Episode 10:Failure To Escape

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Episode 10
Three weeks away from Nubiana, peace and quiet was all he needed but his phone kept
buzzing with texts from Kat, and also his mind was flipping with images, like a scientist
flipping through pages trying to figure out an experiment gone wrong, Clive, Tru, Roland,
these three men haunted his dreams, his imagination, his heart would ache at the
thought of their faces, Clive's anger, Tru's unfaithfulness, Roland's innocence in all this
Trevor looked out of his now improved bedroom arched window, his home has changed
since he left, on the outside it looks like your classic and vintage stone walled
doublestorey house but inside it's as modern as ever all thanks to Stephan Sinclair's
retirement pay he had enough money to renovate the Sinclair household.He stood there
looking out into the snow filled area, it was early in the morning and a snow day for the
kids in the area, children were probably sleeping in and all that snow brought back
memories of himself playing with Clive in the snow, innocent, playful souls they were
until now that is, Trevor was trying his best to hold back his thirst , the thirst he's been
holding back since he left, Ice Mode, as he called it was now the only thing that helped
him hide his depression and hurt and anger, his eyes were a dark violet colour now
indicating his diet had changed,
"Trevor, dinner time", called his mother downstairs,
"Coming mom", he replied as he shook his thoughts out, he took a last check of his text
messages and they all included the school costume party, all he could do was sigh at the
thought of actually going so he put his phone away, put on his sneakers and went
downstairs where he met his mother also dressed like a mother on get way to the gym or
heading out for a jog, she hadn't changed a bit, she looked as young as she was due to
the fact that her being a vampire put her physical age appearance on pause, her afro in a
nice tight bun,
"Ready to go?", she asked with a smile,
"It's been a long time coming, where's dad?",
"Oh he went on first, it's been a month since he hunted so his thirst was getting the best
of him", she replied calmly,
"Oh well lets get going then",
"But first, we need to drive out to create a front for the humans",
"Stealthy, I like", replied Trevor as they both headed out into the car and they drove
off.Along the way Matilda started to cut the awkward silence,
"So, how's school?", she asked,
"It's okay, I guess, boring during the lessons as usual, fun when it comes to tests, me
being an A student and junk", he answered not making any eye contact but looking out
the window,
"That's nice, how's Tru?", she continued to ask but all she got was an,
"Wow, that's a first, what happened?", she asked in shock,
"We broke up, mom, it's nothing special",
"Oh okay, and Cli ...?", "Mom there's a perfect spot to hunt, I smell some deer's over there", Trevor cuts his
mother off before she could finish her question and the car stopped indeed,
"Okay that's it, tell me what's wrong", she demanded in a now frustrated tone,
"Mom I said it's nothing...",
"No, it's something, I can feel it, your thoughts are closed shut, you've been on Ice mode
for five weeks now, talk to me", after saying that she saw her son's eyes form tears and
they start flowing,
"Mom...Clive and I kissed and I found Tru in a...doing a....then there's Roland and....I cant
explain it", he says in between sobs,
"Oh honey, it must be hard back there", she replies rubbing his back,
"It's okay, now I'm invited to this costume party and I don't wanna go", he replies wiping
his nose,
"Okay look, I may not know what's going on but my advice to you is, don't cry over boys,
be strong for your sake and focus on you, don't let your world circle around them , go to
the party, don't go, it's your choice but it'll be your fun, not there's", she says with a wide
smile, "Thanks mom, I think I'll go to that party but, what should I wear?",
"We'll talk about that later, right now those deers smell delicious, lets go", she says
getting out the car and disappearing into the dark and snow covered forest leaving
Trevor to also get out, he pauses a bit and takes a deep breath and then he sped off for
his hunt.
