Episode 4:Cast My Shadow

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Episode 4
'Gasp' he wakes up in a cold sweat, his window was mysteriously open letting a draft into
the house so he jumps off his bed to close it.He walks into his bathroom and brushes his
teeth then suddenly 'crash' he hears a plate break in the kitchen,
"Oh no, not again", he says with worry in his tone, he rushes out his bathroom to where he
heard the noise but he quickly brakes, takes a sniff,
"Don, Dan, Dick and Deck...you guys still haven't mastered the art of hide and seek", he
says folding his arms with a smirk on his face,
"Us?, hiding?", the sound of Deckatore in a sarcastic tone from one of the couches,
"No we ain't", continued Donovan then out of nowhere each and everyone of them
appeared, Deck appeared walking out the kitchen with a bottle of sparkling water, Don
appeared on the couch with a remote in his hand, Dan walked in from the balcony with
headphones on and Dickson was on another couch texting in his phone,
"I see someones senses have developed", says Dick still focused on his phone,
"Flattery won't excuse y'all from making my paranoia sky rocket", Trevor says walking to
a sofa to take a seat,
"We know what happened, that's why we here", replies Deck also taking a seat,
"Who told you guys?",
"Uuuuh, I can see the past by touching something", replies Don,
"Oh yeah now I remember", Trevor says rolling his eyes,
"So...a shadow casting vampaine attack you", says Dan,
"A what now?",
"A shadow casting vampaine...a vampire that lives on vervaine and has the ability to
steal and control ones own shadow", continues Dan,
"I'm lost here",
"Lemme rap into your memory", says Don,
"Whoa there, I'd like a lil privacy with what I did yesterday", Trevor says pushing his
brother away,
"Don't worry I can only go as far as last night", says Don causing them all to laugh,
"Fine then, lets get this over with", Trevor says in frustration and with that Don places two
fingers on Trevor's forehead with both their eyes closed and immediately they were
transferred back to the night before in the messy apartment,
"This is what I came home to last night",
"I see that, now lets pause", Don says snapping his fingers causing both Trevor's past
self and the vampaine to pause in mid air before colliding, the present Trevor walks to
both figures in amazement,
"Wow, you should teach me this",
"No can do lil bro, you too young to get to my level if power", Don said as he walked
toward his younger brother,
"Yeah right",
"Anyway focus on that vampaine look closer", Trevor does as he's told but is shocked at
what he sees that he steps back with his heart pounding,
"It's ...It's me....how?, how is this even possible?","See, these vampires are different from us, instead of being weakened by vervaine, they
live by it",
"That's why I was so weak", Trevor says and immediately, his reality goes back to normal
and he is back in his livingroom with the rest of his brothers,
"Exactly, it switches and drains off our powers but then their weakness is light, from the
sun's rays to a light bulb, it kills em", Don explains, motioning to take a seat on the couch,
"Sheesh, now what about my shadow I mean I was fighting and running away from
myself last night", he asked, confused,
"I'm getting on that, see they take your shadow, manipulate it to look exactly like you, you
as the owner can only see it in shadow form but people outside see it as you, that's also
how they can walk in pure day light with out dying...", Don explained,
"That explains how my shadow was stolen",
"Now you got it, so be careful, it can come in any form to attack you again but lucky for
you, their scent can't be covered, catching them out with it can weaken you a bit but it'll
help and also their weakness isn't light alone, it's wolfsbane",
"Just in case it comes at me during the day...",
"Or in a party", finishes Don after his explanation,
"Okay thanks for the heads up bro", says Trevor and they automatically transfer back into
the present on the couch where they were seated to find the others watching Tv with
snacks on the coffee table,
"Look at you guys getting comfy in my house", Trevor sarcastically said,
"You aren't much of a proper host yourself kiddo", replies Dan tossing some peanuts into
his mouth,
"Whatever Don", and just as Trevor rolls his eyes,
"Uhm guys we gotta go , for that....thing", says Dickson winking at them,
"Oh yeah THAT thing, Trev we have to go", clicks Deck nudging at Dan,
"Yeah yeah",
"But it's a Saturday", complains Trevor,
"Duty cal...", Dan gets cut off by a pinch on his back from Don,
"Fine....but wait what was that creature that saved me from the...", before he finishes his
question all his brothers butts to balls of grey smoke that blow toward the balcony door,
opening it wide as they all blow out into the sky 'That's what you'll find out soon' Trevor hears a
voice say as he looks at the four balls of smoke disappear in a distance but suddenly he
feels cold,
"Shit, the wind is freezing damn", he says to himself closing the balcony door and rushes
to his bathroom to take a bath and as he enters his bedroom he finds his bed already
"Those boys need to stop doing things for me though", he says chuckling by himself as
he makes his way to the bathroom.After a few minutes of taking a bath he goes on to get
dressed, very casual and slips on his slippers, grabs his phone and keys and heads out
down the building hall, he greets a few of the tenants that were walking around the
building until he reaches his friend's apartment, Kat, Trevor knocked on the door once, no
answer, he knocked twice,
"Kat it's me, open up girl", he declared but still he got no reply, "Well then I guess I'm adulting today", he says to himself walking away from the door
going to his apartment.
