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Jungkook P.O.V
Its not even my fault that the knife slipped and cut that witch, I wailed internally. I desperately shielded myself from the heavy punches that rained on my stomach and the harsh whip that landed on my thighs.
It hurts so much...
I could feel blood trickling down my legs as I dashed out of the house, with my parents in hot pursuit. However, I did not manage to run that far. The pain proved too much to handle and I collapsed to the ground soon after running past the gates. I felt a slap on my face and a whip on my back. My consciousness was drifting away.
"Yah! What are you doing!" A familiar voice yelled. A pair of strong arms wrapped around me, the body shielding me from the whipping and punching. I could hear soft whimpers coming from the person protecting me as the blows rained on him, but he did not waver.
"Jeon Jungkook, looks like you found a loyal dog. Go and live with him! But don't ever think that you will get to live longer like that. The world will never be at peace as long as you live." My father sneered before slamming the gates behind him.

Jimin P.O.V
I winced at the sharp pain. Damn, that whip was sure powerful. I looked down at the near unconscious Jungkook. Blood was pouring down his legs. My heart ached badly at this sight. How long has he been suffering like this? His parents are so cruel... and did his father just call me a dog? I seethed in anger. I stumbled to my feet and gently carried Jungkook bridal style, ignoring the great pain that I was feeling. I thanked my lucky stars that I lived close by and with an enormous effort, brought him home. After placing him on my bed, I grabbed my first aid kit and prepared to treat his wounds.
"Yah, don't touch me."
I froze at his words. "But... you are badly injured!" I insisted. Jungkook shut his eyes and took a deep breath.
My happiness did not last long though, having realised that his wounds are on his upper thigh, covered by his shorts.
Its gonna be awkward...
With shaky hands, I pushed his shorts upwards, feeling him tense up all of a sudden. I gulped. His thighs look so sexy...
I mentally slapped myself for thinking this way. Grabbing some cotton wool, cream and water, I wiped away the blood and cleaned his wound slowly.
I dropped my cotton wool instantly. "Jungkook, you ok?"
He nodded, squeezing his eyes shut.
I gently cleaned up remaining wounds and lifted up his legs to bandage it.
"All done!" I said weakly. My wounds were still untreated and it hurt like hell. I tried to stand up but the world spun around rapidly and everything turned black as I fell to the ground.

Jungkook P.O.V
That guy... how did he know where I live? Why is he helping me although we barely met? I thought as he cleaned my wounds. Shit... it hurts so much. I turned away to hide my burning cheeks. Its so embarassing! After what seemed like hours, he finally finished cleaning my wounds. I sat up, no longer in that much pain. He stumbled to his feet before fainting. I turned white in horror. Placing him on the bed, I helped him to clean his wounds.
At least his wounds are on his arms.
Pabo... why didn't you just leave me alone? I sighed as I bandaged his wounds. His arm is so muscular... Jeon Jungkook! I screamed mentally. He stirred at opened his eyes slowly.
"What just happened..." He looked down at his arm and then looking at me. "Thank you, Jungkook." I frowned at him. "How did you know so much about me?" I questioned. His eyes immediately lit up and reached into his pocket to pull out my wallet. "You dropped this, so I decided to return it to you this evening." I snatched the wallet from his grasp and kept it in my pocket.
"I'm better now, I should get going." I mumbled and walked towards the door. A hand grabbed my wrist. "Where are you going? Back home? No way. I have a spare room here, you can stay with me." He said eagerly. I turned to give him an are you serious look but stopped. He was genuinely letting me stay. Well, I have nowhere to stay and there's no harm sleeping in his house, I thought. Nodding, I let him bring me to my new room. He threw me some clothes and started rambling about the directions to the toilet, kitchen and the other parts of the house.
"You know my name, so its only right for me to know yours." I said. Heck, this is my first time asking someone for their name. I burned with embarassment. He smiled, eyes turning into beautiful cresents. "I'm Park Jimin." Jimin. I nodded in acknowledgement.
"I should go now, sleep well." Jimin turned off the lights and I flopped onto the bed, eyelids growing heavier until I could take it no more.
Yay for JiKook! Please comment, vote and follow! Saranghae readers♡

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