Dubzy's Guidance of Contents

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This chapter is for all you lovelies who have found my One-Shot to better understand what certain things mean when I add them to stories. This might frequently change or remain the same as of writing it.

Essentially, this is a guide to better understand if a story is a forever One-Shot, a One-Shot that can be used for your OWN inspiration to write a story (provided that you ask first and send me the link so I can read it), a One-Shot that can not be made into anything else because either 1, I don't want it to be, or 2, I am going to write it into a story myself.

Guidance of Contents:

Forever One-Shots: (*)

Inspiration One-Shot: 0**0

Personal One-Shot: *

Future Story One-Shot: ***

And that concludes the Guidance of Contents, please grab all belongings and calmly make your way off the vehicle. Thank you, goodbye. Goodbye. Thank you. Buh-bye now.

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