He opens his door and finds a note on the floor, he opens it and reads what was read,
'Meet me downstairs ,
P.S:I love you' he reads,
"I hope it's the last time he bosses me around like that, and how is it my birthday today,
it's only a week away", he says to himself walking in his house, he puts on his sneakers to
match his chinos and walks out again, he goes onto the elevator as it goes down.He gets
to the ground floor toward the securities,
"Hey Jerry, you got something for me?", he asks the man who looked in his mid 50's in a
security uniform,
"Yep this came for you", he gives a letter enveloped in a light blue envelope with a heart
as a seal and it read out,
'Sorry about the first note,
I know when you get mad,
you wanna confront so that was the only way to get you out my love,
come over to the club,
we need to talk face to face and not text to text,
love you.
"You got a good man there Trev, hold on to him", advices Jerry noticing Trevor blushing,
"Well you said it Jerry", he replies skipping out the building toward the club where he
works part-time smiling all the way there with people looking at him like a weirdly but
when he finally got there he put on a straight face telling himself,
"Don't let him see this side of you Trev", and he walks in and there stood Tru, looking
dapper as always but slightly casual, he wore a sky blue shirt, folded it up to his elbow,
slim fit jeans and formal sneakers, holding flowers and a box of chocolates with a writing
'I'm sorry' and Trevor gives him an offish smile 'Cheesy as fuck' was all he could think of
before walking toward him, "Hey baby", Tru says opening his arms for a hug,
"Hi babe, you went all out huh?", Trevor responds, nervously hugging him back with a
nervous smile,
"I had to and I'm sorry for being how I was that night, and this is how I had to approach
you", Tru apologized,
"I hear you , but we do need to talk", says Trevor and Tru motions him to take a seat by
the bar,
"Tru I'm not mad about what you did to me, that night I...", Trevor was about to explain
but he gets cut off,
"You were stressed and exhausted and I wasn't considerate", Tru cuts him off, pulling him
close by the waist,
"No, Tru you not letting me finish, what I wanted to say was, I saw...",
"Hold that thought babe", he cuts Trevor off again to answer a phone call,
"You might as well give up bruh", says a bartender wiping the counter,
"He's not gonna listen to you, no matter how hard you can try",
"And how do you know this?", a curious Trevor motioned to the counter to hear more,
"I served him every night, he'd choose one drink and when I bring it to him, it's either he
changed his mind or says he ain't order a drink at all, I would try to explain to him of how
he ordered, he'd just dismiss me and tell me about my ears not hearing well and they do",
"Wow, I thought he always did that to me",
"Yeah well, you can't help who you love, here he comes, lemme go check on some
customers", concludes the waiter rushing off to the other side of the counter seeing Tru
make his way back,
"Sorry about that babe, wait who was that?",
"Oh the bartender",
"So you dating bartenders now?", he asked, with a sense of jealousy in his tone,
"Wait, me and bartender's?, since when Tru?",
"Well you tell me?",
"Oh wow I can't with this", Trevor says raising his hands in surrender getting off chair,
"And where the fuck you going?!", Tru said grabbing Trevor's hand violently,
"What does it look like Tru?, I'm leaving 'cause you don't wanna listen!",
"Oh so now it's my fault?",
"Yes it is, Tru I came here hoping I'd tell you what you did wrong, hoping you'd admit to
your mistake but it always has to be about you Tru and I'm tired, I saw you that night with
a group of girls, I thought my mind was playing tricks on me but no, you told me you
wouldn't make it home early on our anniversary night 'cause you were "busy", and yet you
were out with some cheap hoes clubbing and I saw it all, how you drowned your tongue
down her throat!", Trevor shouts in anger as a few tears roll down his cheek,
"...and here I was thinking you're apologizing for that and I'd forgive your trifling ass but
no, you're right and I'm always wrong", he added, causing Tru to look at the ground in
"Baby I'm sorry about that, I really am, you coulda told me sooner....",
"Alright, I just did and now you trying to shift the blame, I give up, Tru okay?, I give up...", but before he could finish his sentence, Tru crashes his lips on Trevor's, calming him
down as more tears fell, he brushed them off with his hands on Trevor's cheeks but all
Trevor could do was slap him causing Tru to step back,
"Fuck you Tru, Fuck, you", he says pointing at him before rushing out in anger, a few
spectators who were watching the scene went back to what they were doing and others
finally had something to talk about but Tru, now full of anger followed behind his lover.
