***RWBY One-Shot: By The Hammer

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The sound of chirping birds and swaying leaves were the first bits of sound that greeted me when consciousness came rolling back. A sense of confusion was all I could think of as I flexed my fingers, feeling the somewhat cool grass between them, and bent my knees to check if the joints still worked.

When my evaluation of myself and basic functions felt as good as they could be, I finally opened my eyes to the green canopy above me. Towering trees in a circle from where I lay casted me in a shadow as I lay on the ground for a moment. No thoughts going through my mind as I looked at the swaying branches above me. Just simply laying around, doing laying things.

'That was a horrid joke.' I thought disgruntled with myself. With nothing productive being done in my current position, I finally sat up to take in my current situation.

At first, I didn't think much of where I was. Yet at the same time I did. It was like any other forest you'd come across. Vast trees as far as you can see with a patch of open land here and there and some hills. The odd flower or overgrown grass dotted around where I could see. Yet at the same time, it felt unfamiliar... and eerie. Some of the distant trees created shadows that made you feel like something was watching you. Sometimes the long silences that would follow you every now and again would make one feel like they are being hunted. Plus, the bits of protruding stones that looked nothing like rocks, but instead like old worn down structures.

I guess the way I'm describing my current surroundings and situation would be confusing to some or maybe a bit crazy to others. Well, I could tell you my story to have this all make sense.


Sadly it would have to wait as I have some special company.

Quickly getting to my feet, I turned around to see the animals that found me in this vast forest. You'd think it would be a wandering wolf or a massive territorial bear. Unfortunately those were not the animals that were before me.

Also to mention, they are not really animals. Especially ones from Earth.

No, what was graced before my presence was in fact a large Grimm. Basically creatures of the night that preyed on the living with the only thing going their minds was kill, kill, and kill some more.

The three that had the fortunate day of finding me were called Ursa. Kinda like large bears but vastly different. For starters, they had larger paws adorned with fierce claws, their muzzle seemed much fatter and somewhat shorter than that of a grizzly, and lastly they were covered in thick, black-as-night fur with white bone along their backs and face. The most prominent feature that made these things look like monsters were the white, skull-like masks on their faces and beady red eyes that shook you to the bone. The kind of creatures to make any man shiver in his boots.

Too bad for them, I was no regular man. At least, not anymore.

That would become more prominent when the supposed leader of the three beasts roared and charged towards me. Most likely finding me an easy kill for itself. Dirt and small rocks being kicked up as it approached me with very malicious intent.

'Too bad for this sucker.' I would think as a grin came upon my face. In a nonchalant fashion, I raised my right hand and snapped my fingers. Anyone who would have seen me would probably think that I was gonna do some epic magic thing and obliterate this creature to the shadow realm. Or they would think that I was a psycho high off his ass about to get his shit kicked in.

However, the distant whistle of something flying through the bushes to my right would stop their thoughts in its tracks. Branches cracking as something obviously fast and heavy traveled towards my destination.

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