9. She is so cute

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Seungmin's POV:

I made sure to get to the coffee shop a little earlier. I don't know why but I wanted to order her coffee for her.

I already know she likes ice americanos but I wanted to get her my favorite drink that I only order on special occasions, like today.

I thanked the barista after placing the order and walked back to the same booth I saw her sitting in yesterday. I took my mask off since I there was only one other person in this shop and I knew none of the employees recognized me. Or at least I was hoping.

I wasn't waiting too long when I spotted her immediately through the glass window as she was running down the side walk. "How is she so cute." I chuckled to myself, watching her lean over to catch her breath before she opened the door.

I waved my hand, getting her attention and I could tell she was getting flustered. My heart skipped a beat as she started to walk towards me. "How does she have this kind of affect on me?"

I stood up to greet her properly and that's when she started tripping over her own feet. I quickly stepped closer, slipping my arm around her waist and wrapped the other one around her shoulders.

She graciously landed against my chest and I squeezed her tighter as I couldn't hold back the smile that took over my face along with the warm feeling that enchanted my body as I held her in my arms.

I helped steady her to her feet. "You ok?" I chuckled again. She covered her face with her hoodie.

"I'm so embarrassed." She shyly said.

"Let's sit." I took my seat in the booth and she sat on the other side avoiding my gaze. I could see her cheek turning a rosy red from embarrassment which I thought was just the cutest thing.

After a couple of seconds I spoke breaking the silence. "I hope you don't mind I ordered for you."

"Not at all." She shyly replied.

I also couldn't help but also get nervous as she started to slowly talk a little more. "You can call me Minnie. All my friends do."

I felt the heat rise to my cheeks as she giggled and said "Minnie". I could feel my body wanting to be close to her again, wanting to hold her, feel her warmth in my arms.

"Um. What is your job?"

A knot formed in my stomach to the sound of her question. I wasn't ready to answer that yet. Not until we knew each other a little more.

Just as I was about to speak our order got called. I was internally grateful for the interruption.

I walked back with both drinks in hand and her eyes suddenly widen with excitement. At first glance she already knew the drinks I order.

"Honestly I didn't know if you would like an iced vanilla latte. I know it's so simple but it's also my favorite drink."

I watched as she took the biggest sip with her eyes closed, enjoying the sweet taste. I could feel my heart beating against my chest at her cuteness.

After delivering her, her favorite drink she seemed more comfortable and talked non stop which I absolutely adored. A few hours went by without us realizing until my phone started pinging with messages from the guys telling me it's time to get back.

We both stood up and walked to the door but stopped right in front of it. She started twiddling her fingers as she became shy again, all of the sudden. "What's on your mind Y/n?"

"Well... I was just wondering if maybe... you'd like to hang out again sometime?" I could she the heat rise to her cheeks as she seemed to use up all of her confidence to ask me.

A smile spread across my face. "I would really like that." I brushed a piece of hair behind her ear causing her to look up at me.

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