Trevor, filled with rage he rushed back to the building and instead of taking the elevator
he takes the stairs and with every step he took he left a dent on it, he went up the stairs
until he got there, he opens the door and slams it making it create cracks around it and
he rushes to his bedroom, straight to his bathroom and then his pendant began to glow
and that was his signal to write down his worries.
A few minutes after, he calms down and walks out the bathroom with red puffy eyes, he
gets a text from Clive, 'Hey man hope you good, can we chill by the basketball
court, I have something for you.C.',
"Clive I need some time alone", he says to himself, then another text from Clive clicked in
'Please I really need you right now ' and that's when Trevor gave in to his best
friends' plead and he goes back out but just as he locks his door he bumps into Tru,
"I hope you not going where I think you're going",
"That's none of your business", Trevor replies as he passes Tru,
"Don't ...don't give up on us, Trev, I'm sorry, I love you", he says grabbing his arm with
pleading eyes,
"Too late Tru", Trevor concludes walking away.
Trevor gets to the court and finds a few guys playing basketball and one of them had an
arm full of tattoos and that made him recognize it was Clive, he made his way to the
nearby bench as he watched the game and as the moment went by his mind trailed off to
Tru's kiss, the feel of his velvet smooth lips against his, the feel of his hands brush off
the tears that rolled down his face, it felt as though his worries faded away for a moment,
the look on his face, the words echoed in his head
sorry, I love you' but his thoughts
were disturbed by his name being called,
"Trevor, Trev...you alright?", and standing in front of him was a tall, greenish eyed, sweaty
best friend in blue sweat shorts, high top sneakers with socks matching and his upper
body looked as though it were of a god, his shoulders were broader, his pecks were
puffed up , his abs were well defined, counting up to an 8 pack and they were rock hard
with a deep V-line ending at the strap of a silver line showing his underwear name 'Diesel'
it read, with tattoos showing, covering his arm stopping at his elbow which was now full
of throbbing veins and to complete it all he was glistening from all his sweat with his
man bun now messier than ever and his side burns hair lay and all that turned Trevor on,
slightly 'cause he wasn't as buff as a body builder and neither was he skinny, Clive was
average sized with a body to die for,
"Yeah I'm alright Clive just, preoccupied", said brushing his thoughts in his head,
snapping out of it,
"I see that, wanna talk about it maybe?", the muscular male said in between breaths,
"Nah man, I'll be fine", Trevor attempts to bruh things off,more especially the visionin
front of him, "If you say so, wanna play a game, I remember how mean you were with the B ball", he
says tossing it to Trevor,
"Dude that was years ago", Trevor tosses it back at Clive,
"I know so lets rekindle that basketball fire", Clive says running back to the other guys
signalling the game is back on and it was on, they all played but the person who played
the most was Trevor, he dribbled the others like a pro and he scored like nobody's
"Damn bruh you are good today", says Clive almost out of breath,
"Why?, you wanna give up on me?", replies Trevor breathing hard,
"No no, just amazed, see I knew you'd never say a word to me and the only way to get all
that stress out is through doing something",
"You know me too damn well, less yadda yadda and more ball bouncing lets go",
"You are such a boy, haha", Clive chuckled flashing his smile at Trevor,
"That's what I am dude", they both laughed and the game was back on play.
