A Hero, A Villain and A Vigilante Walk Into A Cheap Apartment... (Puffychurose)

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That was all Puffy could manage to say as she heard the loud crash outside her apartment. There went all of Puffy's plans to enjoy a night of ice cream and some cheap, so-bad-it's-good thrillers. The villain just sighed and headed over to the fire escape just outside one of her windows. It was there that Puffy saw a familiar pair of black wings.

"Oh fuck, Rook!" Puffy instantly opened the window and lifted the unconscious hero into her arms.

The hero was light, but that was too be expected from an avian. Puffy had, admittedly, never really studied their biology – most hybrids had pretty similar biology to humans with some excepts, avians were one of the few that were actually pretty different, making them almost alarming light. Their bones, their muscles, everything was different, and they had funky dietary requirements because of it. Which meant it sucked that a lot of their things were so difficult to come across unless they had wealth.

There used to be a villain that went around trying to figure out secret identities by picking up random people when they were alone. That villain ended up impaled on a spike, so it was obvious that he discovered at least one avian's secret identity – just not a hero's identity.

As Puffy shifted the hero to one arm, she fixed her cheap sofa bed so that it was functioning as a bed. It was a good thing the hero was so short, though her wings took up plenty of space to make up for it. The villain tucked the hero under a blanket before she realized that she had no idea what she needed to do.

So, she called up the only avian she knew she could trust.

"Hey, Hannah, I need help with something, and I need you to not ask any questions," Puffy said into her phone.

Puffy heard an exasperated sigh on the end, "Okay, so wrap up the body in something, I'll take care of the disposal."

"Not that kind of help!"

When Hannah arrived at her apartment with a large bag, the look she gave Puffy made it clear that she wasn't pleased to be helping a hero. Hannah was a vigilante in the truest sense, powerful with her plant powers, with a mercenary mentality. The only reason why Puffy got free help from Hannah was because Hannah had been informed about the Egg, a warning so that Hannah couldn't be tricked into becoming one of Eggs thralls.

Hannah sighed as she checked over the hero that was passed out on Puffy's sofa bed, "Yeah, she's just hungry."

"What can we do?" Puffy asked.

"Nothing until she wakes up. Unless you feel like playing mama bird?" Hannah shook her head as she headed to Puffy's kitchen, "Do you have a blender?"

Puffy followed her, "Yeah, in the cabinet right there. Why?"

Hannah pulled out Puffy's blender, before she started going through her own bag. There were jars of different types of powders that Puffy didn't recognize, and Hannah just started piling different powders into Puffy's blender. It didn't make for a pretty sight, and the scent didn't give Puffy high hopes for the taste.

"I'm making some high-calorie avian milkshakes. These are different nutrient powders, like protein, calcium, and all that. Your hero is going to need it when she wakes up," Hannah explained.

Puffy nodded, "Oh, that's pretty cool."

"It's going to taste like shit, and she should still have something solid in her before she leaves. Rooks have a pretty diverse diet, but it's most vegetables, so that's what I brought. Can you heat them up?" Hannah continued.

Puffy picked up one of the prepackage meals – expensive ones that Puffy was doubting were obtained legally. But the villain was in no position to question that, especially knowing that Hannah had connections to the underground food ring that provides food for those in need. Instead, Puffy just used a fork to poke holes in the plastic covering before putting the meal in the microwave for a few minutes.

The hero woke up with a jolt when Hannah started the blender.

Rook fought with the blanket for a short moment, before she looked around the apartment in confusion. Then she spotted the two women in the kitchen. They all stared at each other silently for a moment, before the microwave interrupted the silence awkwardly.

"Hello," Puffy said.

Hannah made a noise of amusement behind her.

"What is happening?" Rook asked.

"You passed out on my fire escape," Puffy offered.

Hannah finished blending together the milkshake before she moved to hand it to the hero, "You should drink this, then you can have something to eat."

Rook hesitated before she took the shake, "Thank you."

Puffy decided to busy herself with getting the actual meal ready for the hero. Hannah started to repeat the process of making the shakes. The hero sipped at the milkshakes with a grimace, and Puffy really didn't envy her in that moment. That was when Puffy brought over the meal and placed it beside the hero. She pulled over one of her stools from the kitchen counter into the living room.

"So...how are you feeling?" Puffy asked.

"Better now," Rook said, "Thank you... Do I... know you?"



Puffy and Hannah looked at each other, while Rook paused before she started eating.

"Villains, then?"

Hannah shook her head. "Nope."

"I don't think of myself that way," Puffy replied.

"Puffy, you need to stop," Hannah gave Puffy a look.

Rook just laughed. It wasn't the same forced laugh Puffy had heard in every interview when Rook was asked an inappropriate question, it was genuine and a little bit goofy. Eventually she settled herself and shook her head before she looked up at Puffy.

"Aries, there isn't exactly a lot of six-foot nine sheep hybrids on the hero scene," Rook said.

"And there won't be any once you get Puffy locked up," Hannah shrugged, "Or worse, possessed by the Egg."

"You have got to be joking..." Rook said.

"She doesn't believe me about the Egg," Puffy explained to Hannah, then she turned to Rook, "And Hannah over there thinks she could defeat the Egg."

"You said it had crimson vibes coming out of it. Vines are plants, and I control plants," Hannah replied.

"Do not. Go near. The Egg," Puffy sighed.

Rook giggled again, "I'm going to go. Thank you both, that was... that was nice..."

"See you around, little bird," Puffy grinned.

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