. In those rare instances, Mobei-Jun's guard would momentarily lower, and his gaze would soften with something that resembled tenderness.

In those moments, Shang Qinghua caught a glimpse of what could be, and it fueled his desire to bridge the gap between them.

Deep down, Shang Qinghua clung to a string of hope, a belief that maybe, just maybe, their paths would align someday. But for now, he had to confront his demons, heal his wounded spirit, and find a way to prioritize his happiness and self-worth. The journey ahead would be challenging, but perhaps, in freeing himself from the confines of the cultivation world, he would discover a path that led to the acceptance and love he so desperately craved.

Far, far away from where Shang Qinghua stood, Mobei-Jun stood at the edge of the icy palace, his gaze fixed on the horizon. The news of Shang Qinghua's departure had reached him, echoing through the silent halls like a mournful melody.

A mix of emotions swirled within him, battling for dominance. Part of him was consumed by frustration and anger, feeling abandoned by the one person who had shown him glimpses of warmth and understanding. But beneath the anger, a deeper ache resided—a pang of loss that he refused to acknowledge.

He had sent someone to go and retrieve Shang Qinghua since he needed him for some business at the palace, or maybe just maybe he didn't want to admit that he, himself missed his hamster-looking advisor, and maybe just maybe, wanted him to be something more than just an advisor.

The memories of their time together flooded Mobei-Jun's mind—moments of stolen glances, shared laughter, and the rare instances when Shang Qinghua's guard had slipped, revealing vulnerability. He had witnessed the flickers of longing in Shang Qinghua's eyes, the unspoken desires that mirrored his own.

And now, Shang Qinghua's absence served as a painful reminder of the connection they had forged. And of all the mistakes he made during all the time they had known each other. Because even after he brought Shang Qinghua back after all that happened with his uncle, he still wasn't able to convey his feelings. And that's probably what anguished him the most, because he knew, deep down, that if Shang Qinghua wished he would not see him again.

Day after day passed and yet there were no signs of Shang Qinghua's return. So he decided to take matters into his hands, and then, The King of the Northern Dessert took off to find his hamster-looking human.

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