5. Nice to meet you

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Y/N's POV:

I felt the heat rise in my cheeks the moment we made eye contact but I still couldn't look away. His eyes were mesmerizing.

"Is this your book?"

I nervously gulped and gave baby nods. He handed my book back as I was finally able to break the eye connect. My eyes wondered everywhere else trying to avoid his gaze again.

"Do you like that book?"

And before my mind could process anything my mouth kicked into autopilot. "It's my favorite book! I probably have read it at least 100 times. The chemistry between the-"

I stopped talking when I noticed him staring at me while chuckling with the cutest smile. "I Uh... sorry I.. I got a little excited." I said rubbing the back of my neck. I darted my eyes to the side and down as I felt myself getting flustered again.

"It's ok. It was cute." I heard him say causing butterflies to fly around in my stomach.

"My name is Kim Seungmin." He bowed still smiling.

"Nice to meet you. I'm y/n." I bowed back.

"You know. That's also my favorite book."

My eyes widen. "No way?!"

He giggled as I watched him reach into his bag and pull out a book identical to the one I am holding in my hands.

I grabbed it from him to observe if this man's statement was true or not. I heard him laughing some more. "I have no reason to lie. I have also read this book over 100 times."

"Woah. I have never met anyone else who likes this book!" I was getting excited again and I knew I needed to calm down.

As I excitedly blinked at the two books in my hands I heard his phone ring.


I tried my best not to ease drop. Then I heard him say bye and I looked up to see him putting his phone back in his pocket.

"Hey sorry I have to go but I would love to hang sometime if you want? Maybe you can suggest some other books I haven't read yet." He gave me another cute smile which caused my heart to melt.

"Uh yeah, yeah that sounds great." I smiled as I handed his book back. "Calm down y/n." I could feel my heart racing. No one has ever wanted to hang out with me before so I couldn't help but feel a little bit of joy.

He placed his book back in his bag and took his phone back out of his pocket. He quickly looked around which had me looking around.

"Can I get your number?" I heard him ask, bringing my attention back to him. He held out his phone, waiting for me to take it.

My heart fluttered once more as I took his phone to put my number in. "This is the first time anyone has ever asked for my number." I shyly said, giving it back to him after I typed it in.

The look on his face was puzzling. "How is that possible?" He said with confusion.

But my attention was no longer on him as I noticed a group of boys outside the glass door laughing and pointing at him. "Uh." Was all I could say which caused him to turn around to see what I was looking at.

"Ahssh. Sorry those are my friends. Um I have to go now. I'll text you!" He said waving his phone in the air before running out the door. I watched as another boy jumped and threw his arm around his neck, bringing him down into a playful choke hold.

I couldn't help but blush as I thought of me giving my number out to a cute boy. "I wonder if he will actually text me."

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