chapter 20

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Operation was done doctor came out kinn rushed there how is my Porsche and babies. Babies were fine and it's twin boys said doctor. Porsche kinn asked He his ok but we need to observe him. babies are in incubator said doctor.

Porsche and babies shifted to the vvip ward heavy security arranged kinn saw porsche and went to the babies dad they were small said kinn tear flowing from his eyes he smiled. They were copies of you kinn said korn kinn smiled.

After 3 hour porsche opened his eyes slowly he looked at kinn who sat near him porsche are you feeling alright tears are flowing from porsche's eyes from pain in his abdomen kinn pressed emergency button doctors came checked on him gave him a pain killer injection for surgical wound pain.

Kinn relieved porsche and babies are fine porsche looked at kinn with teary eyes does it hurts again kinn asked worriedly. babies porsche asked. Kinn hold porsche's hand they were fine don't cry please. Said worriedly. Kinn are we cousins is that true are going to leave me porsche asked while sobbing. No porsche no we are not that's not true your mom is my dad's adopted sister not blood related said kinn. Yes porsche she is my adopted sister and she married your father she never contacted us she was happy with her family said korn. we didn't tell you because doctor told that don't give stress that's why sorry son. Said korn kinn nodded hold porsche's hand they were silent korn broke the silence said don't you wanna see babies. Ha Porsche they were small said kinn. Kinn went near took on  baby in is hand nervously dad I'm scared said kinn korn took another baby went near to porsche. Porsche took both babies in his arm tear flowing from porsche's eyes kinn hugged porsche they both kissed babies.

After three days Porsche discharged from the hospital. In mansion takhun never leave porsche's side he was very exited when he saw babies. when Porsche entered the room somany babies things toys play house were arranged by takhun. Everyone were very happy in mansion. Chay saw babies in video call because his exams were going. Vegas also saw babies first he afraid to took babies in his arm then he took glared at the babies and kinn they were like him vegas rolled his eyes saw porsche. Porsche was very happy vegas smiled. Everyone went from there kinnporsche were alone kinn smiled at porsche kissed him did you choose the name porsche asked. No I'm confused. You have only one week time said porsche kinn nodded they both took babies kinn playing with babies fingers Porsche looked ai him porsche see their fingers were tiny they were trying to hold my fingers kinn giggled they were cute said kinn smiled Porsche smiled back said you're cute said kissed kinn's cheek.

Others gun took a sip of alcohol called someone vegas entered the house saw gun speaking with someone in phone dad what are you doing vegas asked. You came they were happy right Porsche what he was doing he happy right because of him my love died look at me how I'm and he was happy it will end soon i will kill him with my own hand said gun. Dad don't you dare to hurt him vegas roared oh you love him right he was happy with him vegas let's make a deal let's kidnap him do whatever you want to do with him then i will kill him how is it isn't it fun i will take my revenge you can take him vegas shocked to hear what gun saying dad I'm not like you i love him truly and he was happy with him that's ok for he loves him I'm happy seeing him happy and I'm not like you I'm not going do what you did. Ohh then your going against me right guards... Gun called the guards lock him said guards dragged vegas from there. Vegas pushed guard run from there took his mobile sent a message to kinn they were gathering my father coming for Porsche save him. vegas switched off the phone throwed it guards see. Guards dragged him from there locked him up.

Ting! A message popped kinn's mobile kinn saw that porsche looked at him kinn didn't change is expression he smiled caressed porsche's hair looked at the babies.

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