The sun had set and the stars came out to play and the crisp wind was blowing, Trevor
and Clive had just finished their game of basketball and they were sweaty as ever,
"When I get home I'm taking a shower", complains Trevor smelling himself,
"Same here man...", before Clive could finish his sentence he received a text which
makes him change his facial expression,
"Trev I gotta go",
"What?, why?",
"It's...work, I'll see you tomorrow, and Trevor, run home", he says before rushing off to the
opposite direction they were heading to leaving Trevor dumbfounded but Trevor goes on
his way home and then suddenly he feels someone cover his mouth strangling him,
Trevor tries to scream but he cant and he secretly sniffs the person's hand and he smells
it, vervaine before he could combine his thoughts he was tossed to a wall causing the
bricks pieces to fall and as he tries to get up he sees two more shadows appear making
their way forward to him with one of them picking him up by his neck up the wall, he
struggles to breathe, the vampaine opens it's mouth, and makes a vacuum sound then a
misty light flowing out of Trevor's mouth and all over him went into vampaine's mouth,
weakening the young boy as though his soul was being sucked out of him but suddenly
two light balls descend from the sky and as the light fades a blue dragon and purple with
pink highlights at the tips of it's wings harpy appear, the dragon blows ice at an incoming
vampaine jumping toward it, freezing it in mid air and with a swish of it's tail it breaks the
frozen vampaine to pieces then it dissipates while another attacks the harpy which
unleashes a loud shriek making a sonic wave blowing the creature away disintergrating it
and then there was one that continued draining Trevor of his life, the dragon hits it with
it's tail making it hit a nearby dumpster and just as it's about to run off the dragon
stomps on it's back making it fall under it's feet, it roars at the vampaine before freezing
it and crushing it into small pieces before it dissolves.Trevor lays on the ground
coughing and trying to catch his breath catching the two mysterious creature's attention,
the harpy runs toward him,
"Trevor, hang in there", it says in a smooth calming voice,
"We need to get him back home", "I know lets get him on your back then", says the harpy and with that the now
unconscious Trevor was put on the dragon's back and flown home.Instead of going in
from the main entrance, they get to the rooftop,
"Well he's safe, for now", now speaks the harpy,
"Should we...", asks the dragon,
"Yeah we should", they exchanged dialogue before Trevor blacks out.
The next morning, Trevor wakes up to a splitting headache with a blurry vision,
'Hey hey, take it easy' he hears a familiar voice,
"Roger, how did you....where's Kat?",
"She went out to get you something to eat, we found you laying by your doorstep last
night, what was up?",
"Roger I'd be lying if I said I knew 'cause all I remember was I came home from a game
with Clive and then I was attacked and....a dragon and something....I don't know",
"Look it'll be alright", Roger says rubbing Trevor's back and then,
"Roger I'm back",
"Finally", Roger says rolling his eyes getting up making his way out the bedroom with
Trevor following,
"Hey stranger",
"Oh my God, boy what were you up to last night?, you look like death", Kat gasped,
"Girl, I am death", as they all share a laugh,
"Look, take a seat and I'll make you breakfast okay?, okay", says Kat rushing into the
kitchen, a few minutes pass and she walks out with eggs and bacon with ketchup on the
"Kat you shouldn't have...wait a minute",
"What is it?", asks Roger,
"Kat, this ain't ketchup...", Trevor says causing Kat and Roger to look at each other with
worry in their eyes, he could sense them tense up and become nervous,
"...what's going on here?",
"Well we have something we gotta tell you", Kat says taking a seat,
"It's...a long story", finishes Roger,
"I got time, what's going on here?",
"Trevor calm down buddy", says Kat trying to calm the heated Trevor who now had green

On the other side the queen is furious,
"Why do I bother with you lot, I ask you to do one thing and you fail at it!", she screams at
the three people bowing for her,
"My queen, the guardians ....",
"The guardians what?I know they foiled our plan but I gave you more than enough to take
what I want from that boy", she continued to scream,
"My queen, don't dispose of them just yet, I have an idea", says someone bursting into the
throne room,
"I hope it'll give me the results I want", replies the mysterious queen taking a seat on her
"Ever heard of, divide and conquer?and it involves you three", causing her to grin
"Interesting", she says along with the three bowing servants and of course, the
mysterious person.

"Guys...I can't do this anymore",
"What do you mean?", replies Deckatore,
"Keeping this secret from him, guys his life is in danger and he has no knowledge of
what's going on...I can't, I have to tell him",
"Wait motherfucker, okay? We have a plan we gotta stick to so you my guy must stick to
it along with us, as long you guard him with the others lending you a hand, it'll be alright,
we know you love him but love ain't gon keep him safe from her", says Don,
"Fine then, I'll try and keep my cool I guess", he says looking at a picture of Trevor in his

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