Back at the apartment Clive is going up and down, back and forth pacing in anger,
"Babe sit down, you'll make me dizzy geez", Tiyana says in irritation while reading a
"Tiyana, I don't wanna go to that party but you forcing me, why?",
"Cause we'll look good there, we'll dress like one of the Disney princess couples, you'll be
prince charming and I'll be Cinderella or maybe lets do Beauty and the Beast or...or,
Princess Ariel and Prince Eric from The Little Mermaid, I'll dye my hair red later on at the
salon and...",
"Shut up, I'm not going, okay?, I'm nor going", he says cutting her off but then they hear a
knock at the door,
"Clive, it's me, Kat, open up", they hear,
"Urgh, I'll get it", says Tiyana rolling her eyes,
"Clive's not here, bye", she says opening the door and closing it but Kat stops the door
with her foot,
"Bitch don't you dare, Clive I can see your head by that couch let me in",
"Let her in Tiyana",
"Fine, I'll take a nap then", she says opening the door letting Kat inside from the cold
"Oh nothing...but the fact that you and Trevor aren't talking I mean Wow! What the hell is
going on, it's been five weeks now and I thought y'all would've fixed things by now",
"Kat, it's complicated",
"Complicated my ass, I know Trevor came here to apologize and you shut him out, what
is that?",
"I didn't' wanna talk to him okay? I was pissed that ...", "That what?, Tell me, what happened between the two of you, what 'caused this little fall
out?", Kat asks folding her arms and raising her eyebrows,
"We...we kissed", Clive responds looking away,
"So?, you two kissed, so what?, it's been visible that he loves you, you're all he was talking
about when he got here alright?, Do you know how hurt he is?, he's on motherfucken ice
mode for all we know and all that is 'cause of his emotional turmoil, he and Tru broke up
'cause he found Tru doing some chick, which broke him even more",
"Kat, I hear you, he hurt me first, by telling me off, he hurt me the moment I confessed my
feelings for him and he straight up yelled at me, how was I supposed to take it?, I had to
make him feel the same way he made me feel when a person shuts the door in your face
physically and emotionally",
"Do you blame him, he's new to this, he's not used to this thing called love, he only dated
Tru to get him off his back, he's been through a toxic relationship and you came in with
all that? Okay I get you hurt but at least he tried by apologizing, the least you coulda done
was forgive him and get to understand him better", Kat concludes and Clive gives off a
"Okay fine, I forgive him then...", he replied rolling his eyes with a soft chuckle,
"Good, now are you going to the party?",
"I don't know, I'll see if I can, I'll think about it",
"That's better, let me go get ready then",
"See ya Kat", he says as Mat walks out the door
"So, you're going to that party 'cause she asked you to?, wow", says Tiyana walking out
clapping her hands slowly sarcastically,
"Not now Tiyana",
"Yes, now, you let low class people tell you what to do and me, your girlfriend, I'm in
"There's a difference, you demanded, she asked, something you obviously don't know
about so excuse me, I think I have a party to get to", Clive says dismissing Tiyana leaving
her in frustration and with that she grabs her phone and dials a number, the phone rings
and the person answers,
"Lets do it tonight, it's now or never", then she hangs up.
Back in Nubiville, Trevor gets ready, he walks out the shower and gets dressed after his
morning hunt with his mother and he looks out his window and sees a sportscar park
outside his house and he sees someone familiar, Leroy McAllister, Clive's father, it was
very clear that Clive got his body structure from his father, his looks, his walk basically
Mr McAllister was a walking and breathing gene pool and Clive was a spitting image of
his dad, he saw Mr McAllister and his father meet at the gate and shake hands as they
both walk in and in a few minutes,
"Trevor, somebody wants to see you", Stephan calls out Trevor downstairs and Trevor
comes out of his room and goes down slowly,
"Oh wow, he's grown up now huh?", says Leroy reveals the very dimples Clive very much
has and he has the very same kind eyes,
"Come give your god father a hug", he says again and Trevor does so, awkwardly, "They do grow very fast but hey, what can we do", Stephan continues and they both laugh
and then suddenly Stephan gets a phone call,
"Oh, I have to take this, excuse me", he says answering the phone rushing out of the
"So, long time huh Trevor", Leroy says taking a seat on the couches and Trevor also sits
opposite him,
"Yeah, it's been a while", he says in a shaky voice,
"I hear he lives in the same apartment as you, is he settling in alright?",
"Yeah, he's doing fine and we go to school together",
"That's great, Trevor your parents told me what happened and I want you to know that,
it's okay, Clive has a little temper 'cause well, he's half a beast, the two of you have been
friends since childhood and went through things together but please don't let this little
tiff get between your friendship okay?", Leroy advices,
"Yeah, thanks", Trevor said and as he gets up,
"Hey, what's that on your arm?", Leroy asks looking at the burn mark on Trevor's forearm
but Trevor was quick to hide it by pulling down the sleeve of his jacket,
"I...burnt myself by the fire a few weeks ago, it's nothing serious",
"It's alright son, you go do your business", Leroy says and Trevor bumps into his dad
going up to his room and before Trevor could reach his room he suddenly hears
whispers and his mother was now there so Trevor decides to eavesdrop,
"The mark has been activated",
"I saw it too, this is bad, now they can track him down with it, he's no longer safe",
"That's true, but what can we do about this, but my question is, how and why did they
activate it so suddenly",
"That's one question we have no answer to, I guess we'll need the Four Winds to come to
the picture, he's going to the party", says Matilda,
"We have no choice then, I'll call them and they'll take it from there, agreed?", asks Leroy
"Agreed", they all said in unison and Trevor rushed into his bedroom to act as though he
was getting ready,
"Hey kiddo, what you doing?", says Stephan walking in with a box behind him,
"Nothing, just getting ready for the party though I don't know what I'll wear",
"Worry not son, I have just the thing, here", Stephan reveals the wrapped box behind him
and as Trevor opened it he saw neatly folded clothes, a uniform of some sort as though
it were worn by a young prince, the crisp shirt, the tailed jacket with gloves, the tights and
boots, if one was to wear all this, they'd mistake him for the prince of Wales, the jacket
was a navy blue with some embroideries on it of snow flakes like the male version of
Queen Elsa from Frozen's dress but with no train or cape,
"Dad, I love it",
"I knew you would, 'cause I had it altered just for you, I was slightly bigger than you when I
was your age, when I wore this back when I was a little prince before I rebelled, son, I
want you to know I love you and I want you to walk into that party with your head held
"Thanks dad, love you too", says Trevor as they hug each other.

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